Li Qingying saw Mo Xun frowning and immediately understood his worries. However, she couldn't bear to abandon the cute "puppy" in her hand.

Facing the little girl's pleading eyes, Mo Xun smiled slightly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's nothing. People who cultivate immortals have always been fighting for their lives. They can't just abandon the treasure because it's hot, right?

"If you want it, keep it first. When you find the market, buy it a spirit beast bag. As long as you don't let it out in front of outsiders, there will be no problem."

Li Qingying smiled sweetly when she heard this, her eyebrows and white teeth were full of life!

"What do you usually feed it?"

"I don't know what it eats, so I took some fasting pills for it."

Mo Xun nodded and took out two bottles of Baoxin Pills from the storage bag.

Now that the cultivation of both of them has reached the late stage of Qi Refining, this kind of pill is useless if it is kept on the body.

"Give it this first and try it. When I have spirit beast pills, I'll change it."

Li Qingying took the pill with a smile. Her slender white fingers kept teasing the little guy on Bai Ze's neck.

"By the way, I may have to retreat for a while. If you have nothing to do, help me protect the law here."

"Brother Mo, just retreat. I will take care of the things outside."

Mo Xun gave her a few instructions and turned to enter the secret room.

Next, he would try to build a foundation, because he didn't know what might happen. If he made any noise and attracted other people, the little girl outside could notify him in time.

On the stone platform, Mo Xun sat cross-legged, took out a foundation-building pill and placed it in front of him.

He first entered into a state of meditation for a day and a night, and only after his heart was completely calm did he start taking the pill.

As for the foundation-building matter, he knew very little.

Before this, most of his energy was focused on how to obtain the foundation-building pill, so he didn't think about how to build a foundation.

However, in his opinion, since it was a breakthrough in realm, it should be similar to the previous one, it was nothing more than an exaggeration of realm in a small realm!

After swallowing the pill, he hurriedly gathered his spiritual power, wrapped up the foundation-building pill, and slowly sent it into the dantian.

It was similar to taking the Biling Pill before. As soon as the pill entered his body, he loosened a gap and guided the medicinal power to slowly release.

However, I don’t know whether it was because of carelessness or the medicinal power in this foundation-building pill was too strong. In an instant, it broke through his spiritual power and dissolved in the dantian.

He was shocked and hurriedly operated the Fiery Fire Art to quickly dredge this huge amount of spiritual power into the meridians.

However, this spiritual power was too huge. His dantian meridians were like a bursting dam, and were instantly broken by the impact.

A burst of heart-piercing pain spread throughout his body, and he almost fainted from the pain.

He suddenly bit his tongue, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and tried to clear his mind. At the same time, he took out a healing pill and swallowed it!

However, his limbs were still in great pain, which made him groan.

In this way, he endured the pain, using the strong medicinal properties of the foundation-building pill to continuously attack the bottleneck, while taking healing pills in succession to repair the meridians and dantian.

His body was like glass, which was broken for a while and melted and solidified for a while.

Such torture lasted for three days until the last bit of medicinal properties was exhausted, and it finally stopped.

But unfortunately, he never broke through the barrier between the realms.

Mo Xun took a few breaths with difficulty. Although he had expected that it would be difficult to successfully build a foundation with only one pill, he still felt quite regretful when it really happened.

Half a month later, when he recovered again, he took out the second foundation-building pill.

Looking at the black pill, Mo Xun was somewhat timid. Thinking about the foundation building half a month ago, he was still terrified.

Although he had experienced abdominal pain when taking the Heart-Protecting Pill before because he was not clear about the usage, it was nothing compared to the foundation-building pill.

It seems that those who transcended the mortal world and became immortals in ancient times were all those with great perseverance.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun no longer hesitated, picked up the pill and swallowed it directly.

Time passed in a flash, and another month later, when he came out of the stone chamber, there was no expression on his face, but there was a bit of melancholy between his eyebrows.

After a lot of suffering, he did not succeed in building the foundation.

Fortunately, he had expected this situation. Although there was some psychological gap, it did not affect his Tao heart.

"Brother Mo, you came out so soon?"

Li Qingying thought that Mo Xun's retreat this time would take at least one or two years, but who knew that it would end in such a short time!

Mo Xun immediately relaxed his frown and said with a smile: "Yes, the breakthrough failed. It would only take time to continue."


Li Qingying looked at Mo Xun in surprise. She remembered that Brother Mo had already cultivated to the perfection of Qi Refining last time. What breakthrough is there?

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she said in surprise: "Brother Mo, have you been building your foundation in the past two months?"

Mo Xun nodded with a dry smile. Li Qingying also knew that he had the foundation-building pill, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Yes, but it's a pity that it didn't succeed!"

Li Qingying immediately cast a pair of envious eyes. She also cultivated to the eleventh level of Qi Refining. To be honest, it was time to consider building the foundation.

It's just that it's hard to say whether she can have the opportunity to build a foundation in this life.

"Don't be discouraged, Brother Mo. You are so powerful, you will definitely succeed in building a foundation!"

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head. He didn't comment on Li Qingying's flattery. When it comes to being powerful, he seems to have no other advantages except being a little more hardworking than others.

"Brother Mo, did you prepare the stone water in Lantian City?"

"Stone water?"

Seeing the confusion on Mo Xun's face, Li Qingying couldn't help asking: "Don't you know about stone water?"

Mo Xun shook his head. This was the first time he heard of this name.

"So, Brother Mo didn't use stone water, but took the foundation-building pill directly!"

Mo Xun's brows frowned immediately. He really didn't know that before taking the foundation-building pill, he needed other things.

Li Qingying looked at him strangely and said, "I've also heard that the stone water can relieve the pain of foundation building. If Brother Mo didn't use this, he must have suffered a lot when building his foundation, right?"

Mo Xun's mouth twitched. There is such a thing?

Doesn't that mean that he suffered so much in vain because of his ignorance?

Thinking about the experience of taking those two foundation building pills, he couldn't help but shudder.

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