Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1206 Earth Ganoderma

While Han Feng was waiting for the answer confidently, Gu Ming suddenly fell silent.

This second-generation ancestor is not stupid.

Although Gu Ming had lost his previous memory, after Han Feng reminded him, he immediately thought of Gu Qingyue's strange intention.

This sudden, why did the other party suddenly ask about the place where the bastard was imprisoned.

At this moment, even if he was stupid, he figured out some of the joints.

When thinking of this, Gu Ming's face immediately showed an unconcealable anger.

In his opinion, Gu Qingyue and the person who kidnapped him must be in the same group.

That person is even likely to be from the Tiandao League!

"Stinky bitch, you really colluded with the Southern Xinjiang cultivators. You didn't show your feet before. This time I finally caught the evidence. Let's see how you can quibble..."

Thinking like this, he felt that his guess was correct.

The one who kidnapped him must be a Yuanying cultivator.

But after he was kidnapped, he was only tortured, not killed directly.

This means that the man probably tortured him to force him to reveal Lu Wushen's whereabouts, and he was fearless and finally persevered.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, the man could only let him go and let Gu Qingyue take action.

Finally, he said that he would erase his memory, perhaps because he was afraid of his identity.

When he thought of this, Gu Ming showed an expression of understanding on his face, as if he had seen through everything.

As for why he could be mighty and unyielding in the hands of the Yuanying cultivator, but he had to reveal everything under Gu Qingyue's sword, Gu Ming didn't think about it at all.

Han Feng looked at Gu Ming's face, which was angry, smiling, and silent, and he had the urge to strangle him to death.

"Junior Brother Gu, do you know where Junior Sister went?"

Han Feng suppressed his unhappiness, and his face still had a concerned expression.

"That stinky bitch... I don't know where she went."

Gu Ming stopped talking halfway through his words.

He didn't trust Han Feng. Since Gu Qingyue was going to die, he planned to think of a good way to personally welcome this good sister.

Then, he hurriedly held his breath to recover from his injuries.

These two arms have not been completely connected yet!

Seeing Gu Ming's indifferent look, Han Feng clenched his fists tightly.

As a Yuanying elder, he is already at the level of the sect's ancestor. Except for his master, no matter where he goes, he is like a star-studded moon.

But in front of this brother and sister, he is always ignored.

Gu Qingyue is okay, after all, she is the person he likes.

What is he, Gu Ming?

If it weren't for that identity, he would have slapped this kind of person to death with one palm.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​Tuluo Gate, the night was dark and windy, and there was no life in the quiet forest. Because of the restriction of spiritual consciousness, Mo Xun controlled the monk named Ma Ang and walked carefully in the dense forest.

Just as Gu Ming said, the forbidden area is full of deadly formations and restrictions.

Only a skilled and courageous person like Mo Xun dares to enter alone.

However, compared with the dragon pools and tiger dens that Mo Xun had entered before, a sect forbidden area was not enough to scare him.

Think of the ancient ruins, the secret realm of the gods' tomb, the palace of the Ten Thousand Monsters, and even the Tiankui Realm where even magic power could not be used. Which one is not more dangerous than this place?

He walked through them step by step!

When he first went to the ancient ruins, he had just built his foundation.

At that time, he dared to break into the mansion of the peak Jindan power alone, so why should he be afraid of these?

Fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, fighting against people, this is his fate since he decided to leave Xunyang County.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came into Mo Xun's ears very abruptly.

Then, he saw a faint light flashing under the feet of Ma Ang in front of him, and his feet seemed like quicksand, and the whole person fell towards the ground.

Mo Xun was quick-witted and came to Ma Ang in a flash, reaching out to grab him.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late. Ma Ang had disappeared after the light flashed.

Looking at his feet again, the ground that was originally like quicksand began to harden gradually, just like a wound healing.

While the light was still there, Mo Xun took a step forward, performed a "Dodge" spell, and sank into the ground.

He originally thought that there was a pit or something underneath, but who knew that the ground was full of mud and gravel, and there was no place to stay at all.

But seeing that the light took Ma Ang away quickly, Mo Xun didn't care to think too much and chased after him without hesitation.

In the flickering light, he finally saw what was going on.

In the light, it turned out to be a milky white ball of hair.

The ball of hair was extremely fast underground, completely ignoring the obstacles of the soil, as if it was in an open place, coming and going like the wind.

Although there are many restrictions on spiritual consciousness and magic power here, Mo Xun is not an ordinary cultivator.

Regardless of his profound cultivation, just the horizontal training of the physical body is enough for him to pass through such a place unimpeded.

Maoqiu twisted and turned underground to get rid of him, but no matter how he used his skills, Mo Xun behind him was chasing him closely.

Perhaps because of the consumption of escaping far away, Maoqiu's speed finally slowed down.

Mo Xun seized the opportunity and flew forward in one move, grabbing Maoqiu with a big hand condensed with magic power.

"Aiya" screamed, Maoqiu was hit by the magic power and stopped immediately, and Ma Ang, who was abducted by it, was also thrown out.

But at this moment, Ma Ang had completely lost his life and turned into a corpse.

In addition, half of Ma Ang's head was missing, and half of his body was bloody and fleshy, which was disgusting to look at.

"Daoyou, spare me!"

Just as Mo Xun grabbed the fur ball and tried to see what it was, he heard a plea for mercy.

Mo Xun frowned.

"What are you?"

This thing was about the size of a head, with white hair about an inch long all over its body. It was round and had no eyes or nose.

"Fellow Daoist, spare me, I am a Ganoderma lucidum!"

The furry white ball shook its body, trying to escape from Mo Xun's hand, but no matter how it struggled, it was helpless.

This thing was covered with white hair all over its body, with no mouth or nose, but it could speak.

But the voice was a little weird, like a child of seven or eight years old.

Especially the word "Fellow Daoist" was quite weird.

"Ganoderma lucidum?"

Even though Mo Xun was knowledgeable, he was somewhat speechless at this moment.

He had certainly seen Ganoderma lucidum, but the thing in front of him was completely different from what he remembered.

"Are you Lingzhi?"

"That's right, I am the transformed Lingzhi, don't kill me, bring me with you when you practice, I guarantee that no matter what bottleneck you encounter, you will be able to break through smoothly!"

When these words came out, Mo Xun wanted to laugh.

Although there is a little magic spirit in this little thing, he naturally doesn't believe that it has such an effect.

Mo Xun looked at the ball of hair in his hand with interest, and smiled coldly.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for me to eat you directly?"

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