After hearing a violent impact, the ground trembled, and the leaves of the tall shrubs nearby were scattered all over the ground.

Although the golden mask in front of the two people was still intact, there were several tiny cracks on the surface.

Of course, Fengli Beast himself wasn't much better. Even with the full force of the second blow, he was still ejected and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Xiao Qian's face was frighteningly pale. His chin and chest were already stained red, and he seemed to be at the end of his strength.

"Brother Mo, when I count to three later, you should try your best to run backwards. No matter what happens, don't stop."

As he spoke, Xiao Qian took out a dark projectile in his hand, which turned out to be the Fire Thunder Bead.

In an instant, Mo Xun understood the other party's intention.


As Xiao Qian's voice fell, Mo Xun's heart stirred, and he used all his strength to get up. It was obvious that this was the moment between life and death.


The wind glass beast in the formation shook its dizzy head and looked over again with a fierce look. When Xiao Qian shouted "two", it jumped high and pounced. "


Mo Xun almost didn't think about it. The Fiery Fire Art in his body was operating to the extreme, and it crazily gathered towards the meridians under his feet. Then, like a gust of wind, he ran as fast as he could into the distance.

Just as he was breathing, he heard a deafening explosion behind him, and then a wave of air hit his back.

At this moment, Mo Xun's mind was dominated only by the desire to survive, and there was a constant buzzing in his ears.

At this moment, he didn't care whether Xiao Qian was dead or alive. He could only run in a certain direction desperately, running continuously in the darkness. His clothes and face were constantly scratched and torn by tall shrubs and weeds, but compared to the situation behind him, So earth-shattering, what do these mean?

He didn't know how far he ran, and even he didn't know which direction he was going. It wasn't until the movement behind him slowly disappeared that he gradually stopped, and at the same time he noticed a panting figure next to him.

"Brother Xiao?"

"Hey, Brother Mo, it seems that you are really my lucky star. No matter what danger I encounter, you can always turn it into good luck."

Hearing Xiao Qian's weak voice, Mo Xun was slightly relieved. At the same time, he was secretly speechless. It was equivalent to a full blow from a monk in the foundation building stage. It was indeed extraordinary.

"Brother Xiao's injuries are more serious?"

Xiao Qian waved his hand feebly and said, "Find a place to rest first. Don't believe so easily that a Fire Thunder Bead can kill that beast."

Mo Xun nodded. He didn't believe that a level three monster with the strength of the initial stage of foundation building could die so easily.

In a small cave, only one person could pass through the entrance. As a precaution, the two of them completely sealed the entrance with rocks. The two of them had stayed here for three days and three nights.

As immortal cultivators, for them, those skin injuries are just a matter of a few days of meditation. In addition, they possess healing elixirs, so they can naturally recover much faster than ordinary people.

"Brother Mo, how do you feel?"

In order to buy time for Xiao Qian that night, Mo Xun was obviously more seriously injured.

"That's almost it... By the way, Brother Xiao, when you trapped that beast, you used a formation, right?"

In the darkness, the two of them couldn't see each other clearly. Mo Xun casually threw a fireball forward, and the cave became bright in an instant.

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