Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1211: Encountering the Chaos Heaven and Earth Stone Again

"The Stone of the Mysterious Earth and the Chaos Heaven!"

As soon as he entered the stone room, Mo Xun narrowed his eyes.

On the top of the center of the stone room, there was a two-color stone hanging upside down, which was the Stone of the Mysterious Earth and the Chaos Heaven.

I didn't expect that after a hundred years, he would be able to encounter such a magical object again.

This is a good thing!

This stone can breed the Godly Liquid of the Chaos Heaven, which is divided into black and white, also known as Yin and Yang.

The Yang can cure all diseases, and the Yin can poison all things.

Thinking back then, he escaped the stranglehold of the demon tree in the secret realm of the God's Tomb with the help of the Black Liquid of the Chaos Heaven.

This White Liquid of the Chaos Heaven is even more of a healing medicine, which was very helpful to him during the years of fighting in Xihezhou.

He hurriedly looked at the ground and saw that there was a stone platform just below the two-color stone. On the stone platform, there were two bowl-sized sinks, which were where the Godly Liquid of the Chaos Heaven was dripping.

But now it was empty, without a drop.

Mo Xun then looked at the Tu Lingzhi beside him. Wouldn't this guy have eaten all of them?

Tu Lingzhi met Mo Xun's gaze and didn't understand what he meant for a moment, but he knew what he meant by observing his words and expressions.

"Senior... Senior, what... what happened?"

Mo Xun pointed to the stone platform.

"What's inside?"

"Ah? What?"

Tu Lingzhi glanced at the groove of the stone platform and was puzzled.

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "Don't you know what this is?"

Tu Lingzhi shook his round head.

"I don't know. It was like this when I first came here. Once I came here injured. There happened to be a drop of dew on the white stone. I smelled it very sweet, so I licked it. Who knew that after just sleeping, the injuries on my body were almost healed."

Mo Xun suddenly fell silent, his eyes fell on the stone platform in front again, and he fell into a brief thought.

He did not question Tu Lingzhi's words. This guy was probably like this when he first came.

After all, the only thing that can be useful to him is the white liquid of the sky.

As for the black liquid and the Yin water, the other party will definitely not take it by mistake.

But the strange thing is that there is no trace of the Yin and Yang water at the moment.

Is there something else?

He looked up and saw that there was a faint water vapor slowly condensing on the two-colored stones. Although it was thin, it could still be found if observed carefully.

In other words, these two stones are not dead objects, and the Hun Tian Divine Liquid must have been condensing.

But why not?

After a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

It's a formation!

There is a circle of extremely sophisticated concealment formations around this stone platform, which covers up the things in the water tank.

Thinking of this, he quickly asked Tu Lingzhi to retreat.

Then, he sent out his divine consciousness and carefully explored around the stone platform.

After a full stick of incense, he found some clues.

"This formation method..."

Even though Mo Xun is now quite proficient in formations, he did not find a way to crack it immediately. Although he could break it with force, the whole stone chamber would probably be destroyed.

Fortunately, this formation is very old and has not been maintained for many years, which gave him the opportunity to crack it cleverly.

He raised his hand and tapped the air casually a few times, and a strange rune suddenly appeared in front of him, looming and emitting a faint white light.

He raised his hand and pushed, and the rune sank into the void on the stone platform.

Immediately afterwards, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared above the stone platform like a spider web, and it was shattered in just a moment.

In the stone chamber, a mixture of sweetness and stench immediately filled the air.

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