The two randomly picked up a wooden stick outside, lit it and got in.

Although the entrance to the cave is short, you can walk upright in just a few steps after bending down. It is wide enough for two people to pass through together.

Mo Xun could feel that there was a slope in the cave, leading slowly to the ground. The rock walls on both sides were somewhat damp and quite smooth to the touch.

It feels like this hole is like a crack in the valley, slowly closing above the head.

Not far away, a look of joy appeared on Mo Xun's face, because as Xiao Qian said, the faint sound of running water could be heard. The sound was very small, and it might not be easy to detect with ordinary people's ears.

Going down the cave entrance, twisting and turning, the feeling of moisture in the air becomes stronger and stronger, and the sound of water becomes louder and louder.

The moods of the two of them at this moment are both dark and bright. Who would have thought that half a day ago, they were still feeling sad about separation.

"Brother Mo, I just said that you are a lucky star. With you here, Xiao can always turn disaster into good luck."

Mo Xun chuckled, feeling a bit like he was surviving a disaster.

After about a cup of tea, their vision suddenly opened up, and they seemed to have entered a cave-like place. Although it was unclear how deep underground this place was, a two-foot-wide path appeared in front of them. river.

Listening to the sound of the river slowly lapping on the shore, Mo Xun immediately threw a few fireballs around. The light green river water shimmered under the firelight.

Mo Xun stood on the wet shore and saw the flames on the torch trembling slightly in the breeze.

It means that the exit of this underground river should not be far from here.

After a brief discussion, the two then went against the direction of the wind and slowly searched for the exit location.

"Brother Xiao, as the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. I guess after we go out this time, you and I will also be lucky!"

Mo Xun smiled, and in a good mood, even the usually serious man began to joke.

Xiao Qian suddenly took out his folding fan. In the dimness, although he was sloppy, he finally felt a little more relaxed and happy because of his joy.

"That's it for now. When we get back to Blue Sky City, if Brother Mo has anything that can be of use to Xiao, just ask."

After Xiao Qian finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, looked at the other side of the river with a focused look, and said softly "Hey" in his mouth.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Qian frowned and said, "Brother Mo, throw a fireball to the other side and see. There seems to be something there."

Mo Xun followed his gaze and saw that in the darkness two or three feet away, there seemed to be a vague shadow, which looked like a child.

But it was motionless, like a dead thing.

Mo Xun then cast a spell and threw a fireball, and the distance suddenly became brighter. Only then did the two of them see clearly that the shadow was actually a tree less than two feet tall with a rather strange shape. The trunk was straight and two branches The branches are spread out, and there is a big mushroom-like head on the top.

From a distance, it really looks like a child.

Mo Xun secretly wondered that this underground river was somewhat similar to the cave under the ancient tomb he had visited before. It also had no sunlight, but it could grow plants.

The world is so vast, and there are indeed many wonders!

Just when Mo Xun was amazed, Xiao Qian suddenly became extremely excited, pointing his fingers in the distance, seeming to be trembling.

"That's...the soul-nurturing tree!"

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