But who would have thought that just after escaping from the clutches of Wuji Sanren, he would plant a root of evil in his body by mistake!

Looking at the firebird pattern on his arm, he suddenly said, "Senior Firebird, is that you?"

After waiting for a while, he did not get any response, and even his body did not react.

He called out several times, but still did not get a response from the other party. Mo Xun's face could not help but darken.

"Hey, don't be shameless. You occupy my body, so you should give me an explanation. Believe it or not, if I get ruthless, I will even be afraid of myself. At that time, I would rather die than live in disgrace. I would rather cut off this arm than allow you to parasitize in my body!"

However, after saying this threatening word, there was still no response from the pattern on the arm.

Mo Xun was furious, and a ball of fire suddenly gathered in his left hand, and he slapped the red mark.

However, after a cry of pain, he gave up this way of self-mutilation.

He sighed bitterly in his heart, not knowing whether he accepted his fate or lamented his bad luck.

Since entering Tianxiang Valley, he felt that he had not been lucky for a single day.

First, he made a small fortune, but encountered a third-level monster and almost lost his life. Later, he accidentally broke into the maze and tossed for more than ten days. He finally found a way out, and then met the old evil star Wuji Sanren. He was forced to come here and was almost burned to death.

He gambled his fate and jumped into the abyss with his life at stake, but who knew that he would be penetrated by a firebird.

The dangers he encountered in the first half of his life combined were probably not as thrilling as this month.

He has only cultivated to the ninth level of Qi Refining now, and he still needs to build a foundation later. I don’t know how many difficulties and obstacles are waiting for him!

Thinking of this, he remembered his spiritual root attributes. According to Xiao Qian, whether the foundation building can be successful depends on the spiritual root for 90% and luck for 10%.

As for him, he has not yet entered the world of immortal cultivation, and his luck is so bad. How much confidence can he have when he builds his foundation?

It is extremely ironic that with such spiritual roots, a soul that has been sleeping for who knows how many years is unwilling to take over another body!

"Alas!" Another sigh!

He patted the dust off his body, and then he noticed that he was naked.

He touched his bald head and his burned eyebrows. At this moment, if he closed his eyes and mouth, he looked like a winter melon on his shoulders from a distance.

After complaining about his fate for a while, he had to force himself to abandon those negative thoughts and sit cross-legged again. Now that his life and death are uncertain, he urgently needs to recover his magic power as soon as possible.

Half a day later, Mo Xun came to the black and white soil. He had not entered here for a while, and many spiritual herbs in the black soil had grown taller than last time.

Then he planted all the spiritual objects he had recently obtained into the black soil, especially those in the Gu Yue Sect mission. If he really went to Lan Tian City, these spiritual herbs would be indispensable for him to enter Gu Yue Sect.

Seeing these spiritual herbs, he thought of Wu Ji San Ren again. He didn't know how furious that old monster would be when he saw him jumping off the cliff!

Especially after seeing the fire bird enter his body, I'm afraid that old thing's Yuan Shen, who had just possessed him, would be angry again.

Thinking of Wu Ji San Ren's angry look, Mo Xun suddenly laughed, and his originally gloomy mood was a little better.

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