Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1128: Holy Sky City Fights Monsters

The reason why the ram is so defiant is due to multiple reasons.

One is that when Master Cang Kuo sealed his consciousness, he had reached the peak of pill formation. Gong Yang inherited all the memories, so he would not encounter any bottlenecks in his cultivation.

On the other hand, it is because the ram is the body of a lotus, which is different from ordinary people's cultivation.

The most important thing is the Lanxin lotus seeds provided by Mo Xun.

If you have this thing, you don't need to condense it, just refine it directly.

However, rapid improvement in cultivation is inevitably accompanied by a lack of strength.

For someone like Gongyang, even if he is in the early stage of forming a core, he may not be able to achieve a complete foundation building.

But that was enough for the Rams.

After experiencing the overlooking view from the top of the mountain, and returning again, he cared more about the scenery along the way.

Although the old guy's strength is worrying, he has a lot of tricks. He may not be able to confront his opponent head-on, but when it comes to evading, he is not comparable to Su Yunshang.

I saw Gongyang performing escape techniques one after another. Whenever the scale python was about to attack him, he could always avoid it in time and even have enough energy to fight back.

The number of fights that Gongyang experienced back then may not be possible for many Nascent Soul monks.

In terms of fighting experience, the old guy is awesome!

Seeing the scaly python being played with by the ram, Su Yunshang stepped forward and flew into the air again to join the battle group.

"Xiao Yunshang, I'm dragging this bug, you take the opportunity to attack its eyes first!"

"Okay, senior, be careful!"

Ram is still very satisfied with this title.

Unlike that brat Mo Xun, when I first used him, I talked about him as a senior, but in the end, I called him by his first name.

He was also a little sour in his heart. From the time he possessed the other party, he never thought that the little guy who only knew how to practice all day long and had no interest in life would one day condense the Nascent Soul.

I don’t know if the brat has improved after not seeing him for more than ten years.

With that kid's dedication to cultivation, he definitely wasn't lazy.

And that little white dog...

well! It seems that he is really old. Why is he so good and always likes to recall the past?

The Rams have witnessed almost half of Mo Xun's growth path.

From the initial stage of foundation building to Nascent Soul, the two of them were both teachers and friends, walking together for more than two hundred years.

Gongyang felt unhappy when he thought that Mo Xun would one day appear in front of him with the aura of a late-stage great monk.

But when he thought of Xiao Yunshang's name just now, he became happy again.

What about the great monk Yuanying?

Once the two get married, the brat still has to call him senior!

"Senior, be careful!"

Su Yunshang shouted, and the long sword flew out from his hand, blocking him in front of Gongyang with a bang.

At the same time, the scale python's thick tail swept over, knocked the sword away, and hit the ram heavily.

Su Yunshang was shocked and rushed forward to rescue him.

She was even more surprised. How could this senior Gongyang, who usually looked like a very steady person, be distracted during the fight, so that even though she called out several times in succession, there was no response.

Fortunately, she soon realized that she was worrying too much.

As the scale python's tail swept across, the ram's body turned into dots of starlight and disappeared from the place. When it reappeared, it was already dozens of feet away.

"Hey, Xiao Yunshang, don't worry, even if you give this bug another level, I won't be able to do anything to you!"

Even though he said this, the old guy still secretly wiped away the cold sweat without leaving any trace.

Almost capsized in the gutter!

Next, the two of them worked together to stab one of the scaled python's eyes and cut off its tail, directly losing half of its combat power.

At this moment, a cry for help came from a distance.

"Gongyang, I can't hold it anymore, come here quickly!"

The one who shouted for help was naturally Cheng Mu.

Su Yunshang said quickly: "Senior Gongyang, you go help Junior Brother Cheng first, I can handle it here!"

Gongyang's consciousness swept over and saw Cheng Mu fighting with a level six monster, and he cursed in his heart a piece of trash.

But in the end, he turned around and helped.

To say that this Cheng Mu is indeed disappointing.

When I was in Tiankui Realm, I was already in the early stage of forming pills, and it is still like this now!

And looking at that figure, he seems to have lost a lot of weight!

Before the Gongyang man arrived, he took out a writing brush and wrote a large seal character "Zhen" directly in the air.

The seal characters flew out of the air, like a huge boulder, and hit the level six monster heavily.

With a roar, as the font disappeared, the monster also stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Idiot, what are you still doing? Attack its claws!"

Gong Yang was a little speechless. Cheng Mu not only had a very poor understanding of cultivation, but his reaction in battle was also worrying.

Seeing that the monster was subdued, it was still in a daze.

I don’t know how this kind of person formed an elixir!

Cursing secretly, the ram wrote the numbers again and flew to the top of the monster beast one by one, forming a simple trapping formation.

Cheng Mu was so angry in his heart. He was already angry because he had been suppressed by monsters, but he was despised by an old guy who had just formed a pill.

But he couldn't seem to find a reason to refute it. Who said he wasn't strong enough?

In the Holy Lady's Palace, compared to the prosperity of Gong Yang, Cheng Mu was in dire straits.

In fact, he is clumsy with his tongue and has no ability to fool women like a ram.

Although they are both stallions, Cheng Mu is passive every time, and he is still a bunch of crooked melons and jujubes.

In order to stimulate his masculinity, the women actually gave him medicine.

Otherwise, how could he be so thin?

Gong Yang eats delicious food and drinks spicy food every day in the Saint Maiden Palace, but he has to take drugs. He usually cultivates a little magic power, but it is all wasted on that kind of thing. Can his cultivation level be improved?

These years, he has suffered a lot!

Sometimes he wonders, how can the old guy with a lotus body actually serve those women who are insatiable?

Also, if this child is born, what kind of thing will it be?

The midwife lifted the door curtain and said with a smile: "Congratulations, sir, eight pounds of lotus root, mother and child are safe!"

Thinking of this scene, Cheng Mu felt a chill!

Okay, let's get back to the topic!

Fortunately, he met Mo Daoyou's Taoist partner, otherwise, he, Old Cheng, would still be feeding horses every day!

Not long after leaving Mo Xun, he regretted it. If he had known that this would be the ending, he would not have ventured out alone!

Perhaps with Mo Daoyou, he would have broken through the middle stage of Jindan and moved towards the late stage.


In Qiutian City, Sun Ku had sent dozens of sound transmission notes to his master, but all of them fell on deaf ears.

In the years when Mo Xun left, he was still able to follow his master's instructions. In addition to running the wine shop every day, he secretly monitored the every move of Tuoluomen.

But seven or eight years later, there was still no news from his master.

He also heard about the strange phenomenon in Tianmo Valley that year. It was very close to Yinjia Mountain, so he thought that his master was very likely to go to Tianmo Valley.

He wanted to find him, but he couldn't put aside the instructions left by his master.

The key point is that Tuoluomen has made a lot of noise recently.

He found out from a special channel that starting a few months ago, most of the cultivators above the Jindan stage in the sect went to Cangwu Mountain one after another.

That place is where the ancient teleportation array was opened.

Such a big scene is probably related to the teleportation array, but he couldn't pass on this news.

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