Mo Xun had never heard of this thing, but he was thinking about the "Jiuli Palace" mentioned by him.

This is one of the thirteen sects in Southern Xinjiang, and it belongs to the same territory as Tianyun Sect in Chechi Country.

As far as he knows, Jiuli Palace has always been famous for refining instruments. Master Jingyan must be an instrument refiner.

"Chengyao was asked by my master to come and congratulate the two seniors on their birthdays..."

Other people's attention was either on the beautiful girl in palace dress or on the "Eight Treasures Glazed Lamp" in her hand. I'm afraid only Mo Xun was recalling the distribution of power in Chechi Country in his memory.

Next, there were more shouts and shouts, and famous and unknown people came to the stage with different gifts.

Among them were high-level magic tools, spiritual herbs and elixirs, and rare materials. Almost every one of them was an extraordinary and rare treasure in the eyes of everyone.

It really opened the eyes of many casual cultivators who had never seen the world, and at the same time, they had a clear understanding of the connections of the Situ family.

Mo Xun sat down below. He was not familiar with magic tools and treasures, and had no idea about them. However, he was very excited about those rare spiritual herbs and elixirs.

He also secretly thought that it seemed that the Situ family was good at creating momentum.

Those who were originally hesitant about the requirement to serve the Xiuxian family for thirty years were now showing varying degrees of relaxation.

If the Situ family really had such a great influence and relaxed the resource restrictions on outsiders, it would actually be a good choice to join such a force.

"Zong Guangxiao, the seventh young master of the Zong family of Haotian County, gives me a bottle of Xinghuan Pill!"

Hearing the three words "Xinghuan Pill", the crowd below was in commotion again.

Those who didn't know about this pill also hurriedly asked around.

After learning that this pill was a very useful pill for cultivators in the late stage of foundation building, they couldn't help but sigh.

However, no one noticed that a pair of sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes were staring at the seventh young master at this time.

Mo Xun's face could not tell whether he was happy or sad, but his heart was a little turbulent.

If there was no other Zong family in Haotian County, this person would be the one that Fairy Yuehua asked him to destroy.

He did not intend to contact Zong family too early when he came to Chechi Country this time, but he ran into them here.

But it was only a moment, and he suppressed his mood.

The original agreement was too slim for him. Who knew how long he could live, let alone fulfill his promise.

Zong Guangxiao was about twenty years old. From his face, he seemed younger than Mo Xun, but his cultivation was already in the early stage of foundation building.

However, it was normal for a young man from aristocratic family to look younger because he lived a life of luxury.

Behind Zong Guangxiao, there were two servants in the Qi training period, one of whom was holding a milky white porcelain bottle in his hand.

"You are thoughtful. When you go back, please greet your ancestors on our behalf."

Situ Chen smiled and nodded, ordered someone to take the gift, and motioned Zong Guangxiao to sit aside and watch the ceremony.

For nearly an hour, dozens of people came to offer birthday wishes.

There were well-known elders of the sect, famous immortal cultivation families, and many independent cultivators who had never heard of them.

While everyone was amazed, they also had a feast for their eyes and saw many treasures that were out of their reach.

At the stage of Jindan, everyone has a powerful force and is worth a lot of money. I am afraid that the things that these people can easily reveal from their fingers are enough to make the independent cultivators in the audience crazy.

After this link, it was the direct descendants of the clan. Regardless of whether they had cultivation or were ordinary people, they all performed the three kneeling and nine kowtows ceremony to congratulate the ancestor on his birthday and shouted "Qitian"!

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun couldn't help but envy. If he could bring the Mo family to such a level one day and be worshipped by future generations, it would be worth his life in this world.

Next, the Situ family also arranged a time for the two ancestors to preach.

Led by Situ Chen, the two brothers explained their cultivation experience to everyone in turn, and at the same time answered all the doubts of everyone in cultivation.

For these low-level cultivators, this is a great opportunity.

For casual cultivators, when they practice alone on weekdays, they often have to figure it out by themselves when they encounter bottlenecks. They don’t know how many detours they have to take before they can make progress. The difficulty can be imagined.

Where will there be a chance to get guidance from other people who have been there?

Even in those large sects, not every disciple has a master to lead the way and answer their questions.

Many high-level cultivators are even more precious. After all, they have learned the experience summed up from countless lessons through hardships, and no one will generously share it.

In other words, as long as the comprehension is high enough, the benefits from a sermon are no less than any panacea.

Of course, the cultivation experience of others is not useful to everyone. The way of cultivation is still up to the individual.

Thousands of people, thousands of ways, that's the truth.

As the Situ brothers spoke word by word, Mo Xun seemed to have understood some mysteries while holding his breath, but it was so mysterious that he seemed to have grasped nothing.

It seemed that many things could not be digested in a short time.

He tried his best to memorize every word of the two, and waited until this matter was over before he could comprehend it carefully.

With his status, he could not even reach the level of a foundation-building cultivator, let alone receive guidance from a Jindan cultivator.

He couldn't help thinking that even if he didn't gain anything else from entering Sinan Mountain this time, this discussion alone would make this trip worthwhile.

After the ceremony, everyone was anxiously waiting, thinking that the main event had begun. However, Brother Situ only said some bland words and did not mention the things that everyone was most concerned about.

When Mo Xun saw the guests sitting around the stage, he understood the reason.

I am afraid that in front of so many sects and families, the Situ family should not make too much noise.

Of course, Mo Xun was not the only one who saw this. The crowd, who were a little anxious at first, slowly calmed down.

After all, the Situ family made such a big move this time that it was impossible not to attract the attention of the sect forces.

No one was not curious about what the Situ family relied on to dare to promise to build a foundation to the cultivators in the world.

For the ancestors of those sects, the low level of foundation building was naturally not in their eyes.

But such a realm was the foundation of every immortal sect.

A few more foundation building cultivators might not be important in the short term, but after hundreds of years, the advantages would be apparent.

It seems that there will be no answer today, and everyone could not help but think secretly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Situ Chen changed the subject and mentioned that the two of them had just obtained a treasure, and invited everyone to go to the back mountain to observe it.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and even the guests who were watching the ceremony looked over.

Everyone naturally agreed, and under the leadership of the servants, they went to the back mountain in a mighty manner.

As for Patriarch Situ and those foundation-building cultivators, they took the lead and flew away.

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