Mo Xun frowned and shook his head.

"Since they have revealed their true form, they won't be so stupid!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel puzzled, and at the same time he began to doubt his previous guess.

Wuji Sanren wanted to capture Wen Zixi and Li Qingying, was it really to deal with him?

If so, it would be better, at least Li Qingying's life would not be in danger.

The scary thing is... there is another reason!

Mo Xun suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked: "You are from Jiuli Palace, didn't you inform the sect after the attack?"

"To be honest, my master is the Supreme Elder Meng Bolei in the palace. After the incident, I informed my master with a sound transmission note, but I don't know why, I haven't received a reply. Maybe he is on his way now."

Mo Xun glanced at the surrounding terrain. Although this place is still within the territory of Xuanwu Country, it is not close to Jiuli Palace.

He has been to Baiye City before.

Thinking that he was chased to the Infinite Sea by Bai Li, he had traveled through the entire Jiuli Palace.

Whether Wen Zixi notified the sect or not is actually not important.

The key now is to find Li Qingying's whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun fell into a brief contemplation.

After a moment, he suddenly shouted in a certain direction: "Lu Wushen!"

I saw that the place where there was nothing originally, first there were space ripples, and then the space seemed to have a hole.

Then, an ugly head came out.

"Hehe, it seems that you kid finally have something to ask of me."

Mo Xun knew that Lu Wushen had been following him all this time.

Since this guy got the benefits of the chaotic turbid air, he has been trying every means to continue to ask for it from Mo Xun.

But Mo Xun had picked up all the treasures on his body, and there was nothing valuable to exchange.

Although Mo Xun promised to give him some every once in a while.

But that little turbid air is not enough for it to recover its injuries and cultivation!

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't get it back, so he could only follow him like this.

Mo Xun didn't waste any words and said directly: "Help me find someone!"

Lu Wushen tore open the void and got out from it.

This scene shocked Dong Qianxue and Wen Zixi.

Such means are no different from the legendary immortals.

However, Mo Xun knew that this was nothing more than a space magic. If you understand the principle, it's just that.

What scared the two most was Lu Wushen's weird appearance.

It looks like an ape but not an ape, and like a tiger but not a tiger.

The key is that it's too ugly!

"Okay, as long as you provide me with a wisp of soul, let alone a person, I can find you even a grasshopper."

Mo Xun looked at Wen Zixi, and his meaning was self-evident.

But Wen Zixi shook her head blankly.

How could such a precious thing as the blood of a cultivator be handed over to others casually?

Fortunately, Wen Zixi seemed to have thought of something soon and hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag.

"There is a drop of Qingying's blood in it. A few years ago, I was going to refine a life-saving magic weapon for her and integrate this blood into the magic weapon, but I was delayed by other things. I wonder if it will work?"

Integrating blood into magic weapons is a common method.

The advantage of doing so is that it can achieve a better connection with the magic weapon and the power is greater.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, when the magic weapon is damaged, the cultivator will suffer more serious injuries.

Mo Xun looked at Lu Wushen again.

Lu Wushen bends his fingers and takes the porcelain bottle into his hand.

"Blood is naturally better!"

Then, Lu Wushen took out the blood drop from the air and made it float in front of him, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Two sharp claws quickly formed several magic seals on his chest.

The bright red blood drop suddenly boiled, and then turned into a red light, rushing towards the distance.

"Hurry, follow me!"

Mo Xun's eyes fixed, and he jumped up directly. In the blink of an eye, he and Lu Wushen disappeared.

Dong Qianxue and Wen Zixi also heard a voice transmission.

"Find a place to wait first... Junior Sister Dong, go find Sun Ku, don't act rashly before I come back!"

In front of a waterfall hanging a hundred feet, Lu Wushen and Mo Xun stopped at the same time.

The red light transformed by the blood essence disappeared in the waterfall.

Mo Xun first glanced around. The waterfall was hanging on the side of the cliff, more than 20 to 30 feet wide.

The waves sprinkled from the sky formed a hazy mist on the river below.

The sound of waves hitting the water was endless, rumbling like thunder.

With just one glance, Mo Xun found that there was a sophisticated array of formations around.

There are not only protective formations and restrictions to limit spiritual consciousness, but also illusions that confuse the mind.

Lu Wushen smiled.

"Do you want me to help you?"

Mo Xun shook his head and threw out a jade bottle.

"No need..."

He changed his words halfway through and said, "If someone escapes, help me stop one or two."

Lu Wushen couldn't wait to uncork the bottle, and his face was immediately filled with joy.

"Don't worry, as long as the person who comes out is not as perverted as you, I will not let him escape."

Then, Mo Xun's figure disappeared.

This array technique was not difficult for him.

In just one stick of incense, he passed through the thick water curtain.

The first thing that appeared in the field of vision was a dim passage.

Mo Xun nodded secretly, there was indeed something else going on here!

After walking for a few hundred feet, he stopped. After standing for a while, he raised his hand and threw out several formation flags. The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The originally turbid environment disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there was a quiet little valley.

The valley was not big, and it looked only about a thousand feet square.

In the center of the valley, there were two circular stone platforms.

The stone platforms seemed to be connected by some kind of formation runes, and the outside was covered by a faint halo.

On one of the stone platforms, a woman in green was sitting cross-legged.

The woman had silver hair, her head drooped, and there was almost no life in her body.

The moment he saw this woman, Mo Xun's heart sank.

If what he expected was correct, this should be Li Qingying.

It was just strange that there was no trace of other figures besides her.

Mo Xun's face was gloomy, and he slowly flew towards the stone platform.

But when passing by a big tree, he seemed to feel something was wrong and slowed down a little.

At this moment, the big tree suddenly turned into a black light and flew towards the entrance of the valley.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, raised his hand and a light blade flew out, directly slashing the black light.

A muffled groan was heard, and a ball of blood splashed in the air.

Then a figure staggered and fell to the ground, revealing a face that Mo Xun was familiar with.

It was the first person he met when he entered the world of immortal cultivation, Xiao Qian!

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