At this moment, both sides seemed to have tacitly blew the horn to withdraw their troops.

The sound transmission jade talisman on Mo Xun's waist also flashed.

Turning his head, he saw a ball of fire rising into the sky at the end of the distant field of vision. He didn't know what happened.

Liu Changqing flew over in a hurry.

"Senior, what should we do next?"

Liu Changqing didn't know Mo Xun before. Although he respected him in his heart, he didn't have much conviction.

More of it came from the gap between their cultivation.

But at this moment, he was really a little awed.

Previously, when he saw Mo Xun take the initiative to provoke the demon Yuanying, Liu Changqing was quite annoyed, especially when Mo Xun was defeated and fled, which made him even more disdainful.

If not, why would their Chiyan Army fall into a passive melee?

It was not until he saw Mo Xun's bloody killing that Liu Changqing was shocked and truly understood the horror of Yuanying cultivators.

The one who fought against him before was also a late Jindan cultivator, but he couldn't do a single move in Mo Xun's hands.

How strong is this strength?

Liu Changqing's heart trembled when he thought of the two demon Yuanying who had gone to kill Mo Xun.

What else could be the reason for their disappearance?

It had only been two incense sticks, and there was no news of the two top demon masters.

Liu Changqing had been practicing for three or four hundred years, and had basically seen the Yuanying ancestors of the major sects.

But no one was as fierce as Mo Xun.

And the blood-colored vortex that swept the entire battlefield was obviously sucking the blood of the dead cultivators.

If Mo Xun had not been their leader, Liu Changqing would have thought that this was done by some demon cultivator.

Mo Xun waved his hand. Since he had withdrawn his troops, he didn't want to cause any more trouble.

At least two or three thousand demon cultivators died in his short attack just now.

Including those killed by others before, the Chiyan Army can be said to have won a great victory this time.

The army of the Demonic Path may not even survive 20%.

Until now, the Bloodthirsty Sword is still continuously refining the blood around it.

"Let's withdraw the troops first!"

Looking at the battlefield that has become a ruin, Mo Xun's face is calm.

He doesn't like killing very much, but when the time comes, he won't have any psychological burden.

Whether it is the fight between cultivators or this kind of battle of Taoism, it is nothing more than the redistribution of resources.

What everyone is fighting for is immortality!

The way of heaven is fair, and the life span allocated to everyone is also equal.

If you want to live forever, you will inevitably deprive others of their life span and then add it to yourself.

Since you have chosen this path, you can either deprive or be deprived.

Mo Xun still has this awareness.

On the main peak of Wuliang Mountain, this battle that did not last long finally came to an end.

Although the time was not long, the casualties were obviously not small.

If Mo Xun hadn't made the final move, at least 30% of the Red Flame Army would have perished.

As for the other armies of cultivators, the situation was similar. Just one battle caused heavy losses to the Tiandao League, which had been preparing for war for a long time.

Low-level cultivators were fine, as there were many disciples in the major sects.

But it was impossible to cultivate foundation building or Dan formation in a short period of time.

Of course, the Demonic Path was probably not in a good situation either.

If this kind of war happened every now and then, it would be a disaster for the entire Dongsheng Continent's cultivation world.

Fortunately, wars are not fought like this, otherwise even if there were hundreds of millions of lives, they would not be able to withstand such consumption.

When both sides rest and recuperate again, the next war may be a few months later.

However, during this period, friction and conflict on the border will definitely not stop.

Both sides should restrain themselves when they are not prepared.

In the meeting hall, many Yuanying gathered together again.

However, the number of people was five or six less than before.

These people may have been dragged to other places by the demonic Yuanying to fight, or they may have been hiding somewhere to heal their wounds.

Of course, it is also possible that they are in danger.

The ball of fire that Mo Xun saw before was a melee in which multiple Yuanyings from both sides were involved at the same time.

Perhaps in order to preserve the Yuanying foundation, they each called off the battle.

When Mo Xun came in, he happened to meet the eyes of Wang Boshan and Mu Congnan.

Both of them had some injuries to varying degrees.

As for the others, they also had True Yuan fluctuations that had not yet dissipated.

It seems that most people took action in this battle.

After seeing Mo Xun, Wang Boshan and Mu Congnan frowned at the same time, as if they did not expect Mo Xun to be able to come back safely.

After all, they saw the previous pursuit with their own eyes.

But when they thought of Mo Xun's powerful means, they were relieved.

Two Yuanyings in the early stage really couldn't do anything to this guy.

In addition to regret, the two could only hope that Mo Lao Mo would not have such good luck next time.

What they didn't know was that after today, Mo Xun would leave.

His eyes swept over Xuan Jing. The old woman still had that cold face, but judging from her complexion, she probably didn't make a move.

Fan Xiuzhu was also a little embarrassed. After nodding to Mo Xun, he sat aside to heal his wounds.

Seeing that almost everyone had arrived, the Holy Spirit Master spoke.

"Wen, I would like to say thank you for your hard work. It may take some time to count the specific achievements in the battle, and the number of casualties is only a simple estimate. Let me talk about this first!"

Although the face of the Holy Spirit was calm, there was still an undisguised solemnity between his brows.

"The number of casualties among the foundation-building and Qi-refining cultivators is unknown, but the total is at least more than 30,000. A detailed list will be sent to the corresponding sects afterwards. The pensions and rewards for these people will also be distributed according to specific regulations. In order to avoid a lack of troops, I would like to ask all Taoist friends to coordinate with the sects to send a second wave of disciples as soon as possible. I will also recruit casual cultivators from the entire southern border in the name of the Tiandao League."

This number was expected by most people.

The competition between the sects is, to put it bluntly, a war of attrition.

Perhaps one day one side can no longer afford to waste, and the war will end.

"In addition, there are the Jindan cultivators. At present, I know that 17 people have fallen. Even for Fellow Daoist Huo, only the Nascent Soul escaped."

The Fellow Daoist Huo he mentioned is named Huo Daocheng, the supreme elder of Taicang Sect.

Mo Xun had met this person before, but he was not impressed.

When it came to this, everyone felt a little sympathetic.

After all, everyone is at the same level, with similar status and position. The fate of this person today may be what they will face in the future.

This is just the loss of the physical body. If even the Nascent Soul is destroyed, it would be tragic.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, please say it. If... you have made some achievements, you can also talk about it here."

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