Mo Xun suddenly fell silent, and the old woman did not urge him.

He was indeed weighing the situation in his mind, and the conditions offered by the other party were indeed very tempting.

But he ignored one question at this moment. If he didn't agree, could he get out?

After a long time, Mo Xuncai said: "How do seniors need juniors to swear?"

"Of course you will destroy the clan for me!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "How long have you been here, senior?"

"It's been more than a thousand years, why do you ask this?"

Mo Xun was shocked again. He didn't expect that this old woman was actually an existence that existed even longer than Wuji Sanren.

He didn't know where exactly Tianxiang Valley was hiding so many old monsters. In just ten days, he actually encountered two of them in a row.

After calming down a little, Mo Xuncai said: "Senior, since he has been here for so long, not to mention whether the Huanyang True Water is still there, whether senior Liu Jizi or his descendants can be found is still a matter of two questions. "How dare you, this junior, swear a poisonous oath?"

After listening to Mo Xun's words, the old woman laughed: "Junior, I know what you are thinking, it is nothing more than coveting these two things, and you are afraid that the effort will be in vain, right?"

Mo Xun smiled awkwardly, stroking the token in his hand. He really didn't want to give up such a good opportunity, but it just depends on whether he can bargain.

"From your point of view, it is inevitable to have such concerns. After all, it is indeed a bit difficult to make you swear with just a few empty words from me... Well, let me leave this thing to your control for the time being, and the same Count it as an upfront reward!”

After the words fell, there was a "Cang Cang" sound, and something fell from the air again.

Mo Xun hurriedly took a closer look and found that it was a delicate silver ring.

"This thing is a natal magic weapon that I used to have. It has been following me since I successfully formed the elixir. However, because I couldn't advance, I used it less. When you complete what I told you, you can use it less. How about taking it in exchange for the whereabouts of Huanyang True Water?"

Mo Xun was shocked again when he heard the words "life magic weapon" and "elixir formation".

According to Xiao Qian, in the world of immortality, magic weapons are many levels higher than magic weapons.

Only when you reach the elixir formation stage and have the universe in your body can you begin to cultivate magic weapons.

But now, with such a treasure placed in front of him, how could he not feel trembling in his heart?

Although the old woman said that this thing can only be controlled by him temporarily and has not been given away, but with this magic weapon, I am afraid that even in front of monks who are a level above him, I can fight back.

Mo Xun looked at this small ring and felt that his breathing had become less smooth.

"Senior, are you really giving this thing to this junior for use?"

"Although I am just a remnant of my soul now, I have never taken back what I have said!"

Mo Xun picked up the ring on the ground, but he was muttering in his heart, what is a wisp of residual soul?

He suddenly thought of an extremely terrible thing, and couldn't help but feel tight in his heart, but in an instant, he shook his head secretly.

It turned out that in his heart, he thought that this old woman, like Wuji Sanren, would take away his body, but after thinking about it for a while, he found that he was overly worried.

If the other party wanted to seize the body, he could have done it when he was sucked in just now, so why bother talking to him so much nonsense.

Perhaps there are still some differences between Yuanshen and remnant souls.

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