Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1146 The Great Way is Simple

First of all, there is a difference in size.

The Sky Demon Crystal in the Tongtian Demon Tower is only about the size of an egg.

But the one in his hand is as big as an adult's fist.

Another thing is that the demonic energy inside is even more amazing than the real Sky Demon Crystal, but at the same time, it is mixed with a lot of other auras and is abnormally mottled.

If you use this thing to practice directly, even if you don't die, you will probably go astray.

He suddenly thought of something. Could it be that the abnormality of the monsters in Yinjia Mountain is related to this thing?

Because of the disordered space here, "Sky Demon Crystals" often fall from the cracks. After the monsters swallow them, they can achieve rapid advancement, but they are affected by the turbid aura inside, which increases their mana, but their inner elixir cannot be improved.

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.

Then the question is, where do these Sky Demon Crystals that fell from the cracks come from?

Where does the disordered space here lead to?

The result is obviously self-evident. There seems to be no other answer except the demon world of Beiluzhou.

Another question, were these "Demon Crystals" teleported here by accident, or did someone do it on purpose?

If the latter...

Mo Xun was secretly shocked. Fortunately, he had not used this thing to practice before.

Maybe the Demon Crystals in the Tongtian Demon Tower were also teleported here.

Once you use this thing to practice without knowing why, it is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Of course, these are just his guesses.

The Tongtian Demon Tower is a space in itself, and it is not so easy to achieve space teleportation.

And according to Gu Qingyue, those Demon Crystals were bred in the Tongtian River, and may not be related to the things in his hand.

Putting away the crystal stone, Mo Xun walked towards the direction of the medicinal fragrance.

He was just suspicious before, but when he arrived at the place, he found that this place was indeed an ancient medicinal garden.

Deep in the flat canyon, there are seven spaces surrounded by formations.

Each space is a hundred feet square.

The huge formation barrier flows with a faint glow, and the surface is like ripples in the lake.

But when Mo Xun saw the situation inside clearly, his heart sank.

The seven medicine gardens were almost bare, except for a dozen herbs growing sporadically, they were all wasteland.

Looking more carefully, it turned out that there were traces of destruction in the corners of each formation.

Obviously, someone had already got there first.

But there was nothing he could do. Although the light of the soul was extremely sharp, he was definitely not the first to enter this place in tens of millions of years.

Didn't the Yuehua Fairy come here once in the past?

This world is not short of opportunities, and naturally there is no shortage of adventurers looking for opportunities.

Mo Xun walked into one of the medicine gardens, where there was a Tianjuan flower that was about to mature. This was a spiritual medicine bred with demonic energy.

It has a great effect on the Yuanying early stage cultivators who cultivate demons.

In the outside world, it is considered an extremely rare existence.

Mo Xun is now a dual cultivator of demons and spirits, and he can use any kind of spiritual medicine.

In addition, there are some other precious spiritual herbs.

The entire Demon Dao territory is not filled with only demonic energy, but a mixture of demonic and spiritual energy.

There are many demon cultivators who also cultivate spiritual energy, but when applying their skills, they convert spiritual energy into demonic energy.

The same is true inside Yinjia Mountain, and the proportion of spiritual energy is even higher than that in the outside world.

This situation is mainly caused by the current situation of the entire Dongsheng Continent.

There are only spiritual veins in the continent, and the source of demonic energy is the Tongtian Demon Corpse in the nine major sects.

So in general, there is more spiritual energy than demonic energy.

But for some reason, the two sides of the sky and the demon have been fighting for so many years, and the southern border is still suppressed and can't raise its head.

They have occupied the time and place, but they still have to cede land and pay compensation from time to time.

No one would believe it if they told it out!

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and took all the spiritual medicines into his pocket.

As a casual cultivator who came from a low-level cultivator, he said that a thief never leaves empty-handed.

Even though he is now wealthy, he still can't change this habit.

Besides, there are several spiritual medicines here, which are quite precious.

It's a pity that the quantity is a little less.

When he harvested all the medicinal materials in the formation, he was about to leave, but his feet suddenly stopped.

No, these seven formations have existed for at least tens of thousands of years.

I dare not say that there are space cracks everywhere here, but there are many, and they always appear and disappear mysteriously, without any pattern to be found.

With the lethality of space cracks, even the top formations should not be preserved so well.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes and released his consciousness.

Qian Si Niang was about to ask, but after noticing Mo Xun's solemn look, she immediately shut up.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

He said in his heart, as expected!

These seven formations are not as simple as they seem on the surface, but form their own space.

In short, each formation aperture is a world of heaven and earth.

Only in this way can we avoid the invisible space crack.

He carefully examined the location of the seven large formations, which secretly matched the way of heaven and earth. If they were connected, it would be a seven-star hidden formation.

There is another world!

After discovering this, Mo Xun felt ecstatic.

There must be another world behind the seven formations!

He put Qian Si Niang aside and asked her to stay aside.

Since this place is isolated from the outside world, there is no need to worry about the attack of space cracks.

Then he began to sit cross-legged and deduce!

Although it is only seven stars, the doorway inside is not simple.

Sometimes, the simpler the formation is on the surface, the more complicated the changes are.

The so-called great way is simple, and it still holds true in the formation.

After two full days, Mo Xun suddenly jumped up.

"Si Niang, get on my back!"

Qian Si Niang was obedient and climbed on Mo Xun's back without even asking.

Because he had to go out to break the formation, in order to avoid distraction, Mo Xun could only place the other party like this.

After he walked out of the seven-star formation, he slowly flew into the air.

He first released his spiritual consciousness to the greatest extent possible, and condensed a circle of spiritual consciousness network with a wide range and airtightness around the two of them.

Once the spell is cast later, if there is a space crack, he can also capture it in time.

Then, he threw out one by one the formation flags and sank into the void.

As the last formation flag fell, the seven formations suddenly burst into brilliant rays of light, and the earth began to tremble.

"Show me!"

Mo Xun growled, and made a Taoist gesture with both hands in front of his chest. Powerful magic power gushed out of his body and continued to be injected into the Seven Star Formation.

Rumble, half of the valley seemed to tremble.

In each of the seven formations, a beam of light rose straight into the sky, and finally gathered at one point.

And on the ground just below this point, a new formation light circle began to appear faintly.

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