Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 160 Fire Cloud Pearl

Just imagine, why would Elder Qi spare no effort to compete with him for this incomplete technique?

He was attracted by the True Fire Art at the back, but what about the other party?

According to what he had learned recently, Xuantian True Fire only existed in rumors. He did not believe that the other party had Xuantian True Fire in his body like him.

Then it was obvious that the other party's goal should be the second half of the technique!

But even if this technique was amazing, it was just a fragment and was useless.

As long as they were not fools, I believe no one would be willing to pay such a high price.

It seems that there can only be one answer!

This Elder Qi probably has the first half of the technique in his hands!

But if he could think of these, couldn't others think of them?

When he thought of this, he suddenly remembered Meng Zhixin's abnormality just now.

It was just an auction item. No matter how valuable it was, it would not make a Foundation Establishment cultivator condescend to buy it, right?

Then there was only one explanation!

This technique was a bait that someone deliberately put out!

"Bait... Bait..." Mo Xun took a deep breath and kept muttering.

If this bait was just to lure out the person who possessed the first half of the technique, that would be fine, but what worried him was another possibility.

Someone was using this bait to lure him who possessed the Xuantian True Fire!

But who knew that he possessed the Xuantian True Fire?

A name suddenly appeared in his mind: "Wuji Sanren!"

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this possibility seemed unlikely.

First of all, when he jumped in Tianxiang Valley, Wuji Sanren must have thought that he was no longer alive.

Secondly, no matter how powerful Wuji Sanren was before, he was just a Qigong practitioner now. Could he have such great energy to mobilize Meng Zhixin, or even Wanbao Pavilion?

After a long time, Mo Xun shook his head. He didn't dare to have such a fluke. After all, that old monster had lived for hundreds of years, and who knows how many tricks he has!

Moreover, the "Liehuo Sutra", which had not appeared for thousands of years, came out not long after he came here?

There are really too many strange things!

Thinking of this, he actually had a feeling that there seemed to be a pair of eyes behind him, staring at him from afar.

If his guess is correct, it can be regarded as painstaking!

But the key is that he has already taken this step, can he turn back?

Even if he stops now, his name must have been on the inspection list of many people.

"Brother Mo?"

Li Qingying's call made Mo Xun suddenly sober up.

He couldn't help but smile. It seems that he was too careful, so careful that he almost forgot the purpose of this trip.

In fact, thinking from another angle, whether he was targeted or not, he actually had no choice!

Unless he was willing to give up Xuantian True Fire!

Cultivation is against the will of heaven. How can you give up the opportunity in front of you because of hesitation?

If so, he might stop at the Qi training stage in this life!

When Meng Zhixin quoted the latest price again, Mo Xun pressed the bidding device without any hesitation.

"One thousand three hundred spirit stones!"

It was more than double the reserve price!

This price was obviously the highest in this auction.

At this time, both on and off the stage were agitated, and Mo Xun became the center of the audience.

After all, it was rare for a Qi Refiner to have such a fortune.

However, Elder Qi obviously had no intention of letting go. The two of them went back and forth, and in the blink of an eye, the price reached one thousand four hundred spirit stones again.

When Mo Xun pressed the bidding device again, the whole audience fell into silence.

The highest-level foundation-building cultivators were watching the excitement while appreciating it with their own thoughts.

Some were speculating about Mo Xun's origins, some were wondering whether Mo Xun had the upper half of the skills, and some had golden light in their eyes, and had already regarded this young boy as a fat goat.

But at this time, Mo Xun heard Elder Qi's voice.

"Boy, you'd better do it within your means. There are some things you can't touch! In addition, if I'm not mistaken, you and my daughter seem to have some unsettled accounts!"

After the voice fell, Elder Qi raised the price again.

Mo Xun's heart immediately trembled, and he couldn't help but look up and look at Elder Qi and his daughter.

The threat in the other party's words couldn't be more obvious!

However, Mo Xun only hesitated for a moment, and then raised the price to 1,500 spirit stones!

The whole audience exploded again!

Elder Qi snorted coldly, and suddenly said loudly: "Fairy Zhixin, I want to check this person's spirit stones!"

Everyone was stunned. What kind of operation is this?

Mo Xun frowned immediately, but he didn't speak in a hurry.

Meng Zhixin asked in confusion: "What does Fellow Daoist Qi mean?"

"I suspect this person is raising the price and maliciously sabotaging the auction!"

Meng Zhixin nodded in understanding, and then said to Mo Xun: "Could this fellow Daoist show me the spirit stone so that I can check it to dispel Fellow Daoist Qi's doubts?"

Mo Xun sneered: "May I ask, fairy, does Wanbao Pavilion have any rules for checking spirit stones during auctions?"

Meng Zhixin was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

"There is no such rule!"

Elder Qi spoke again: "Young man, I think you are guilty, right?"

There were a few people in the audience, who, not knowing whether it was because they knew Elder Qi, echoed the sarcasm.

Mo Xun ignored these people, but asked: "Does Wanbao Pavilion always bully the weak in this way when doing business?"

Meng Zhixin frowned immediately. She obviously would not wear this hat in such an occasion.

"It was my recklessness just now. I hope you don't blame me!"

This time, Elder Qi was in a difficult position to leave the stage.

"Humph! I want to see if you have so many spirit stones!"

Meng Zhixin smiled awkwardly and reported the latest price several times. Seeing that no one responded, she could only announce the result of the auction and sent the jade slip to Mo Xun.

Everyone's eyes fell on Mo Xun again.

Mo Xun put the jade slip on his forehead, and after a simple inspection, he threw out the storage bag he had prepared.

After a moment, Meng Zhixin looked at Mo Xun with some complexity, and then put away the storage bag.

At this moment, many people have their own thoughts.

Mo Xun knew that he was being watched by many people, but he had no intention of leaving before the foundation-building pill came out.

"Brother Mo?"

Even the simple Li Qingying felt the tense atmosphere in the venue.

The little girl suddenly felt uneasy.

Mo Xun gently patted her shoulder: "It's okay, don't worry!"

The two looked at each other, and Li Qingying didn't know why, as long as she saw this pair of calm eyes, she could feel at peace in her heart.

"The next item..."

The auction continued, and Mo Xun was waiting for the foundation-building pill while thinking about the next response.

I'm afraid that when the auction is over, as soon as he steps out of the Wanbao Pavilion, someone will be restless!

Of course, he also hopes that his speculation is wrong, but with his personality, he will obviously make the worst plan.

In fact, it was a bit rash to bring Li Qingying here today. If he was alone, he would be able to get away.

As the auction items were bought one by one, Mo Xun had to make some moves during this period. He had to prepare for the dangers that might come next.

He first spent 280 spirit stones to buy three dragon eye-sized fire cloud beads, which were somewhat similar to the fire thunder beads obtained in Tianxiang Valley, but were much smaller in power.

According to Meng Zhixin, this kind of fire cloud beads might be able to catch a cultivator at the peak of Qi training by surprise, but it was not enough for a cultivator at the foundation building stage!

But something is better than nothing. In his opinion, any inconspicuous thing could become a life-saving straw at a critical moment.

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