Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1213 Another Fantasy

Just when Mo Xun was about to leave, a voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Fellow Taoist, don't you want to know why I led you here?"

Mo Xun's expression suddenly changed and he turned to look at Tu Lingzhi.

Feeling the sudden coldness in Mo Xun's eyes, Tu Lingzhi trembled all over and didn't know what happened for a moment.

It took a few trembling steps back.

"Senior...senior...what's wrong?"

"who are you?"


Tu Lingzhi was confused by these words, who is it?

Who else could it be?

"I...I am Tu Lingzhi!"

Looking through the long hair and looking at the other person's eyes the size of mung beans, Mo Xun fell into deep thought for a while.

From this guy's expression, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Could it be this wordless monument?

When he thought of this, he quickly stepped back.

"Senior, what happened?"

Tu Lingzhi was really frightened by Mo Xun's sudden weirdness.

"Do not talk!"

After the words fell, Mo Xun once again explored his spiritual consciousness, trying to forcefully break through the formation restrictions.

At this moment, the voice entered the sea of ​​consciousness again.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to panic. I am neither a remnant soul nor a monster. I am just a will left by the master here during his lifetime. In these long years, I have gradually evolved into spiritual wisdom. Over the years, I have been waiting for the destined person to come here and be able to If you inherit my inheritance, you won’t have to wait for countless years in these thousands of years..."

Mo Xun didn't speak, he was still trying to break through the formation with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

On the other side, he was ready to leave at any time.

Tu Lingzhi was even more puzzled when he saw this, but no matter how stupid he was, he realized that something was wrong. A pair of small eyes fell on the tombstone with the same confusion.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't believe what I say?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. Seeing that his spiritual consciousness could not break through, he flashed his body and walked away in the direction from which he came.

The sound coming from the sea of ​​consciousness was quite strange. Even with his cultivation level, he could not find where the sound came from.

As for inheritance and the like, he is not interested at all.

After finally surviving for so long, he didn't want to be buried here because of a little curiosity.

When Tu Lingzhi saw Mo Xun running away, he seemed to have been prepared for it. He chased after him in a flash, and his speed did not miss a beat.

But then, the world suddenly changed.

The originally lush mountain forest suddenly became pitch black, and the entire world turned into a turbid ink color.

This kind of darkness is like an endless void, with no end in sight.

Mo Xun stopped suddenly and frowned.


He was all too familiar with this situation.

It's just that the illusion in front of him was really brilliant, and it seemed that he fell deeply into it unconsciously.

Mo Xun took a deep breath. He had never encountered this kind of situation before.

He knew that at this time, he needed to calm down more.

He stretched out his spiritual consciousness and carefully searched for the weak points of this illusion.

Unexpectedly, before the spiritual consciousness was released very far, it suddenly disappeared, as if it was swallowed by something.

What a brilliant illusion!

Mo Xun sighed inwardly. In the past, even if he was in an illusion, he could find some clues, but this time, he had no clue at all.

Fortunately, the real owner appeared soon.

In the darkness, a figure slowly walked out.

It was still a little blurry at first, and only a ball of white light could be seen, until closer to the front and back, the true appearance was gradually revealed.

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