Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1148 Embarrassment

At this critical moment, Mo Meng did not hesitate to start burning his blood essence, and at the same time, his blood and qi burst out, and he released a six-zhang golden light.

A thick golden barrier suddenly condensed in front of him.

As the body refining technique was running, he was surprised to find that he could move.

Sure enough, this body refining magic power had an extremely powerful effect in resisting the Yuanying spirit realm.

Just as the sword was about to pierce his forehead, he suddenly roared and quickly retreated seven or eight steps.

Although it was only two or three zhang, for him, it seemed to carry a huge force, and pulled himself out of the quagmire.

The powerful spatial restraint made him feel that all the bones in his body were almost broken.

There were even cracks on his golden skin, oozing out red blood.

His clothes were also torn to pieces by the sword wind, revealing his strong body.

Taking advantage of this brief opportunity, he quickly sent Qian Si Niang into the green gourd.

At the same time, he also put on the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor.

He released his Nascent Soul Spirit Realm, and the sound of space shattering suddenly sounded around him.

This was caused by the collision of two different spirit realms!

But it was Mo Xun's side that was shattered.

Fortunately, with the cooperation of the six-zhang golden light, his movements were no longer so slow. When the long sword fell, he finally broke out of the space confinement.

With a five-element escape technique, he escaped dozens of feet away.

However, before he could catch his breath for a moment, countless silver sword beams flew from all directions, forming an impenetrable sword net.

These sword beams carried the momentum of breaking through the air and were extremely fast.

Almost in an instant, they came in front of him.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with red light, and the bloodthirsty sword drew dozens of sword beams in the air.

The sword beams met the sword light, and the huge mana impact exploded around him.

But there were too many sword beams, hundreds and thousands, densely packed like countless silver snakes.

Those silver snakes were extremely sharp, directly penetrating his six-foot golden light, tearing through the white flame armor, and slashing through his body.

Flesh flew, blood mist splashed.

In an instant, he was dyed into a bloody man.

But the next moment, a green light flashed, and his figure disappeared.

A green gourd fell to the ground with a clang.

The whole world immediately became quiet.

At the same time, the white-clothed puppet also stopped.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, it seemed to look around in an extremely human manner and frowned.

It disappeared again in the white mist until it found no trace of any human figure.

The place where the two had fought before was already a mess.

Many spiritual herbs and fruits that had grown for who knows how many years had been destroyed beyond recognition and turned into a scorched earth.

If someone was here, I'm afraid they would bleed with heartache!

Each of these plants would be a rare treasure in the outside world, and would attract countless high-level cultivators to fight for their heads.

But now, it has become a dead branch and withered leaf that is worse than the weeds under the feet of the two people.

What a pity!

As soon as Mo Xun escaped into the green gourd, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

His current state can be said to be extremely miserable.

There is no intact place on his body.

Shocking wounds are all over his body from head to toe.

Fortunately, most of them are external injuries. Although they look scary, they are not fatal.

After finding that he could not resist those sword beams, he hid in the gourd as soon as possible.

If it was a little later, or even half a breath, his body would probably collapse.

He quickly swallowed a few pills and began to sit cross-legged to heal his wounds.

After a few hours, when he recovered a little, he endured the pain and immediately set up a circle of isolation formations around him.

Otherwise, once Qian Si Niang woke up, there would be no explanation.

Half a month passed like this, and Mo Xun remained motionless.

Qian Si Niang had already woken up the next day after entering here.

Because Mo Xun sent her to the cyan space in time, she was not injured.

When Qian Si Niang woke up, she was also shocked.

It was really a shocking feeling that a naked bloody man with cuts all over his body suddenly appeared in front of her!

She felt that she would never forget it for the rest of her life!

Then, she was deeply worried.

She couldn't imagine how much endurance a person had to have to survive such an injury.

If it were her, she would have died long ago.

Qian Si Niang was also annoyed at her own uselessness. She followed Mo Xun all the way, but she was always a burden to him.

When she followed her adoptive father, she was the most useless.

When her sister practiced, she could only watch from the side at first.

Later, she was able to practice body, and she felt that she could help her adoptive father, but it was just wishful thinking after all.

In this world dominated by magic practitioners, no matter how strong the body is, what use can it be!

Many times, she always feels that she is redundant.

Redundant people make themselves hate!

But now she can practice, but it is still useless.

"If it weren't for me, Senior Mo wouldn't have been injured so seriously!"

Qian Si Niang looked at Mo Xun, whose body was full of magic fluctuations, and muttered to herself.

Another half a month passed, and Mo Xun's external injuries were finally almost healed.

He suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

But he didn't realize that he was naked at the moment, like a naked loach, showing himself in front of Qian Si Niang without reservation.

The two looked at each other, and Qian Si Niang's eyes widened immediately.

Her mind was blank!

There was only a strange and ugly thing, very big... swaying in the grass.

The scene was so awkward that it was suffocating!

Mo Xun was also stunned for a moment, and then his palm brushed across, and a blurry water curtain immediately appeared between the two of them.

After a long time, Mo Xun, who had put on his clothes again, came out from behind.

Facing Qian Si Niang's shy and inquiring eyes again, he could only cough lightly.

"Si Niang, how are your injuries?"

Qian Si Niang came to her senses and lowered her head quickly.

But I don't know what she thought of, her face was red all the way to her ears, and she answered in a weak voice.

"It's okay, Senior Mo, how about you?"

"I'm fine too!"

After the two of them chatted awkwardly for a few sentences, the atmosphere suddenly became dull.

Fortunately, they soon thought of their current situation.

"Senior Mo, what is this place? Did you kill the man in white?"

Qian Si Niang looked around and touched the formation barrier behind her, thinking that the two had left the medicine garden.

"This is a formation I temporarily set up. We need to stay here for a while."

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