Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 144 Buying a Yard

"Brother Mo, did you see my sister later?"

Looking at the worried look on the little girl's face, Mo Xun shook his head: "No, it was only when I found this broken sword that I knew there was such a person!"

Li Qingying's tears immediately flowed down.

"This sword is my sister's favorite thing, and it was also given to my sister by my mother. Now that the sword is broken, my sister must be in danger..."

As she spoke, Li Qingying lay on the table and sobbed.

Mo Xun didn't know how to comfort people, just quietly looking out the window.

The world of cultivating immortals is a place where the weak are preyed on by the strong. In order to obtain the illusory way of immortality, life and death are nothing more common.

The two stayed in the compartment for half an hour until Li Qingying couldn't cry anymore. Mo Xun looked at her red and swollen eyes and sighed!

"Who else is in your family?"

Li Qingying's eyes didn't show any spirit at this time.

"I have no home!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Miss Qingying, can I know what magic weapon your sister borrowed so many spirit stones to buy?"

Li Qingying smiled bitterly. Since she saw the broken sword, all her strength seemed to be drained away.

"It's a fire flag!"

Mo Xun sighed again in his heart. It seems that there is really a destiny at work.

"What are your plans next?"

Li Qingying shook her head and suddenly looked at Mo Xun with burning eyes.

"Brother Mo, can you tell me where you found this broken sword?"

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Why, do you want to go to Tianxiang Valley to find someone?"

"That's right, please tell me, Brother Mo!"

"Forgive me for being frank, but with your current cultivation level, the chance of survival in Tianxiang Valley will be very low, let alone finding someone!"

"Thank you for your reminder, Brother Mo, but I only have this one sister left, no matter what, I have to find her!"

Looking at Li Qingying's determined eyes, Mo Xun began to doubt whether his kindness would harm the girl.

After thinking for a moment, Mo Xun said, "Miss Qingying, actually..."

"Brother Mo, I must go to Tianxiang Valley!"

The two looked at each other, and Mo Xun seemed to see what the other was thinking. Perhaps when he lied just now, Li Qingying had already seen it, but she just didn't want to doubt him.

After all, sometimes it's better to keep a thought than to know the truth.

"Well, if you really want to go, I still suggest that you wait until the day when you are able to do so, and don't let your sister worry!"

Li Qingying nodded and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"I will return the 100 spiritual stones to Brother Mo as soon as possible!"

Mo Xun waved his hand gently. To be honest, if it weren't for the fire flag, he might not have been able to leave Tianxiang Valley.

"I'll take you back!"

Li Qingying lowered her head and said unnaturally: "I have sold the house in order to collect enough spiritual stones these two days!"

"So you have nowhere to go now?"

Mo Xun didn't know why, but when he saw Li Qingying in front of him, he always thought of Su Yunshang. When he first saw her, she was probably about this age!

But speaking of it, that Qingning girl is really a pitfall!

"How about this, I'm going to buy a yard. If you have no place to live, just follow me temporarily!"

"Is it okay?"

Mo Xun laughed. What a simple girl!

After the two left the teahouse, they spent the whole afternoon looking for a house in a place where most mortals lived. With Mo Xun's current style, it was considered very generous.

Although it didn't have three entrances and three exits, the rockery pavilion was considered to have everything.

Mo Xun gave Li Qingying some money and asked her to hire a few servants outside to clean the courtyard when they were practicing.

Looking at her back as she left, Mo Xun shook his head. After all, she was at the fifth level of Qi Refining. Apart from a few spirit stones from selling the house, she didn't even have one or two taels of silver. I don't know how she usually lives.

While it was still early, he had a big doubt in his heart and needed to confirm it as soon as possible. After Li Qingying went out, he went to Funing Street again.

“Hello, senior. Is there anything I can help you with?”

This is a medicine shop that also sells spiritual herbs and medicines. The shopkeeper is a mortal without any cultivation.

Mo Xun took out a piece of paper and handed it to him. On it was a list of spiritual herbs, all of which he had copied from the recipes.

And in order to conceal his identity, he only wrote seven or eight species on each piece of paper.

“Give me one of each of the spiritual herbs listed here. It doesn’t need to be too old. Even seedlings or seeds will do.”

The shopkeeper smiled and said yes, but when he saw the names on it, he felt a little bitter.

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. Half of them are legendary spiritual herbs. There is even one that I haven’t even heard of, so I can’t match what you need.”

Hearing this, Mo Xun’s heart sank. It seemed that what Qin Yi said was true.

He was not angry with the person who sold him the recipe, but he was disappointed that the original ambitious plan ended up in vain.

"If there are some herbs that are not available, please draw them for me. For the rest that your store has, please give me one each according to my request!"

Although the business was not big, the shopkeeper was still smiling and found him two spiritual grass seeds. After Mo Xun paid the spiritual stones, he hurried to the next one.

However, every time he came out of a shop, his face became gloomier. After running to seven or eight shops in a row, he was completely sure that the two pill recipes were just useless.

At least half of the spiritual herbs recorded in them had long been extinct and only remained in rumors. There were also some spiritual herbs that did not exist in the world, but they were all extremely difficult to find. Some spiritual herbs could even be worth dozens of green spirit pills.

Of course, he did not gain nothing. After running a few times, he collected more than a dozen seeds and seedlings, but what use were these now?

With little interest, he walked into a small shop on the corner of the street. It looked a bit old. Perhaps because of its remote location, there was no customer.

The shop was very small, with only two shelves inside. There were a few bottles and jars placed randomly on the shelves, as well as some books and jade slips.

Mo Xun looked around, but there was no one around. He was already discouraged, so he was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a cough from behind the curtain next to the counter stopped him again.

Then, an old woman with a hunched back slowly walked out from inside. She looked to be in her sixties or seventies, with white hair and wrinkles all over her face.

What surprised Mo Xun was that this old woman was also a cultivator, and she had reached the peak of Qi Refining.

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