Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1166: Disappeared Suddenly

Boom boom boom, the man and the beast exchanged several moves in a few breaths.

Even though the green dragon was seriously injured and could not even use half of its magic power, it was almost impossible for Mo Xun to defeat it.

The scales of the beast alone were not something he could easily break.

Fortunately, Mo Xun's cultivation was comparable to the late Nascent Soul stage, plus the eighth level of body refinement, so he could barely fight it to a draw.

After another collision between the long sword and the giant claw, the two retreated one after another in the turbulent magic power.

Although the green dragon appeared calm on the surface, it was already in turmoil.

It felt that if it continued to fight like this, it would not be defeated, but the injuries on its body would inevitably worsen.

Since the last time it was ambushed by the Nascent Souls of the Demonic Path, it has been recuperating for more than 20 years, but it is still far from recovering.

If it is injured again this time, it is afraid that it will not be able to return to its peak without a hundred years of hard work.

Although as a member of the Jiaolong clan, the life span is at least ten thousand years, he was unwilling to waste a hundred years in vain.

At this moment, it had already planned to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

Even though it still suspected that Mo Xun was carrying a treasure, this juncture was obviously not the time to entangle.

It was ruthless in its heart. Once it fully recovered, the first person it would look for would definitely be this human cultivator!

The huge body of the green Jiao hovered in the air like a snake, surrounding it, and the condensed strong wind blocked the sword beams.

Although Mo Xun's sword formation did not cause much damage to it, it was also very troublesome.

Whenever it wanted to attack or retreat, it could always slow down its speed.

And the enchanting red long sword in the opponent's hand made it always feel uncomfortable every time it faced it.

The most surprising thing was that the golden light on the surface of this person's body could actually hit its flesh.

It can be said that Mo Xun is the most difficult one among the middle-stage Nascent Souls it has seen in the past tens of thousands of years!

Whether it is the means or the strength of the magic power!

In fact, because the situation is critical now, the green dragon has no time to think.

If it knew that it was because of its "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong" that not only allowed Mo Xun to form a pill by chance, but also had several times the magic power of the same level, I am afraid that this dragon would vomit blood on the spot.

Mo Xun's body was shining with golden light. At the same time as the long sword in his hand cut out a sword light, the whole person rushed up again.

With the blessing of the flesh, his speed was extremely fast.

Facing the same trick, the green dragon sprayed a black light from its mouth, sweeping away the nebula swords that were entangled in front of it.

Then the giant claw fell, forming a huge claw-shaped light and shadow in the air.

This light and shadow covered the sky and the sun, falling straight down, like a cage, trying to trap Mo Xun in it.

Looking up from below, it seemed as if the whole sky was falling down.

But the next moment, Mo Xun suddenly disappeared under the light and shadow.

Faced with this sudden abnormality, the green dragon was not surprised, but chuckled.

"A trifle!"

Then, the green dragon swung its long tail, just like the legendary dragon swinging its tail, sweeping across.

Where the tail swept, a figure emerged from it, as if a whip hit a fly and threw it away.

This figure was naturally Mo Xun who attacked secretly.

The green dragon sneered even more in his heart, but just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found that the body of Mo Xun that was slapped away had actually dissipated.

This dissipation is not an ordinary means of concealment or escape.

There was no fluctuation of mana, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

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