Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1202: The Forbidden Land of Tuoluomen

Mo Xun was startled and frowned slightly.

He first searched through the memories he had just searched for in his soul, and then he remembered the person in front of him.

Ma Ang, who is in the late stage of foundation building, is considered to have a relatively high level of cultivation among the middle and lower level disciples of Tuoluomen.

He is usually domineering and loves to bully lower-level disciples.

His master is a Jindan monk, who is relatively powerful among the elders of the entire sect, so he has arrogance.

Mo Xun took two steps back and cupped his hands expressionlessly.

"I've met Senior Brother Ma!"

Ma Ang sneered and gave him a scornful look, and said: "Since I saw you today, I just have something to ask you. I heard that you got a good-looking magic grass a few days ago. Please give me a price and I will take it. ”

Although Mo Xun didn't know exactly what was going on, he roughly guessed the other party's intention.

Without thinking much, he reached out to touch the storage bag, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But in a flash, he changed his mind.

"Senior Brother Ma, I have placed the elixir in the cave. If you want to go with me, I will give it to you."

Ma Ang did not doubt that he was there, but snorted coldly from his nostrils.

"Forget it, I'll just go with you."

Mo Xun immediately led the way. Because there was an air restriction in the door, the two of them could only fly low to catch the wind. After reaching a remote place, Mo Xun suddenly turned around. Before Ma Ang could react, a big hand came out. It was buckled on his Tianling Cap.

Ma Ang was about to exclaim, but the expression on his face did not change, and even his voice was stuck in his throat. He felt the world spinning for a while, and then his whole consciousness gradually became blurred, and his eyes became hollow.

The bright moon is in the sky and the night wind is blowing.

There is no spring and autumn in the world of immortality, and no one pays attention to what season it is now.

The monks practice day after day just to pursue the illusory avenue.

Just like a greedy person, they spend the rest of their lives obsessed with accumulating money, but do not understand the meaning of mastering wealth.

The forbidden area of ​​Tuoluomen is deep inside the sect.

According to the information Mo Xun learned, the corpse of the Tongtian Demon was buried under the forbidden area.

Therefore, within a radius of tens of millions of miles centered on the entire Tuoluomen, only in the forbidden areas are the auras of demonic spirits the strongest.

This place is also where the foundation of Tulomon lies!

Of course, these are just rumors. After all, no one has actually seen what the Tongtian Demon Corpse looks like.

If given the chance, Mo Xun wouldn't mind paying homage.

However, he didn't care about it. Although he was now a dual cultivator of demons and spirits, he didn't have much interest in cultivating demons.

He was here to save Lu Wushen this time. If he really touched the Tongtian Demon Corpse, he might not be able to leave the demonic path.

In the dead of night, the only sound is the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Moyunling is a place where few people usually come, let alone at this time.

As Mo Xun moved forward slowly, his consciousness had already covered several miles around. Not far in front of him was Ma Ang, who had been controlled.

In front of a canyon, the two stopped.

Although this place seems unremarkable and looks like a dense jungle from a distance, there is another mystery inside.

In the canyon, subtle forbidden fluctuations were faintly flowing, and there were more than one.

Mo Xun controlled Ma Ang and stepped in, and the surrounding scenery changed.

Under the moonlight, the originally green mountain forest suddenly turned into a gray patch.

Although the trees were still there, there was a sense of deathly silence everywhere.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"This place actually limits spiritual consciousness!"

He whispered secretly, and as soon as he entered, he felt that his consciousness was greatly suppressed.

However, this kind of suppression does not seem to be a formation restriction, but like some kind of treasure.

He didn't think much about it, after all, top-secret places often have such protection.

Otherwise, just anyone who comes over can explore everything inside without having to walk in.

After avoiding several fatal attack restrictions, the two of them still moved forward slowly, one behind the other, but Mo Xun quietly distanced himself from Ma Ang.

At this time, in a cave deep in the forbidden area, a man with a gloomy face suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, a voice came from the side.

"What's wrong?"

The voice didn't sound like it was made by a human being. It was rather hoarse and unpleasant, as if every time he uttered a word, his throat experienced painful friction.

In the darkness, two flashes of red flashed from the source of the sound, like two lanterns.

The man frowned at first, then relaxed.

"Someone broke in!"

"Is it that one?"

The man shook his head.

"No, he is still receiving the demonic energy initiation!"

"Do you need me to go?"

This hoarse voice was far away and near, very dull, and gave people an extremely uncomfortable feeling in their ears.

The man replied: "Don't worry, they are just two foundation-building monks. They may be disciples who broke in accidentally. If they are lucky, they will go out. If they are looking for death, they can't blame others."

After saying this, the man closed his eyes again.

The hoarse voice on the side spoke again.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself by opening the forbidden area to that person like this?"

The corners of the man's mouth curled up.

"Why should I control him? What we are facing now can be said to be a time of great chaos, but it is also a time of great struggle. If we don't seize the opportunity, you and I will be wiped out in the world. As for him... .”

The man paused for a moment, his face showing absolute confidence.

"Although this man has good cultivation, he is disorganized and his soul is extremely fragile. I suspect that he has taken over another body and reborn. This person will be of great help to my next plan."

The hoarse voice replied: "You decide for yourself, but as I said, if something unexpected happens at this critical moment, even if I take action, I can't help you much."

This time the man did not speak, and the secret room fell into silence again.

If Mo Xun was here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that the gloomy man was Gu Jianshan.

Just as Mo Xun carefully explored the environment in the forbidden area, Gu Qingyue had returned from the outside in Cangwu Mountain.

She stood quietly outside the door of the almost destroyed cave, looking at the mess.

I don't know how long this state lasted.

Until someone suddenly appeared in front of her, interrupting her thoughts.

"Junior Sister Gu, the person has been found!"

Looking at Gu Qingyue's strange behavior, Han Feng was a little surprised for a while.

He had been in Tuoluomen for longer than Gu Qingyue was old.

In his impression, the two siblings had never considered each other as relatives since they could remember, and even often, they were more jealous of each other than enemies.

But why was the other party so worried when Gu Ming was abducted?

Could it be that the rift between the two of them was just superficial?

But why was this?

Gu Qingyue seemed to be suddenly awakened from a dream, and asked anxiously: "How did you find it?"

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