Qian Siniang leaned against the rock wall angrily, her vision already a little hazy due to excessive blood loss.

In sight, there is a young man, who is currently throwing the formation flags in different directions, repairing the broken formation.

This person's situation is not much better than hers.

He was also covered in blood, his clothes were in tatters, and there were a few broken pieces of magic weapons thrown at his feet.

However, this person's net worth seemed to be quite high. While throwing out the formation flag, he would occasionally throw out a handful of talismans as if he was free of money.

"Senior Qian, let's hold on for a while. Once the master receives the message, he will definitely come to rescue us soon."

The person who spoke was Sun Ku.

After Qian Siniang arrived in southern Xinjiang, she went to Tianjian Sect without stopping.

Mo Xun’s order to Dong Qianxue was to move the clan!

From now on, the whole sect will activate all the mountain-protecting formations and publicly declare that the sect will be closed for a hundred years.

Secretly, he began to sell off all valuable things in exchange for cultivation resources, and then gradually moved his disciples to the depths of the boundless sea.

In Mo Xun's view, this disaster is inevitable.

Especially the mysterious eighth teleportation array!

Ever since he learned about this, he didn't quite believe the twenty-year period that the Tiandao Alliance had discovered.

Maybe before this time comes, the Demon Ancestor will come!

Sun Ku's coming this time was also arranged by Mo Xun.

On the one hand, he needs someone who can convey messages and contact the Tianjian Sect.

On the other hand, the income from half a glass of wine has now reached millions of spirit stones every month. Such a huge amount of wealth needs someone to bring back to the sect in time.

Now that he has established a sect, he cannot stay out of it!

These spiritual stones should be regarded as his contribution to the sect.

Strictly speaking, Sun Ku was not the best person for him to contact the sect.

Once you step into the devil's path, your own magic aura will be easily exposed.

But in his hands, there is really no one available.

It would be best if Huangfu Xin was here!

After all, Huangfu Xin has been practicing physical training for many years. As long as he conceals his spiritual energy cultivation, he is not afraid of being discovered, and he has considerable self-protection ability.

Sun Ku and Qian Siniang were attacked this time because they were noticed different mana fluctuations.

Qian Siniang moved the corners of her mouth weakly, wanting to speak, but she didn't have the energy to speak.

She actually wanted to say that judging from the intensity of attacks from the outside world, they had at least encountered monks who were in the late stage of pill formation or above.

It stands to reason that such a strong person would not be able to survive until now.

Although she is at the sixth level of body refining, in terms of strength, she can only be tied with the mid-stage pill forming level at best. As for Sun Ku, he only has foundation building cultivation level.

The two people have not been killed until now, not because they fought to the death, nor because Sun Ku's formation was so powerful, but because they did not kill them.

As for the reason, it was probably the transmission note.

The group of people outside must have discovered their intention to seek help, so they did it intentionally.

Naturally, they did this to lure out the people behind them!

It would be better if the people outside were just pill-forming monks, but if there were Nascent Soul Ancestors, even if Senior Mo arrived, he might not be able to save them.

At this moment, her only thought was to meet her sister and father before she died.

Perhaps because of the serious injury, she even had some hallucinations.

The world in front of her suddenly changed, and she seemed to be back when she was a child.

She and her sister originally came from a family that cultivated immortals.

The family is not big, with only dozens of people. The ancestor has cultivated to the extreme, and is only at the peak of foundation building.

But just when the ancestor was in seclusion and preparing to attack the golden elixir, the enemy came to kill them all and slaughtered them all with just a scimitar-shaped magic weapon.

Just at this moment, a majestic figure suddenly appeared and saved the two sisters, who were only seven or eight years old at the time.

From then on, they lived with their father.

She secretly swore since she was a child that she would avenge her parents and people one day.

But things didn't go as she wished, until one day she discovered that during the process of cultivation, her cultivation level declined instead of rising. In the end, she turned into a mortal without any magic power.

At that moment, she really hated herself!

Fortunately, her sister is different from her, and her cultivation speed is extremely fast.

When she thought she had no chance of revenge in her life and could only pin her hope on her sister, it was her father who once again gave her hope.

It turns out that you can also become very strong through body training.

Since then, she has embarked on a difficult road to training.

I heard from my father that in the hometown he came to, people there could not practice cultivation and could only temper their physical bodies.

But even so, very few women take this path.

There is no other reason than that physical training is too painful!

Not only do you have to soak your whole body in special medicinal baths every day, but you also have to beat your body from time to time, constantly pushing past the limits of your body in battle.

Despite her delicate and frail appearance, she has killed countless people over the years.

In order to become stronger, she can stay in the ice for several years without moving, endure the burning pain of magma, fight among monsters dozens of times bigger than herself, and experience countless lives and deaths. .

Finally, she developed a body of copper skin and iron bones.

She and her sister also got their wish for revenge!

Without the shackles of hatred, she seemed to be able to live for herself.

But then, we faced new problems.

Father is not from the devil, nor from southern Xinjiang, but drifted here from a place called "Tiankui Realm".

Father wants to return to his hometown!

And the two sisters naturally want to fulfill the wish of their savior.

But where is Tiankui Realm?

In addition, father is always worried about another problem.

That is her life span!

My sister is practicing magic, and now she has formed a pill, which means she has at least hundreds of years.

But what about her?

Even if she makes another step forward in the horizontal training, how long can she live?

In this matter, she is actually quite calm, and she has no regrets to kill her enemy with her own hands.

But father doesn't think so.

At first, he just tried his best to help her find things to prolong her life, and now, he is trying every means to help her activate her hidden spiritual roots.

How can she repay such a great favor?

You must know that if father cannot advance to the Nascent Soul stage, the deadline will also come!

Qian Si Niang's eyes were already misty.

She recalled the happy childhood with her family, and the days of wandering with her father and sister.

Blood was still slowly seeping down her shoulders.

Although her legs were still conscious, they could no longer move.

With her only intact right hand, she tried to take out the sound transmission talisman between her sister and father from her bosom, but she failed after several attempts.

Did she not even have the chance to say goodbye to her loved ones before she died?

Suddenly, the attack outside the formation seemed to stop!

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