Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1219 Bloody Centipede

At the same time, a furry head poked out from the cuffs.

The head first looked around, then his expression brightened, and the next moment he jumped onto Mo Xun's shoulder.

"Senior, how did you escape?"

As soon as Tu Lingzhi finished speaking, the ground around him began to tremble again, and then a loud noise came from behind him.

With a boom!

The powerful air wave directly blew Mo Xun away from where he was.

Fortunately, when the abnormality behind him came, Mo Xun hurriedly used the six-foot golden light to protect his body.

The red light exploded, and it seemed as if a crack suddenly appeared in the void.

The majestic spiritual energy mixed with the huge impact of mana exploded like a broken ball, and the whole world trembled.

In the tremor, a deafening laugh came from all around.

"Hahaha, I finally got out!"

Mo Xun, who had just stabilized his body, hurriedly turned around and saw an extremely large centipede breaking out of the ground.

The centipede's head alone was a thousand feet long.

Looking closely, there was an unusually strange monster head on top of its head, which was the red eagle head he had seen before.

It turned out that the thing in front of him was the real body of this guy!

"Human race, if you had said earlier that you had a way to break the boundary, I wouldn't have made it difficult for you, hahahaha... But it's okay this way, when I catch you, I will definitely treasure your soul well to thank you for your kindness today!"

Looking at the centipede that was like a towering mountain, Mo Xun was really a little shocked.

The thing was placed in front of him, completely blocking his vision, and it seemed endless.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a big monster.

Even the black dragon at the time was not so big!

What on earth is this?

At this moment, two rainbow lights came flying.

It was a man and a beast!

When Mo Xun saw the man's appearance clearly, his eyes were fixed.

Gu Jianshan!

At the same time, Gu Jianshan also noticed Mo Xun's existence.

"Why is it him?"

Gu Jianshan, who was in retreat, knew that someone had entered the forbidden area, but because Mo Xun's concealment method did not reveal his own breath, Gu Jianshan did not know who it was.

Next to Gu Jianshan was a strange beast.

This beast floated in the air, and its appearance was also quite strange. Its head was a bit like a unicorn, and its body was gray and black.

And its lower body was shrouded in black air, and its true shape could not be seen clearly.

"Hey, it turns out that there are helpers, but it doesn't matter. I have been trapped for so many years and I am already hungry!"

Gu Jianshan didn't have time to think about why Mo Xun came here at this moment. When he saw the huge strange beast that suddenly appeared in front of him, the shock in his mind was no less than Mo Xun.

"Who is the monster who dares to break into my Tuoluomen forbidden area!"

After the voice fell, Gu Jianshan had already offered the magic weapon in his hand.

Although he felt that the thing in front of him was quite extraordinary, Gu Jianshan was not afraid at all.

As an existence standing at the top of this world, even if he encounters a late-stage great cultivator of the same realm, he has extremely strong confidence.

"Not bad, let me see how strong the human race in this world is!"

After the words fell, the centipede opened its mouth and sprayed out countless dense red steel needles.

It is called steel needles, but that is compared to the huge size of the centipede.

In front of the human cultivator, each steel needle is about a foot thick.

Countless steel needles rushed in front of him, and in an instant, they submerged the area where Gu Jianshan was located.

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