Feeling the overwhelming pressure from the blood cloud, Mo Xun's mind raced.

If the person in front of him was a Nascent Soul cultivator of the same realm, he would not be so timid.

With his current cultivation, even if he met Gu Jianshan again, he could fight to a draw.

But this person gave him a very strange feeling. Although he had not fought with all his strength, he was quite unsure in his heart.

At this moment, the blood cloud suddenly condensed into a terrifying and hideous giant head.

This head was very huge, a hundred feet wide, covering the sky and the sun, occupying half of the sky, like a moon hanging in the sky.

But compared to the moon, the face was really too ugly, like a human and a beast.

On a face, there was a mouth and nose, but there were six eyes.

No, the extra ones did not seem to be eyes, but red tumors that looked like eyes.

The whole facial features were flattened, as if the bottom of a pot was slapped on the face, flattening the face.

There are feather-like hairs all around the head. If you really want to find a corresponding thing for this thing, it is a bit like an owl at night.

"It turns out to be a demon..."

Just as Mo Xun was thinking, a drop of blood-colored rain suddenly fell from the sky. At first, it looked like a small drop of rain, but in a moment, it turned into a heavy rain.

As the blood rain fell, Mo Xun cast a six-foot golden light.

The blood rain fell on the golden light, making a hissing corrosive sound, quickly consuming the blood in Mo Xun's body.

Mo Xun quickly condensed a circle of mana shield on the surface of his body, and sacrificed several defensive magic weapons.

After seeing that the blood rain could not only corrode the blood and golden light, but also corrode the magic weapons, Mo Xun did not dare to take out his own life magic weapon.

The blood rain fell all over the sky. While defending, Mo Xun also quickly cast the escape technique to find a way out.

But no matter where he escaped, the blood rain would follow him.

In fact, it is understandable. This world is under the control of the other party. Or, to put it bluntly, this guy of unknown origin is the master of this space.

As for the earth ganoderma, it has long been in Mo Xun's sleeve.

"This is just an appetizer. Can you not hold on? Hahaha... I will torture you bit by bit. Of course, if you beg for mercy now, I can reluctantly stop. As long as you let go of your mind and let me enter your body smoothly, I will withdraw my magical powers. You may not know that these are all transformed from my blood and blood. The poison contained in them cannot be easily gotten rid of even if a cultivator of the transformation of the spirit touches it. My blood and blood can burn the body, burn the consciousness, and corrode the soul. When that time comes, even if you want to die, you can't do it happily..."

Hearing this endless chatter, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Speaking of poison, he thought of the Hun Tian Lingye that he had just obtained.

Yinshui is extremely poisonous. I wonder if it can restrain this guy?

He suddenly thought of a sentence, where there is a poisonous snake, there must be an antidote within seven steps.

Could it be that the Chaos Heaven and Earth Stone did not appear here for no reason?

After a brief thought, he threw this doubt aside. Now is not the time to think about these things.

As the blood rain became more and more, his mana and blood were rapidly consumed.

Fortunately, he had a lot of spiritual medicine to restore mana, so he would not panic for a while.

At the same time, the face in the air also noticed Mo Xun's extraordinaryness.

This guy, his mana seems to be endless, and every time the protective light shield is about to dissipate, it will always condense again.

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