Mo Xun was about to refuse, but after thinking about it, he raised his hand and an ice coffin suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

In the ice coffin, Li Qingying seemed to be asleep, lying quietly inside.

The flowers placed in Baize are still as bright as new.

"She is beautiful!"

After Gu Qingyue looked at the coffin for a long time, she softly uttered these three words.

Tears flashed in the corners of her eyes again, but there was a smile on her face.

"the same as you!"

Probably sensing Gu Qingyue's somewhat sad mood, Mo Xun came up with this sentence as if by some strange coincidence.

"Do you really feel like this?"

At this moment, a piece of extremely fast black light flew overhead.

"It's the Heavenly Demon Crystal!"

Mo Xun waved his robe sleeves, put away the ice coffin, and then chased Wu Guang with a flash of his body.

The next moment, several figures appeared in his consciousness.

The appearance of this Heavenly Demon Crystal has obviously attracted many people to chase it.

With the experience last time, how could Mo Xun give others a chance this time.

I saw him directly using the True Fire Sky Spirit Armor, and at the same time running his magic power, displaying the Six Changes of Spiritual Wind, his speed instantly increased several times.

Before anyone else could react, they raised their hands to fish it out and pocketed the Heavenly Demon Crystal.

During this period of time, he has harvested several crystal stones in succession using this method.

He was about to use his escape technique immediately, so he had to leave here first.

As this place has been open for a longer period of time, more and more powerful people have been encountered.

Just when he was about to cast the spell, a familiar figure appeared in his consciousness.

This person is none other than the charming female cultivator from the Four Demons of the Hidden North!

With almost no hesitation, he immediately gave chase.

Mo Xun did not alert the snake, but fell far behind. The woman was obviously different from other people looking for opportunities. She seemed to be rushing to a certain place.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingyue noticed Mo Xun's abnormality and asked quickly.

"I should be able to avenge you this time!"

As Mo Xun spoke, he cast a spell to hide his and Gu Qingyue's auras.

As a Nascent Soul powerhouse, it was easy for him not to be discovered by the Danjie monks.

Not long after, the female cultivator came to a remote rock wall, flashed, and suddenly disappeared.

Mo Xun fell from a high altitude with the ancient sapphire on his back, and soon found the entrance to a cave.

"Do you want to go in with me, or stay here and wait!"

At this moment, Gu Qingyue, not knowing where the strength came from, actually hugged Mo Xun's neck tightly and pressed her face against his back.

"I don't want to die alone!"

Mo Xun didn't say anything else. With an invisibility spell, the two of them gradually became transparent.

The cave was not big, and his consciousness quickly locked onto the people inside.

It's a pity that it's not the hidden soul, but the other two of the four hidden demons in the north.

After confirming the situation, Mo Xun stopped hiding and teleported directly to the two of them.

Sensing the approaching danger, the charming woman was frightened and was about to use her magic weapon to take action. However, the next moment, she flew backwards and hit the rock wall with a loud bang.

As for the other person, Mo Xun didn't take action at all, because the other person had been injured before and was lying on a stone bed at the moment, his face was pale and his breath was disordered.

The female cultivator just went out, probably to change the elixir for him.

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to kill him, the scarred man on the stone bed rolled down and fell to his knees.

"Senior, please be merciful. Although we have offended each other before, we were both ordered by Yinhun and not out of our true intentions. If senior can spare our lives, we will definitely be messed up in the future and only listen to the orders of senior." ”

Mo Xun's raised hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

He was somewhat disdainful of such people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and who sold their goods for glory.

But randomly, he thought of something.

"Is there any way you can find the hidden soul?"

The charming woman was already prepared to die, but her heart was trembling, but she didn't know that there would be twists and turns.

Just for a moment, she really felt that death was approaching.

She had never experienced that kind of trembling Nascent Soul pressure even from the hidden soul.

The scar-faced man hurriedly replied: "Yes, there is a tracking talisman between us. If we get separated, we can use the talisman to find us."

"take it out!"

The scar-faced man tore off the storage bag from his waist and threw them all out.

Mo Xun glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, and found that the things in the storage bag were very miscellaneous, including everything, including two pieces of the Heavenly Demon Crystal.

Fortunately, he quickly found the so-called tracking talisman.

Strictly speaking, this is a sensing talisman that can only roughly sense the general direction of the target.

He first put away the talisman and the magic crystal, and then spoke again: "You just said that you will be at my disposal from now on. Does this still count?"

"Of course, but both of us have been restrained by the hidden soul. As long as senior can release the restraint, we are willing to follow his lead!"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, this man is really shrewd.

While saying that he would obey his orders, he also set up obstacles for him!

"How difficult is this!"

After saying that, he stepped forward, came to the other party, and clasped one hand on the scarred man's Tianling Cap.

When the charming female cultivator on the side saw him, she thought Mo Xun was going to kill someone and almost screamed in surprise.

Fortunately, the next moment, the scar-faced man did not explode, but his face showed a bit of pain.

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun stopped and then used the same method to remove the restriction for the female cultivator.

"Although the restriction has been removed for you, I have also left a mark of my consciousness in the depths of your sea of ​​consciousness. As for the fate after betrayal, I think you should know it!"

The two looked stern and couldn't help but smile bitterly at the same time.

This result was more or less within their expectations.

After all, the two parties were enemies before, and it was impossible for them to let them go so easily.

Mo Xun returned the storage bag to the other party, took out the tracking talisman, and threw out a porcelain bottle at the same time.

"I took the two pieces of Sky Demon Crystal. This elixir is useful to you. You can use this talisman now to find the whereabouts of the hidden soul."

The scarred man showed bitterness on his face again. You know, he almost lost his life for these two pieces of Sky Demon Crystal.

The charming female cultivator next to him suddenly stepped forward with a crystal stone in her hand.

"This is my Heavenly Demon Crystal, please accept it!"

This female cultivator was also very careful about her life. Seeing that Mo Xun didn't take anything from her, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

This time, Mo Xun didn't take anything.

If you want a horse to run fast, you still have to feed it some grass.

Searching the two of them clean is not necessarily a good thing.

He threw the talisman to the female cultivator.

"You come to cast a spell, it's best not to play any tricks!"

Soon, the talisman ignited a ball of flame in the air, and finally condensed into a point of light, flying quickly out of the cave.

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