Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1092: Yin Demon Flag

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

He also needed someone who was familiar with the local environment. Although Meng Jian had never been to Yinjia Mountain, he must know more than he did.

After arranging his disciples, Meng Jian set off with them that night.

Outside Qiutian City, when Meng Jian saw Gu Qingyue with her hands tied, he was stunned at first.

As an abandoned disciple of Tuoluomen, how could he not know the daughter of the Supreme Elder?

Although Miss Gu was not among those who openly made things difficult for him, Gu Qingyue's senior brother was the culprit who made Meng Jian abandon the mountain gate.

Behind that incident, wasn't there the tacit approval of his father Gu Jianshan?

Meng Jian remembered them all!

After being surprised, a sneer appeared on the corner of Meng Jian's mouth.

Although he didn't know how Mo Xun caught Gu Qingyue, nor how the two of them became enemies, from the current point of view, this senior Mo did have the same enemy as him.

"Senior Sister Gu, how are you?"

The veil on Gu Qingyue's face had been removed long ago, and now what was presented to everyone was a charming face.

Her pale face was also quite surprised.

"It's you!"

Meng Jian sneered.

"It seems that Senior Sister Gu has a good memory and still remembers a small figure like me. But to be honest, I am afraid that Senior Sister has contributed to my current situation."

"Whether you believe it or not, I did not participate in your affairs."

Meng Jian snorted coldly and did not continue.

He now positioned himself as repaying a favor, and there was indeed no trace of Gu Qingyue among the people who dealt with him at the beginning, so whether this person lived or died had no effect on him.

Mo Xun ignored the grievances between the two, and directly flicked his long sleeves, and took everyone to escape quickly into the distance.

A few days later, they finally arrived near Yinjia Mountain.

As soon as Mo Xun landed, he immediately used secret methods to find the traces of Lan Xin and the incarnation.

But after using all kinds of means, he still couldn't contact the two. However, after searching for a while, he found the mark left by Qian Si Niang.

That means the two must have been here!

In the hinterland of Yinjia Mountain, there is an uninhabited area, shrouded by mysterious green light.

Locals call it the light of the soul!

It is said that anyone who is exposed to this light will be injured in the physical foundation at the least, or die at the worst. No matter how high the cultivation is, there is no way to restrain it.

And this place is also the place where the ancient cultivator's cave was found by Fairy Yuehua and the ancestor of the clan. Among them, the Ascension Order that Mo Xun valued the most came from it.

Because of the horror of this soul light, few people would set foot here.

The Nine Sects of the Demon Dao have always regarded it as a forbidden area.

In Mo Xun's previous guess, the mysterious eighth teleportation array is very likely to be located here.

Because Luo Qian once said that after he was teleported from the Tiankui Realm, he was stranded on the outskirts of Yinjia Mountain.

This means that there is an ancient teleportation that connects the four continents. This is why Mo Xun sent Lan Xin to investigate here.

But when Mo Xun arrived, he found that although there were disciples of the Demon Sect patrolling the periphery of the mountain range, the guards were not strict.

Not to mention him, even a foundation-building cultivator could easily sneak in with some tricks.

This is a bit strange. How could such a secret place not be heavily guarded?

Of course, as the saying goes, the real and the fake, maybe it seems impossible on the surface, but there are great mysteries inside.

Since he is here, he must go in and take a look.

Especially since Lan Xin and the incarnation disappeared nearby, he must find out the reason anyway.

Although this soul light is very sharp and unusual, there is no way to deal with it.

After countless generations of exploration, it was found that there is something that can barely restrain this soul light.

This thing was in the classics left by the ancestors of the clan, and Mo Xun also noticed it.

When Fairy Yuehua and the ancestor of the clan came to Yinjia Mountain, they sent a message back to the clan, ordering the clan members to collect a large number of scale-eating beast inner pills and saliva star flowers. The powder ground from these two things can greatly offset the damage caused by the soul light.

Mo Xun has been secretly collecting these things in Qiutian City for more than a month.

In fact, according to his original intention, he did not plan to come here so soon.

After arranging Meng Jian and others at the foot of the mountain, Mo Xun went around the light of the soul alone, but did not stay for long.

After simply testing the damage of this soul light, he went down the mountain again.

The Heavenly Demon Valley is thousands of miles away from here. He wants to go there first to inquire. Maybe Lan Xin’s disappearance is related to the disorder of the demon spirit there.

After the four people simply changed their appearance, they hurriedly set off.

Among them, Qian Si Niang is the least likely to be noticed.

Whether it is Gu Qingyue or Meng Jian, there are too many people who know them, especially the disciples of Tuoluomen, and maybe Gu Jianshan will be among them.

Mo Xun was not at ease leaving this girl alone.

When they arrived at the Heavenly Demon Valley, they found that the desolate place with few people had developed into a large-scale market in less than half a month.

In addition to a large number of independent cultivators living here, the nine sects of the Demonic Path had built temporary caves.

"Look, senior, that's the Tuoluo Gate!" Meng Jian, who was disguised as a sturdy servant, walked to Mo Xun and quietly pointed to the distance with his eyes.

Under a towering rock wall, a dark Yin Demon Evil Flag was hung high, which was particularly prominent on the road with many caves around.

A large "Tuo" character was written on the flag, which was surrounded by black air and swayed in the wind.

There was a faint restriction in front of the stone gate, and two demon cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building stood at the door.

Mo Xun tried to use his spiritual sense to explore it, but the Nascent Soul aura in the restriction made him dare not be too presumptuous.

Mo Xun now turned into a middle-aged demon cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, Qian Si Niang supported Gu Qingyue, and the two dressed as maids.

Passing by the cave of Tuoluomen, Mo Xun was not worried that Gu Qingyue would make any unusual moves.

Because he sealed all the meridians of this woman halfway.

Not to mention making any rash moves, even a word could not be uttered from his throat.

Mo Xun asked softly: "Can you tell from this flag who is stationed here?"

Tuoluomen has a total of three Nascent Souls, and he has dealt with two of them, so he is not unfamiliar with them now.

Meng Jian shook his head.

"We used the sect's Yin Demon Flag, not a private flag. This Yin Demon Flag can be hung when you are outside as long as you are in the middle stage of Jindan or above."

Mo Xun did not dwell on this issue. He collected his mind and continued to sense the whereabouts of the incarnation.

This place is indeed as rumored before. The demonic spirit in the valley is much richer than that in the outside world.

This is a bit strange. According to what he has learned, the demonic spirit of the entire demon path comes from the Tongtian Demon Corpse under the Nine Sects.

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