"I, Wei Tonghai, my little friend is polite!"

In an instant, Mo Xun knew the origin of this person.

The first alchemy sage of Tulomon!

"It turns out to be Senior Wei!" Mo Xun hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands, pretending to be flattered.

He has heard about this person for a long time. It is said that he has been obsessed with alchemy all his life and has extremely high attainments in alchemy. Although he is only in the middle stage of alchemy, his status in the entire sect is no less than that of Yuanying ancestor.

According to rumors from the outside world, this person's cultivation talent is also quite extraordinary. If he hadn't been obsessed with alchemy, he would have created the Nascent Soul and achieved the Great Dao long ago.

"You're welcome, little friend. I came here without telling you, but I have something to trouble you."

Mo Xun waved and asked Bai Ze to make tea first, and the two of them came to the elegant room of the wine shop one after another.

With just a few words, Mo Xun understood the other party's intention.

It turns out that he came here specifically to find his cheap master Zisheng Tianjun. As for the reason, it was to discuss the path of alchemy.

Ever since Half a Glass of Wine became famous in Qiutian City, the evil-dispelling effect of this wine has spread like wildfire throughout the Demonic Path.

The mysterious man behind Tiankui Winery was naturally imagined to be an expert in alchemy and pharmacology.

Wei Tonghai was not the first alchemist to come to the door.

"I heard from Junior Brother Zuo that Fellow Purple Sage has returned to Qiutian City recently. I just came here to ask for advice. I wonder when the master will return?"

It stands to reason that Zuo Jin's cultivation level is higher than Wei Tonghai's.

But he calls himself Junior Brother Zuo because of his seniority in the sect.

Wei Tonghai started at an early age and is now more than 500 years old. Even compared to the newly promoted Nascent Soul of Tuoluomen, who is also the eldest disciple of Furumiyama, his seniority is no different.

But because of this, people spend most of their time concentrating on alchemy and delaying their cultivation, so they lag slightly behind in their cultivation.

Mo Xun respectfully poured a cup of tea for the other party.

Wei Tonghai just sniffed it slightly, then picked up the teacup and took a sip with his eyes lit up.

"This spiritual tea is really good. If I guessed correctly, it should have added bitter seeds and ambrosia. It is bitter and has a delicate fragrance. It not only takes into account the taste, but also helps a lot in cultivation. It's wonderful! It's wonderful. !”

Wei Tonghai held the tea cup in one hand and praised him repeatedly.

"It's just a trail, seniors are just laughing!"

Wei Tonghai stroked his beard and smiled.

"Perhaps in the eyes of other people, this tea and wine are just trivial things, but they are my lifelong pursuit. Even if your master doesn't sell wine, just selling tea, he must be very popular. Before coming here, I was still interested in your master's elixir." I had some doubts about my Taoist attainments, but after tasting this tea, I realized that this trip was worthwhile."

Regarding the whereabouts of his "teacher", Mo Xunzi made up an excuse at random.

Just when he thought this person was about to leave, who knew that he had no intention of leaving at all, but started chatting with him, a junior.

One moment he asked about the progress of his cultivation, and the next he asked about the cultivation situation in Qiutian City.

I always feel like this person’s goal here is Mo Xun!

Such poor acting skills made Mo Xun immediately spot the flaw.

It seems that this Alchemist Wei was sent here by the Demonic Hall.

In other words, the fight with Furumiyama in the past few days may have attracted the suspicion of Demon Lord Hall.

This person is most likely here to find out the details!

Of course, it's probably just a sign of suspicion!

While Mo Xun was perfunctory, he was thinking about the few things he had done recently and where he had gone wrong.

After sending Wei Tonghai away, he hurried back to practice in the secret room.

As soon as he returned to the stone room, he raised his eyebrows, then dodged and rushed directly into a barrier in the corner.

Inside, Gu Qingyue, who was captured last time, was imprisoned.

As soon as Mo Xun entered it, his eyes fell on the woman who was sitting quietly on the futon.

Gu Qingyue seemed to have expected it, and there was no panic in her expression. She just glanced slightly from the corner of her eyes.

But after Mo Xun glanced at the corner of the closed barrier, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Then he directly raised his palm and slapped it out from the air.

But hearing a "pop" sound, Gu Qingyue let out a cry of pain, and her whole body was sent flying, hitting the barrier heavily, and spitting out a mouthful of thick blood.

Mo Xun looked at Gu Qingyue, who had messy buns, blood on the corner of her mouth, and bright red fingerprints on her face, and said coldly: "It seems you are very restless!"

After a long while, Gu Qingyue climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

The whole person was in an extremely embarrassed state. If Mo Xun hadn't been merciful, just this one blow would have turned her into a ball of blood mist.

"Should you hand it over yourself, or let me search you!"

The air around seemed to become colder.

"You must have understood my temper by now. In my eyes, there is no difference between you and a man. The so-called character of the seniors is worthless to me, so I don't mind stripping you naked, from head to toe. Search it again.”

Gu Qingyue could barely bear the sudden slap, but after hearing these words, her whole body trembled.

She gasped weakly and looked at Mo Xun with resentful eyes.

If she could mobilize her magic power, even just a little bit, she would love to eat the evil man in front of her alive.

But no matter how powerful she was, even if she tried to struggle hard, there would be countless tingling pains in her body.

Fortunately, her will to survive was still strong, and she did not have thoughts of committing suicide because of her current experience.

She even thought about escaping from the clutches of the devil one day so that she could take revenge!

Originally, Mo Xun's disappearance in the past few days was her best chance to escape.

Unfortunately, she succeeded just a little bit.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingyue became more and more annoyed with the man in front of her.

She slowly raised her right hand, touched her messy hair for a while, and finally pulled out a hair.

As soon as the hair fell into her hand, it turned into a finger-length spike.

Mo Xun raised his hand and frightened the object over.

The spike was pitch black, and you could faintly see very shallow strange runes engraved on it. When the finger touched the sharp part, the spike emitted a faint halo, and a strong mana fluctuation came from it.

"It's actually a treasure that can break the ban!"

Mo Xun held one end of the spike in his hand and scratched the barrier on the side of his body with force, leaving a shallow mark on the airtight ban.

But soon, the mark disappeared again.

Mo Xun gently stroked the spike in his hand, not because he thought it was so magical, but mainly because he was a little careless before.

Then he waved his long sleeves and repaired the barrier that Gu Qingyue almost broke, and then put away the spikes with his palm.

"It seems that you are very unwilling to be in this situation. If so, I can only wrong you for the next time."

Just as Mo Xun approached with a sneer, Gu Qingyue hurriedly said: "If you dare to use force on me, I will immediately cut off my heart meridian. Don't think that I can't do anything just because you sealed my cultivation. If you don't believe me, try it!"

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