The black-clothed man's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Mo Xun with a bit of joking.

"How brave, I am Yin Enchou. I haven't met a young man like you for many years. I think you should be a new Taoist friend. I don't know how to address you. I basically know all the old guys in the Demon Dao, but you are a stranger!"

This Yin Enchou looked to be in his fifties, with a half-black and half-white beard, and his laughter was rough and a bit heroic.

He called him "young man", which was appropriate for Mo Xun's appearance!

He had never seen Mo Xun, so he subconsciously thought that some junior had just reached the Nascent Soul stage.

Mo Xun, on the other hand, was secretly moved.

He had been in the Demon Dao for so many years, and he had heard of the long-established demon cultivators!

This man was the ancestor of the Demon Cloud Valley!

This Demon Cloud Valley was ranked at the bottom among the nine demon sects. There were two Nascent Souls in the sect, one in the middle stage and one in the early stage.

The man in front of him was the head of the Demon Cloud Valley!

If a sect of this level were placed in the southern border, it would almost be ranked above the middle, but the Demonic Path was at the bottom, which shows the depth of both the Heavenly and Demonic Paths!

What Mo Xun didn't know was that this was just the surface he knew.

The Demonic Path had secretly cultivated many Nascent Soul cultivators over the years. The Demonic Qi Infusion that Mo Xun knew about was originally thought to only allow Jindan cultivators to advance, but since the opening of the ancient teleportation array, the situation has changed greatly!

Back to the point, when Mo Xun recognized this person, he couldn't help but secretly say that it was not good, thinking that this guy wouldn't know Gu Qingyue!

The fact that he held Gu Qingyue hostage was extremely confidential!

Although there were few people who knew him in the entire Demonic Path, there were still some.

Once he was discovered in this place, and his painting and shadow were spread out, Tiankui Tavern would be in trouble!

He looked around and wondered in his heart whether he should kill all these people?

When this thought came to his mind, even he was shocked!

It was not because of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but because of his current state of mind.

Speaking of indiscriminate killing, he actually did not have much psychological burden. The feud between the heaven and the devil had been going on for a long time. As a Taoist spiritual cultivator, killing a few devil cultivators was nothing.

And among the people present, if anyone said that there were no innocent lives in their hands, he would not believe it!

The good and evil in the world of immortal cultivation are very different from those in the secular world.

If you have to find a definition, it is the number of lives on your hands.

Those who do good are nothing more than killing fewer people. At least every time they kill someone, there is a reason that can be justified.

As for evil, it is like Gu Taoist. Whenever he takes action, it is a massacre!

The reason why he was surprised was that he was in a state of mind that he would kill people at any time, as if killing a middle-stage Nascent Soul was just like killing a dog!

If those of the same level knew this, I don’t know what they would think!

But to be honest, this is a good thing, but it also has disadvantages.

The good thing is that he has adapted to his current strength. He dares to have such an idea, so he is quite confident.

The bad thing is that he easily underestimates the enemy!

Maybe one day, he will capsize in the gutter!

He can get the blue gourd that defies the heavens, so there is no guarantee that there will be no other people in the world who have similar opportunities.

Just when he was about to say something, his face changed.

Then, a voice came from a distance.

"Brother Yin, I caught the Taoist partner of that kid. I have to take a share of this deal!"

I saw a rainbow light passing through the crowd and flying towards this side quickly.

A red-haired man in the rainbow light was the hidden soul who escaped earlier, and the hidden soul was holding a person in his hand, which was Gu Qingyue.

Mo Xun looked at the defeated general who hurried over, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

This guy is really haunting!

He originally let the other person go with the attitude of "less trouble is worse than more trouble", but who knew that this person would follow him again without knowing whether to live or die, and even held Gu Qingyue hostage!

Yinhun also looked at Mo Xun with hatred, but perhaps because of fear, he did not dare to be too presumptuous, and Gu Qingyue was held by his throat with one hand, and it seemed that there was a restriction on her body.

"Brother Yin, this person's methods are quite strange, and he is also a physical cultivator with good strength. This woman is his lover. Why don't you and I use this woman as a threat to make him hand over the Heavenly Demon Crystal, and then join forces to kill him. This person has a big secret, and if we talk about value, it is not inferior to the Heavenly Demon Crystal at all!"

Yinhun used voice transmission to say these words, but he did not avoid it too much, as if he was telling Mo Xun that he and Yin Enchou had joined forces!

Mo Xun noticed that Yin Enchou just glanced at Gu Qingyue and did not move his eyes away at all.

It seems that he was overthinking before. This Yin Enchou should not know Gu Qingyue!

What Mo Xun didn't know was that, let alone Yin Enchou, not many people in the Tuoluo Gate had seen Gu Qingyue's true face.

It's not that this woman is low-key, but most of the time, she wears a veil.

Gu Qingyue at this moment showed some pain, as if she wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

After Yin Enchou's introduction, he roughly understood what was going on, but he didn't rush to agree, but fell into contemplation for a short time.

He had never fought with Mo Xun head-on, so he didn't have much interest in looking for external help.

Compared with sharing treasures with others, isn't it better to enjoy them alone?

When Yin Hun saw Yin Enchou like this, how could he not know what he was thinking? He cursed in his heart.

If he had known earlier, he should have appeared later.

When both sides were defeated, he would be the fisherman who would benefit.

But then, he felt something was wrong. What if Mo Xun couldn't hold on and was defeated by Yin Enchou early? Wouldn't the Weixuantian True Fire become someone else's?

At this moment, the two of them could be said to have their own ulterior motives!

Mo Xun noticed this and immediately stopped hesitating. With a flash, he disappeared from the spot.

In this case, the sooner you act, the better!

If the two of them really join hands, it will be difficult!

If it was just him, even if there were more Nascent Souls, he would not be afraid. Even if he couldn't beat them, he had many ways to escape.

But now it's different. There's also Gu Qingyue!

Of course, he can completely ignore this woman. After all, she is just a captive in his hands.

But this woman's life is related to Lu Wushen's safety!

The moment Mo Xun disappeared, the whole world changed. The originally clear sky suddenly became dark.

A huge dark cloud appeared above the heads of the few people, covering the sky and the sun, and covering the area within a radius of hundreds of feet.

Then, countless streams of light flashed, leaving trails in the air, densely packed, forming a circle of impenetrable light curtain.

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