Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1125 Chi Li wakes up

Mo Xun was a little stunned!

He didn't care whether he was a villain or not, but it was the first time that he encountered such a fight between the same level and the help of low-level cultivators.

This Yin Enchou was also a rare flower among the Yuanying!

Just as everyone was hesitating, Yin Enchou pinched a Taoist formula with both hands in front of his chest and injected a magic power into the bell.

The black bell circled again and divided into seven parts, spinning rapidly above Mo Xun's head.

The vibrating sound waves came out of the bell, and in an instant, whether in the ears or in the sea of ​​consciousness, the soul-stirring bell sound resounded.

Mo Xun only felt that countless ghosts were crying in his ears, and an invisible force seemed to be stripping his soul from his body.

He hurriedly bit his tongue to keep his mind tightly, and a golden light flashed on his body. He condensed a circle of golden body protection around his body with blood and energy, protecting him and Gu Qingyue.

He might be able to withstand this kind of sonic attack, but if it continues, Gu Qingyue might be in danger.

At this time, Yin Enchou roared.

"My fellow Taoists, this man has been trapped by my magic sound. If you don't take action now, when will you?"

Yin Enchou was controlling the bell from a distance, and it seemed quite strenuous.

It seems that this kind of attack is a heavy burden for him.

As the saying goes, money can move people's hearts. As long as the benefits are enough, even if facing a Daluo Jinxian, there are people who dare to take action.

Immediately, several people with high skills and courage rushed forward from all sides.

These people are all Jindan cultivators.

Several different magic weapons came from all directions, long swords, red water chestnuts, diamond rings...

Rumble, the magic weapons hit the golden light that protected Mo Xun's body, causing the space to tremble.

And Mo Xun in the golden light spit out a large mouthful of blood, almost lost his mind, and was frightened by the magic sound again.

On the other side, the Hidden Soul, who was ready to escape, also broke through the chess formation, offered a magic weapon similar to a spear, and stabbed at the golden light.

When the other people outside the battle saw this scene, they seemed to be aroused by the ferocity, and all rushed up in a swarm.

The battle group, which was originally only three people, turned into a melee siege in an instant.

The Black Heron Nebula above the head began to tremble, and various treasures and magic tools shuttled through the chess formation.

A bunch of blood from who knows where fell from the sky.

The core of the battle has long become a dumping ground for magic power.

The sky was full of rosy clouds, and the air waves swept across!

Within a radius of thousands of feet, it fell into a collapse like an earthquake.

Suddenly, in the gathering of countless magic powers, a white light bloomed like the rising sun, hot and bright.

Then, the white light cut through the sky, leaving a straight tail in the air.

Anyone touched by the white light will either die or be injured!

In just a blink of an eye, dozens of people died under the scorching heat of the white light.

The residual heat spread by the tail seemed to melt the space, and the waves were visible to the naked eye.

Everything that blocked the white light's path, before it could resist, turned into black smoke in a flash.

The white light was extremely fast, and after rushing out of the battle, it disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

The black heron nebula disk above the head also disappeared after a flash of black light.

"It's Xuantian True Fire, and it's a true fire that has advanced to Tianyan!"

Finally someone reacted and shouted suddenly.

Yin Enchou, who was in charge of the entire battle, stared at him, and he finally understood what the secret that Yinhun was talking about was.

This is more than just a treasure!

Even thousands of pieces of Tianmo Crystals are not as good as a single Xuantian True Fire, and it's still Tianyan True Fire.

Yinhun's heart also jumped, others may not know, but he knows it very well.

This person has two kinds of heavenly fire!

As everyone saw, Mo Xun was covered with the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor, and it was cast by Chi Li.

At the critical moment just now, Chi Li finally broke out of the cocoon and woke up!

Heavenly level true fire, if Lu Wushen and Sanqing saw it, they would surely be shocked.

Even in the upper realm, this kind of white fire is a treasure that countless people are fighting for.

Once the heavenly flame comes out, everything can be burned!

After performing the Heavenly Fire Escape twice in succession, Mo Xun flashed and drilled into the ground and hid in the green gourd.

Although he didn't suffer much injury this time, he was also careless.

If there was no Gu Qingyue's bond, even if he was besieged, he would have the confidence to take Yinhun's head in the battle.

That weird bell is indeed a bit weird!

He encountered it more than once or twice in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Just like Wang Boshan of Tianyun Sect, he can always be in the upper hand in the battle with this person.

But when he met Yin Enchou, he felt a little evenly matched.

It can be seen from this that there is a big gap in strength among cultivators of the same level.

When Mo Xun was healing in the green gourd, the outside world was gradually undergoing drastic changes.

Let's talk about the Demon Dao first. In addition to the sudden increase in the demon spirit energy in Tianmo Valley a few years ago, similar situations have also occurred in other places.

There is a lake thousands of miles away from the back mountain of Tiansha Sect, named Zhuimo Lake.

For thousands of years, this lake has been listed as the first forbidden area of ​​Tiansha Sect, because the remains of the Yuanying elders of the sect from all generations are sealed in the lake.

This sect is a bit special, even perverted.

The Yuanying ancestors of other sects will choose to sit and transform into soldiers when their lifespans are about to end.

But Tiansha Sect is different. They will seal the ancestors who are about to fall in a special way and then sink them to the bottom of the lake.

As for the reason, only a very small number of people in the sect know it.

In the Falling Demon Lake, one of the nine Tongtian Demon Corpses is buried.

The Tongtian Demon Corpse is the source of the demonic spirit energy that the nine demon sects rely on for survival. This is to provide nutrients for the demon corpse, so as to maintain the long-term prosperity of the sect.

But since a few years ago, the bodies of the Nascent Souls that sank into the lake have floated up one by one.

Some of those bodies have long turned into bones, while others are rotten.

This strange situation has naturally attracted the attention of the sect's top leaders.

Not only that, the demonic spirit energy within the Tiansha Sect has also begun to become disordered.

Every two or three months, there will be a large-scale outbreak, like a blowout.

This makes the low-level cultivators in the sect ecstatic. Every time there is an outbreak, there will always be someone who breaks through the bottleneck.

On the other side, the Holy Demon Sect has a completely opposite situation.

On a meteorite mountain in the territory of the Holy Demon Sect, earth dragons have been turning over and appearing since a few years ago.

Within a thousand miles, there would be an earthquake every six months.

After the earthquake, a vacuum of magic energy would appear in most of the territory of the Holy Demon Sect, as if all the magic energy was instantly drained away.

This phenomenon made the top leaders of the Holy Demon Sect very nervous.

In addition to these two major sects, various other places within the scope of the Demon Dao also appeared one after another.

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