Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 128 Qingguang Conjecture

Mo Xun blinked his eyes, and saw that everything he saw was pitch black, and the surroundings were so quiet that it made people creepy.

Before he could take any action, he suddenly felt the spiritual power in his body constantly stirring, and then he realized that the poisonous fog around him was at least ten times denser than the outside world.

In a panic, he quickly took out two detoxification pills and swallowed them, and silently operated the Fiery Fire Art, and a faint spiritual light shield lingered on his body.

Fortunately, during these days in Tianxiang Valley, he had long been familiar with this feeling, and the reaction in his body was nothing more than a little stronger than before!

But then again, in addition to the dense poisonous fog, it seemed that the surrounding spiritual energy was also much denser than outside.

He couldn't help but think that if there were no poisonous fog, this would be a good place to practice.

Just as he was about to put away the green gourd, he suddenly said "Huh", because the surface of the gourd was now lingering with a circle of green light, like a large firefly, which was very conspicuous in the darkness.

As for the gourd glowing, he knew it when he found it under the ancient tomb. However, the green light on weekdays was only a faint layer, not as bright as it is now.

If it weren't for the fact that it was too dark here, it would be hard to find!

In the past, he was mainly focused on exploring the space of the gourd, but he never paid attention to the situation outside the gourd.

He took the gourd in front of him and looked around. After a while, he was surprised to find that the green light outside was composed of countless faint light spots.

And these light spots seemed to be entering the gourd continuously.

Seeing this, he was really surprised. This thing can be said to be his only treasure to establish himself in the world of immortal cultivation and make up for the defects of his spiritual roots. If there is any problem, the last bit of confidence in his cultivation will be gone!

He couldn't help but touch his chin and think. As for other skills, he might be ordinary, but compared with others, he has a calm mind.

In a moment, he thought of a possibility.

Perhaps these increasing light spots are due to the strong spiritual energy here!

A long time ago, there was a question that bothered him, that is, how long can the ripening effect of black soil last.

The green gourd is isolated from the outside world. Without energy replenishment, he does not believe that this kind of ripening can be maintained indefinitely.

Now seeing these green light spots that have drilled into the gourd, he understands something.

However, he has to wait until he leaves this place to verify it.

After putting away the gourd, he threw out a fireball casually, and his eyes suddenly became brighter. However, because of the poisonous fog, his vision was limited to a range of ten feet, and what he saw was always hazy, as if in a dream.

After walking two steps forward, there was a "click" sound under his feet. He hurriedly looked down and found that it was just a branch, but next to it, there was a pile of white bones, which looked like human bones.

Picking up the branch and lighting it casually, he looked around.

Apart from some broken stones and bones, nothing else was found, and as for flowers, plants and trees, there was not a single one.

In fact, it is understandable. The poisonous fog here is so thick that even monsters cannot survive, let alone plants?

But it is strange. When he fell, he clearly fell along a rock wall, but when he looked for it just now, he found that this place was actually very empty, and there was no rock wall at all.

Could it be that this cliff is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom?

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