Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1041: Deep into the Fire Pond

I don’t know how far I walked, until there was no movement behind me, Mo Xun stopped.

In front of me, there was still endless Yin Fire magma.

Mo Xun did not try this time, but after hesitating for a while, he summoned Xuantian True Fire and directly used the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor.

The purple flames immediately covered his whole body, as if he was wearing a flame armor.

Then he jumped up and jumped directly into the magma.

However, after only a dozen breaths, the magma exploded and he flew out again.

The true fire breath on his body was a little weaker.

Mo Xun quickly put away the red vine, adjusted his breath simply, and frowned at the same time.

This Yin Fire seemed not as fierce as his Xuantian True Fire, but because it contained a strong poison, it could actually pollute the true fire.

This was a bit troublesome. Could it be that even Xuantian True Fire could not do anything?

Next, Mo Xun tried several times in a row, and finally he could get a time.

That is, with the Xuantian True Fire, plus the six-zhang golden light, and the protection of the magic power, he can only stay in the magma for a hundred breaths at most.

If it is longer, it will cause irreversible damage to the foundation of Taoism.

But in this time, I am afraid that I can't even dive to the bottom of the pool.

Besides, the deeper I dive, the more serious the damage of Yin Fire will be.

If others knew that someone could dive into the Yin Fire Pool and stay there for so long, they would probably be shocked.

Mo Xun stayed by the fire pool for a full half day.

Perhaps compared with the level and strength of Xuantian True Fire, Yin Fire is far behind.

But in terms of toxicity, it is rare in the world.

If Chi Li forced to dive into the fire pool, it would not be impossible, but if it took a long time, it would inevitably damage the Heavenly Fire True Essence.

After all, Chi Li has nurtured spirituality now.

If you are not careful, it will lead to spiritual weakness.

In fact, everything in the world must follow the law of mutual restraint. No matter how powerful the means are, there are ways to restrain them.

Just like the Xuantian True Fire, although it is said that everything can be burned, it can't do anything with this kind of earth fire at the moment.

If only we could find a way to restrain the Yin Fire!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun suddenly flashed a green light in his hand, and took out his last method.

That is the green gourd!

It can be said that without this thing, he would not be where he is today.

In his opinion, this thing is most likely something from the upper realm.

It is definitely not bred in the mortal world.

He held the green gourd in one hand, and was undecided for a while, fearing that the Yin Fire's toxicity was weird and would damage this treasure.

After hesitating for a long time, he decided to give it a try.

But to be on the safe side, he still had to take some protection.

He saw the mana in his hand condense, and a circle of mana protection condensed on the surface of the green gourd. After feeling that it was about right, he carefully pushed the gourd into the magma through the air.

After the green gourd was submerged in the magma, the outer layer of magic power was slowly removed.

Mo Xun's heart was also slightly lifted.

When he used the green gourd for shelter before, he had thought about whether it would be damaged, but many times things happened suddenly and he didn't have time to think so much.

It was very different from the current situation!

After a moment, Mo Xun slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This green gourd really gave him a lot of surprises!

Then, he took out the Liangjie Mountain that he had obtained from Fang Xinghe not long ago.

Next, he had to sacrifice this thing.

He first sat cross-legged and spent a whole day to barely refine a small part of this thing, then turned the magic mountain into the size of a millstone, and dug a small hole next to it, and then embedded the green gourd in it.

Because the gourd was too light, it could not sink after being put into the magma, so it had to be used as a counterweight.

As for whether this thing would be damaged, it was not a concern.

After doing all this, he swept the palm wind and threw the Liangjie Mountain into the magma. When it was about to sink, the whole person turned into a breeze and entered the green gourd.

In the green world, Bai Ze was dozing off bored.

As soon as Mo Xun appeared, the little girl ran over impatiently.

"Uncle, are you here to take me out?"

Go out?

Mo Xun's mouth twitched. Going out at this time was simply courting death.

But it was no wonder that the little girl was so looking forward to it. With the little guy's personality, it was really hard to sit still in this airtight place all day.

Mo Xun didn't say anything, and his eyes fell on the ice coffin in the corner.

In the crystal-clear coffin, a woman with silver hair was lying quietly.

The woman's expression was peaceful, as if she was sleeping.

Around the ice coffin, a circle of colorful flowers was placed at some point, making the cold coffin look like being in a sea of ​​flowers.

A fragrance came from the tip of the nose, adding a different kind of beauty to this monotonous blue world.

"Did you make these?"

Bai Ze laughed.

"Yes, Sister Qingying will definitely like it!"

Mo Xun did not comment, but his silence at this moment clearly approved of this behavior.

It's just the way the little guy addressed him...

He called Li Qingying "sister" and "uncle", while Li Qingying called him "big brother"... It's really messy!

"You go practice first and get familiar with the use of the chaotic turbid air I gave you. We will often walk in the outside world in the future, so don't let people notice the demonic aura on you."

Mo Xun threw down this sentence and sat down cross-legged, estimating the time in his heart.

Bai Ze wanted to say something, but when he saw Mo Xun's look, he could only shut up.

About a cup of tea later, Mo Xun took out the green gourd.

When he appeared in the magma again, not only did he condense the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor around him, but he also displayed a six-foot golden light.

He also built a layer of protection with his magic power.

A chill came with a blazing fire, and black streams, like ink mixed in clear water, mixed in the dark green magma, slowly drifting with the viscous magma.

This is... fire poison!

Mo Xun's heart trembled. He didn't expect that the toxicity in the depths of the fire pool was so strong that it could be seen with the naked eye.

As soon as the black venom touched the Xuantian True Fire on his body, it made a hissing sound, like a basin of cold water poured on a bonfire, directly corroding a large area, causing the True Fire to wilted instantly.

Mo Xun quickly stepped back two steps to avoid the flowing venom.

The depths of the fire pool are indeed much more dangerous than the upper part.

The intensity of the flames is secondary, the main thing is the ubiquitous fire poison.

Mo Xun quickly put away the Liangjie Mountain, carefully avoiding the flowing black poison while searching aimlessly.

If the Hundred Illusionary Sky Crystal is produced here, it can probably be found at the bottom of the pool.

But the workload is probably not small.

Because he can't use his spiritual sense, he can only avoid the poison while moving slowly forward.

The most important point is that every few dozen breaths, once his mana and blood are almost consumed, he has to return to the gourd again.

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