After one stick of incense, Mo Xun suddenly heard the voice of Wuji Sanren.

"Cast the spell quickly, it's going to escape, stop it!"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, frowning and hesitating, but in just a moment, he felt something coming towards him quickly from the depths of the cave.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he immediately pinched a Taoist formula with his hand, and then he drew a large pattern in the void, like a ghost painting a talisman.

After shouting loudly, the spiritual power in his body swarmed out and continued to pour into the pattern in front of him. In a flash, a fire-shaped Bagua appeared out of thin air, and then continued to expand, and finally covered the entire cave entrance.

This spell is called the Fire Shadow Formation, but to be honest, it is just a shortened version of the original spell, or a modified version.

After the real Fire Shadow Formation is cast, it can cover the sky and the sun. It is a great magical power that can only be mastered when you reach the Jindan stage.

However, despite this, Mo Xun was a little powerless to perform such a small-scale fire shadow formation with his current state. I am afraid that his spiritual power would be drained in a dozen breaths.

Just when the fire-shaped Bagua was just formed, a ball of fire flew out of the cave quickly. However, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the ball of fire had wings and eyes, and the entire appearance was like a blue phoenix.

Mo Xun was shocked. What the hell is this?

By the time he reacted, the ball of fire had already hit the Bagua in front of him, followed by an anthropomorphic whine, and the temperature nearby suddenly rose to a terrifying level.

Almost in an instant, his eyebrows and hair turned to ashes, and even the clothes on his arms were ignited.

Mo Xun hurriedly mobilized part of his spiritual power to protect his body. For a moment, he only felt that the water in his body was lost at an incredible speed.

I am afraid that in another hour or three, he will really become the dehydration death mentioned by Wuji San.

At this moment, he was like falling into a furnace. If he had not practiced the fire-related skills, he would have been burned to ashes.

The firebird was blocked by the Eight Diagrams, flapping its wings and floating in the air again. Its pair of fiery red eyes stared at Mo Xun fiercely, and a fierce flame spurted out of its mouth.

Mo Xun was shocked, but it was too late. The flames were like a tsunami, instantly drowning him.

In the sea of ​​fire, Mo Xun's upper body clothes burned away in an instant, and he almost fainted under the scorching temperature.

Just when he was about to give up and was about to withdraw the spell, a voice transmission sounded in his ears again.

"You must stop it!"

Hearing this cold voice, Mo Xun felt bitter in his heart. This was simply asking him to fight with his life.

In this way, what was the difference between killing him directly?

In a flash, he figured out Wuji Sanren's purpose.

This person must have brought him here for the fire bird in front of him. As long as he could catch it, who would care about his life or death?

After figuring out the key points, he would not be so stupid as to make wedding clothes for others.

With this thought in mind, he used the wind control technique under his feet and hurriedly retreated.

But at this moment, a green transparent scimitar suddenly flew from a distance and hit the fire bird directly.

This scimitar came almost at the same time when Mo Xun withdrew his magic power and the Bagua disappeared.

The fire bird was injured on the back, and it wailed again, and its body flew forward, heading towards Mo Xun.

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