Qi Shan looked at Mo Xun, who was sweating profusely, and stroked his three-inch long beard under his chin.

"It seems that Meng Zhixin, that stinky woman, didn't succeed in the end, but you ran away instead."

Mo Xun was panting, and his chest kept rising and falling.

He didn't know what the relationship between Meng Zhixin and Wuji Sanren was, but he probably guessed the purpose of the man in front of him.

"I don't understand what you said, senior. I don't know if you have any instructions for me to stop you here?"

Qi Shan sneered.

"Boy, I don't have time to sign with you. Hand over the "Fire Sutra" and I can let you go!"

Mo Xun stared at the other party. Under the operation of the Fire Sutra, a layer of protection lingered on his body. At the same time, he held the Qiankun Ring in his hand, guarding against the other party's every move.

At this moment, his heart really sank to the bottom of the valley.

It can be said that there are pursuers behind and blockades in front!

I don't know what bad luck I have, but I actually met two evil stars at the same time in one day.

In order to escape the pursuit of Wuji Sanren, he gave up the Guyue Sect assessment, but he was targeted by this person again as soon as he came out.

"I'm afraid you have recognized the wrong person. I am just a casual cultivator who came here to participate in the sect selection. I don't have what you want."

Qi Shan's face immediately turned cold.

"It seems that you don't want to drink the toast, so you have to drink the penalty?"

After saying this, Qi Shan rushed towards him like a gust of wind.

Before Mo Xun could react, a hand like a clamp pinched his neck.

Mo Xun's pupils shrank, and he looked at the thin face in front of him, and his heart was horrified to the extreme.

Is this the speed of a foundation-building cultivator?

Qi Shan released a huge pressure at this moment, which enveloped him.

Under this pressure, he felt that his limbs became stiff.

He still held a fire cloud bead in his hand, but he couldn't move, and he didn't even have the strength to die with the other party.

This time, he really felt the coming of death.

Qi Shan snorted coldly. To him, killing a Qi training cultivator was really no different from stepping on an ant.

"Boy, since you want to die, you can't blame me!"

Then Qi Shan pulled the storage bag from Mo Xun's waist and entered it with his consciousness. However, after a moment, his face was gloomy and a little scary.

Because in this storage bag, in addition to dozens of spirit stones, some low-level magic tools that restrain soul cultivation, as well as elixirs, spirit herbs, and talismans, there was no so-called "Fire Sutra".

This was also due to Mo Xun's usual caution. He put all the valuables in the green gourd.

"Tell me! Where is the "Fire Sutra"?"

Mo Xun knew that he was doomed today. Unwilling to do so, he smiled miserably. It was a pity that he had been practicing for six or seven years, but in the end, he still couldn't resist the power of another person's palm.

In this place where the weak are the prey of the strong, the strong are respected after all!

Qi Shan was obviously not a patient person. Seeing that Mo Xun was still stubborn even when he was about to die, he suddenly exerted force on his hand.

Mo Xun's face was flushed, and veins popped out. He could almost hear the friction of bones in his throat.

"Do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't tell me?"

Mo Xun's consciousness had begun to blur. In this short moment, he seemed to remember many people and many things!

Everything gradually emerged in his memory, and then turned into a bubble!

Qi Shan suddenly stretched out his other palm and pressed it on Mo Xun's head.

"It seems that I can only search your soul!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun was like being poured with a basin of cold water in the ice and snow, and he instantly sobered up a little.

Even if he was ignorant, he knew what soul searching was.

It was a vicious spell that only high-level cultivators could cast on low-level cultivators.

It was a means of invading the other party's mind to obtain the other party's memory.

Once the soul is searched, the power of the soul is weak, and the lightest is stupidity, and the worst is death.

He is not afraid of death, but there are too many secrets in his mind. Even if he dies, he does not want others to know.

At this moment, if he can move a little, he will definitely shatter his own Dantian without hesitation.

Qi Shan pressed one hand on his head, slowly closed his eyes, and began to mutter.

Just when Mo Xun was in great pain, something strange happened.

A green wind blade came whistling in the distance with the sound of wind!

Feeling the danger approaching, Qi Shan raised his arm to block it in a flash, and the left hand that was pinching Mo Xun loosened at the same time, and then he staggered back two steps.

When he saw the person coming from a distance, he was furious and said, "Young man, you are so brave!"

Mo Xun, who was originally determined to die, felt his breath smoother, the pressure on his body disappeared at the same time, and his hands and feet were free.

He turned around and bumped into Wuji Sanren, who had a murderous look in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that the person who saved his life at such a critical moment was actually this person.

Qi Shan saw that the other party not only ruined his good deeds, but also ignored him at this time, and his chest suddenly ignited with rage.

He had been in the foundation building stage for fifty or sixty years, and he had never been humiliated like this in front of a Qi training cultivator.

"It seems that this is another person who is looking for death!"

He just raised his hand and condensed a fire snake.

The fire snake twisted its body in the air, and then flew towards Wuji Sanren like lightning.

Wuji Sanren saw this and quickly formed a magic circle with his hands in front of his chest, forming an invisible spiritual shield.

After a "bang", the fire snake hit the shield and exploded, forming large and small flames that spread around, instantly igniting the surrounding flowers and shrubs.

Wuji Sanren also took two steps back under this attack.

Qi Shan's eyes condensed, and a bit of surprise appeared on his face.

Although he only used 30% of his strength to attack the fire snake, it was not something that a Qi-refining cultivator could easily resist.

After a moment, Qi Shan said with a gloomy face: "Very good, no wonder you dared to attack me, it turns out that you are fearless! But do you think that you can show off in front of me with just these two moves?"

Wuji Sanren's heart at this time was actually similar to Qi Shan. If he had the previous realm, why would he be threatened by a foundation-building cultivator.

It's really like a dragon swimming in shallow water being teased by shrimps, and a tiger falling into the plain being bullied by dogs!

Both of them looked at each other with anger, Wuji Sanren said: "This man has something I want, you can't touch him!"

Qi Shan was suddenly amused by his words, as if he heard a joke!

"Hahaha! Who gave you the courage to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

Wuji Sanren looked at the other party coldly. Although he had thousands of methods, he was limited by his realm and could not use them at all.

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