Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1001 Black Light Figure

Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

A Yuanying cultivator swore a thunder tribulation oath to him, which really overestimated himself.

If nothing unexpected happened, everyone would basically stop at the Yuanying stage, and there was no need to go through the thunder tribulation!

Mo Xun's hands did not stop, and at the same time as Wu Bu spoke, the bloodthirsty sword drew a long sword light with a burst of murderous intent.

The sword light and the huge black fist shadow collided together, bursting out a dazzling glow.

The strong impact of mana made the two retreat again and again.

However, Mo Xun only retreated a few feet and rushed up again with a flash of golden light.

On the other hand, Wu Bu spurted out a large mouthful of thick blood, and the disintegrating fist shadow even shook him away.

Before he could stabilize his body, Mo Xun had already arrived in front of him.

The red sword light rushed towards him, causing Wu Bu's body to tighten, and instantly tore through his body protection light shield.

Wu Bu was shocked, and he pinched the Dao formula in his hand, and the whole person suddenly disappeared.

The sword light tore the disappearing shadow into pieces, bringing up a handful of blood in the air.

When Wu Bu appeared again, he was already staggering a hundred feet away.

"Don't go too far!"

Facing that furious and twisted face, Mo Xun would never waste words with him, and suddenly used the Mountain Shaking Back like a flash of lightning.

When Mo Xun's hard body like a small mountain hit him, Wu Bu flew backwards again, and his body felt a tearing pain.

Now he finally understood what the golden light on Mo Xun's body was!

The opponent was actually an extremely powerful body-refining cultivator.

Wu Bu spit out blood again, and the blood was mixed with a ball of black gas.

The black gas spun rapidly in the air, and in an instant, a wide-ranging tornado was formed, blocking the two people, and as the rotation speed increased, the condensed tornado wind became stronger and stronger. In a few breaths, it covered the sky and covered the area of ​​hundreds of feet.

At this moment, Wu Bu was standing in the center of the tornado, constantly burning his own blood, and his eyes were full of red when he looked at Mo Xun.

At this moment, the world seemed to have come to the end of the world.

The huge black tornado was still expanding, and soon swept across half of the valley.

"Since you are unwilling to stop, even if I sacrifice my life, I will drag you into reincarnation."

The black tornado contained a strong demonic energy.

Because Mo Xun was a little slow, he was swept into the strong wind.

This strong wind seemed to be substantial. Wherever it passed, it rolled up all the grass, trees, and rocks. As the tornado rotated, it was directly torn into pieces.

The mud and debris in the sky turned the originally lush valley into a bare Gobi in an instant.

Feeling the pressure of the restraints around him, Mo Xun's blood and qi circulated in his body, and the six-foot golden light extended a few points outward.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, it was certain that Wu Bu wanted to die with him.

But this method didn't seem to be enough!

Although the gale was strong and the tearing force was getting stronger and stronger, it only created some obstacles for Mo Xun's body of the eighth level.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's blood and energy gushed out frantically, offsetting the tearing force to the maximum extent. At the same time, he suddenly jumped high, passed through the demonic dust and sand, and reached out to grab Wu Bu.

In his other hand, the bloodthirsty sword was also sacrificed at the same time.

Just when he was about to reach the center of the storm, Wu Bu suddenly showed a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and thought to himself, is there a trick?

Sure enough, a black talisman suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Mo Xun dodged in a hurry, but he was a step too late. The talisman turned into thousands of black threads in the air and quickly wrapped around his body.

Then, he was wrapped in the black silk thread.

Just when Mo Xun thought that the guy was going to take the opportunity to attack, who knew that the other party just glanced at him and turned around and ran away.

Is this... a trap?

This was the first time that Mo Xun had encountered such a strange talisman. It seemed that the world was indeed full of strange things.

Fortunately, this black thread only entangled him and did not cause any substantial damage.

Seeing that Wu Bu was about to escape from his sight, Mo Xun's mind moved, and a red flame suddenly burst out from the ground, forming a wall of fire in the direction of Wu Bu's escape.

This wall of fire was the Nanming Lihuo that Mo Xun had just refined.

Seeing that his retreat was blocked, Wu Bu was shocked and astonished.

When Chi Li appeared just now, he was shocked. Although he did not recognize it at first sight, he soon noticed that it was Xuantian True Fire.

True fire is extremely rare.

It is a great opportunity to encounter one in many years, but who knew that this insidious Nanjiang Yuanying actually had a second kind.

At this time, Wu Bu did not care about the danger of being burned and rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

The blazing fire wave rushed towards him, and Wu Bu felt that even his sea of ​​consciousness was burned.

In an instant, the clothes on his body turned into nothingness.

Wu Bu hurriedly gathered his magic power and condensed a thick layer of magic armor around his body. At the same time, a bronze bell covered his head.

The heat wave swept over his body, as if he was whipped by a blazing fire whip.

The surface of the bronze bell even had cracks in a few breaths.

Wu Bu did not dare to delay, and madly surged his true energy to break out.

At the same time, the silk thread wrapped around Mo Xun's body was also broken inch by inch.

Seeing that Wu Bu was about to escape from the range of the sea of ​​fire, Mo Xun pinched several magic formulas in his hand, and the red vine that originally trapped Shi Xian's Yuanying turned into a flame, and transformed into a huge fireball in the air, smashing straight over.

A shrill scream came from the sea of ​​fire, but Mo Xun seemed to be oblivious to it. The bloodthirsty sword in his hand flew out with a red sword light.

There was another painful roar, and Mo Xun's mind swept over it, and his heart immediately lightened.

The blood-colored long sword had already pierced from behind Wu Bu.

The bloodthirsty sword glowed red, and with the cooperation of the two kinds of Xuantian True Fire, it was like a blood-sucking devil, constantly sucking blood from Wu Bu's body.

Mo Xun left a residual image in the air and then came to Wu Bu.

Without saying anything, he slapped the other party's top of the head.

"You can't kill me, I am the young master of the Demon Flame Sect..."

Before he could finish his words, Mo Xun's palm carrying the violent true energy had already slapped down, but just as it touched Wu Bu's body, a black light burst out from his head and collided with Mo Xun's palm wind.

The black light seemed to contain a vast power, and it exploded.

Even though Mo Xun had a strong mana and a tough body, he was still knocked back several steps by this force.

Then, an old and furious voice suddenly rang out.

"Who dares to kill my son?"

Under the impact of the mana, Wu Bu fainted immediately, and an illusory figure floated above his head.

The figure stared at Mo Xun angrily. Although it was not the real person, he could still feel a strong oppression from the majesty.

Mo Xun frowned, and he knew without thinking that this was definitely a late-stage great cultivator.

And it was not an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul!

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