Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1045 Tea and Wine Recipe

Mo Xun did not speak. At this time, he knew that he could not speak casually.

If he refused too bluntly, in this strange place, facing a strange talking teapot, who knows what would be waiting for him.

He has always been a man of his word, and he would not agree to anything he is not sure of.

The teapot did not seem to want to wait for him to promise anything, but spoke again.

"There is a box in the attic. When you leave, take it with you. If you meet a candle dragon named Wu Xi one day, give it to her, and then..."

The teapot was silent for a short time.

"Then say that Zang Mo left..."

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while. The last word "left" was said lightly, but Mo Xun heard the inner unrest from it.

What does leaving mean?

Either he went to an unknown place, or he fell.

But in this atmosphere, the latter is obviously more likely.

Mo Xun did not ask who "Zang Mo" was, because the result was obvious.

The candle dragon named "Wu Xi" probably has an extremely unusual relationship with Zang Mo.

He wanted to ask about Wu Xi's specific situation, at least to know where he is now, whether he is a male or a female.

But before he could open his mouth, the sound of the teapot came again, and it became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely.

"My time is up, and I can finally fulfill my master's last wish..."

Then, the teapot turned into stars and floated into the air.

Mo Xun hurriedly shouted: "Senior..."

He called several times in succession, but in the empty bamboo house, except for a few echoes, there was no sound at all.

Mo Xun was stunned for a while, as if he was at a loss.

What does time mean?

Since he has been holding on for tens of thousands of years, can he not hold on to say a few more words to himself?

The key is that he hasn't agreed yet!

What is this!

Mo Xun sighed in his heart, and then he formally looked around.

It must be said that although the bamboo house is large, there is nothing inside.

There is a hoe behind the door, a pot for pounding medicine in the corner, and some miscellaneous household items.

Such as go, pen and ink, screen and the like.

It gives people the feeling that it is a pastoral hermit in the secular world.

No one can imagine that an ancient mythical beast once lived here.

It seems that the candle dragon named Zang Mo was a dull person when he was alive.

Mo Xun walked around several rooms downstairs, including the bedroom and the utility room, and did not find anything that should belong to the cultivator.

There is no secret room for cultivation or pill formula!

Even the bamboo house under his feet is built with ordinary bamboo.

The teapot should be good, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed without even explaining the words clearly.

Fortunately, he found a teleportation array in the backyard.

Mo Xun studied it briefly and it should still be usable. It is likely to lead to the outside world.

Then, he climbed up the wooden ladder to the second floor.

There were only two rooms on the second floor, one was empty without even a piece of furniture, and the other was arranged like a study.

There were not only wooden shelves made of bamboo, but also secret cabinets, desks and tables.

When Mo Xun saw the many jade slips on the wooden shelves, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He was a person who sometimes preferred things with words to natural treasures.

He picked up a jade slip at random and stuck it on his forehead.

When he saw the record on it, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least he knew this kind of text!

That candle dragon must have come from another world. The universe is vast, and it is natural that the text is not understandable.

However, after reading a few sentences of the content, Mo Xun was very disappointed.

It was recorded here, which turned out to be a recipe for brewing spirit wine.

And it was very detailed and verbose. Not only did it include the brewing process, but it also wrote down all the precautions clearly.

Even if a certain spirit herb was difficult to find, there was an annotation of a substitute next to it.

The most important thing is the wine-making experience, improvement process, etc.

After Mo Xun glanced at it briefly, he picked up the second one.

It turned out to be a wine recipe!

The third, fourth...still the same!

The only difference is that some recipes are still under trial and are not very mature.

However, these spirit wine recipes are quite effective, and the difficulty of brewing is no less than that of refining ordinary elixirs.

If taken all year round, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of cultivation.

Compared with spirit elixirs, spirit wine is not so demanding in terms of material selection in addition to satisfying the appetite.

And there is basically no failure in the rate of wine production, it is nothing more than different tastes and effects.

When I turned to the eighth jade slip, it was finally not a wine recipe.

But it was changed to a spirit tea recipe!

It records how to plant tea trees, select materials, stir-fry tea, refine tea utensils, etc.

Mo Xun was really speechless. The dignified Zhulong was actually a wine and tea tasting person.

This kind of divine beast is really worthy of its bloodline.

There were six or seven kinds of tea recipes, and half of the wooden shelves were filled with wine and tea.

Mo Xun finally became serious when he found a jade slip that recorded the escape method.

This thing was what he needed.

This was a blood escape technique, and its power was no less than that of the sky fire escape.

But after reading it, Mo Xun shook his head secretly.

This method has extremely high requirements for the body and blood. The later it is, the more blood it consumes to perform it, and it may even face serious injuries that will cause it to fall to a lower realm.

Ordinary humans can't bear it at all.

Only some divine beasts can sustain such consumption because of their innate blood and blood.

Even an eighth-level body refining master like Mo Xun would sigh in admiration.

But if you learn it, it will be an incredible means of escape.

In general, Mo Xun is quite satisfied and it is worth the trip.

And the next jade slip made him more and more excited.

In addition to blood escape, there are other more unconventional escape techniques, as well as escape talismans, techniques to hide breath and whereabouts, and dead puppets!

In short, they are all means of saving lives.

As for attack and cultivation, there is none of them.

Mo Xun secretly pondered that it seems that this senior Zhulong is a fellow traveler with him.

And these are what he needs most at the moment.

After Mo Xun quickly flipped through them, he waved his sleeves and collected all the jade slips.

This trip to Yinhuotan was a great harvest.

Not only did he get a large number of Baihuan Tianjing, but also secret magic.

The only regret was that there was no information about Zhulong's life and things related to the upper world.

Next to the wooden frame was a bamboo bed, on which there were only a few neatly folded gray robes besides a stone pillow.

At the head of the bed, there was a very conspicuous secret compartment.


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