Mo Xun put away the jade slip and fell into deep thought for a while. As for the grudge between Fairy Yuehua and Zong Xi, he was not very interested. What he cared about most now was the foundation-building pill.

The news that the Situ family colluded with the Demon Sect had spread in Luoshui City. During this period, Mo Xun had heard some rumors, but these things were at most influential among the upper-level cultivators. For ordinary low-level cultivators, they were obviously just a topic of conversation.

Being in Luoshui City, the only thing that could be felt was the guards at the city gate and the patrols in the city, which seemed to be more than before.

Perhaps they were also afraid that the people of the Demon Sect would infiltrate Luoshui City!

It is said that the Tiandao League has issued a decree to arrest the remnants of the Situ family, but these have nothing to do with Mo Xun.

Early the next morning, Mo Xun came out of the stone chamber and Li Qingying was teasing Bai Ze outside.

"Brother Mo, are you going out?"

Mo Xun nodded. He had been busy recently, and Li Qingying had been busy practicing, so the two had not met much.

"Take me out with you!"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Mo Xun asked with some confusion.

Li Qingying pointed at Bai Ze in her arms and said helplessly; "Xiao Bai is too noisy. I guess it has been bored here for a long time and wants to go out for a look."

Mo Xun glanced at Bai Ze. The little guy ate so many of his pills, but his size didn't change at all after so long.

It seems that the divine beast is not so easy to raise!

After pondering for a moment, Mo Xun said: "Okay, but you keep an eye on him and don't let anyone find out."

Li Qingying smiled brightly, and without Mo Xun's reminder, she hurried to her stone room to put on makeup.

Mo Xun waited on the side, thinking about what he had thought of last night.

After an incense stick, the two left the inn. Bai Ze hid in Li Qingying's wide sleeves, revealing only two blue eyes, curiously looking around.

"Brother Mo, where are we going?"

Mo Xun stared into the distance and replied lightly: "To see an old friend!"

"Old friend..."

Li Qingying whispered, wondering in her heart, could it be that Brother Mo had been here before, why hadn't he mentioned it?

The two walked slowly for more than half an hour before they came to a wealthy family. The scale of Luoshui City is indeed much larger than that of Lantian City.

Not far away, in the deep courtyard of blue bricks and green tiles, above the red gate of the mansion, there was a large plaque with the words "Liu Mansion" written on it.

"Put Xiaobai in the spirit beast bag."

Li Qingying responded softly, shook her sleeves, and her sleeves were completely quiet.

The two walked side by side, and Mo Xun was still wearing a bamboo hat today.

After knocking on the door several times, the red door creaked and slowly opened after a long time, and a young head poked out from inside.

The man looked at the two people and asked in confusion: "What do you two want?"

Judging from the clothes on the other party, most of them are servants here.

In this city where immortals and mortals live together, any inconspicuous person may be a cultivator. Therefore, this servant, although he saw Mo Xun and Li Qingying in plain clothes, did not dare to neglect them.

"I'm looking for the master of your Liu family."

Hearing Mo Xun's deep voice, the servant was more certain of his judgment that these two people were definitely cultivators!

He hurriedly called "Sir", asked Mo Xun to wait for a moment, and hurried to the inner room.

When the mortals here call cultivators, some call them "senior" and some call them "sir", which is somewhat different from Blue Sky City.

Not long after, a middle-aged fat man with a simple and honest appearance came to the door with four people behind him.

"I am Liu Nanhe, nice to meet you two fellow Taoists!"

Mo Xun looked at the five people who came. There were only two cultivators among them, and the rest were mortals.

The fat man had the ninth level of Qi Refining and looked to be in his thirties or forties. Next to him was a boy of eleven or twelve years old, who was fair-skinned, but his cultivation had reached the eighth level of Qi Refining.

At this age and with this level of cultivation, Mo Xun inevitably looked at him sideways.

He politely bowed and stared at the fat man in front of him: "Are you the current head of the Liu family?"

Liu Nanhe was shorter than Mo Xun in stature. When he looked up, he could see Mo Xun's chin through his bamboo hat.

Although this man's cultivation was not as high as Mo Xun's, he did not show much uneasiness.

"This is me. I wonder what you two are here for?"

Mo Xun put his right hand behind his back and his left hand in front of him. After hesitating for a while, he said, "I am entrusted by a senior to deliver something."

Liu Nanhe looked at the two people in front of him in doubt, and was sure that he had never seen them before.

Could they be old friends of the two uncles? He thought so.

After a moment of thinking, he invited the two to go in and talk first. Regardless of whether the other party had a history with the Liu family, the other party's status as a peak Qi Refining Master was not enough to leave them at the door.

Led by Liu Nanhe, several people bypassed the screen wall, walked through a long corridor, and came to a wide hall.

"Please sit down, fellow Taoists!"

As the voice fell, a maid came in with tea, and the other servants retreated outside the house. Only Liu Nanhe, the boy, and Mo Xun were left in the hall.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Su Heng, and this is my sister Su Qing!"

Liu Nanhe bowed slightly to Li Qingying.

Li Qingying stood up and bowed gently, but his eyes were looking around, and he was really curious in his heart, when did Brother Mo have such an old friend named Liu.

But judging from the other party's appearance, it seems that he is not familiar with Brother Mo!

"This is my son Liu Yao!"

After the voice fell, the boy next to him stood up like a little adult, bowed respectfully to Mo Xun and Li Qingying, and called them seniors because he took care of his father's generation.

But although the boy's tone was respectful, his face could not hide his arrogance.

But it is understandable that at such a young age, he has already reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, which is enough to be arrogant.

"Fellow Daoist Su just said that he was entrusted by a senior, who is it?"

Mo Xun did not answer him, but asked: "I want to confirm first, are you really the current head of the Liu family?"

Liu Nanhe nodded confidently: "That's right, fellow Daoist, don't doubt it. If it weren't the head of the family, I wouldn't be able to receive you two here."

"But Su heard that the Liu family still has two seniors in the foundation-building stage..."

Liu Nanhe immediately understood what Mo Xun meant, and explained with a smile: "It turns out that you are looking for two uncles. The two of them are now practicing in the Guyue Sect. This is just the Liu family's mansion in Luoshui City."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. This situation is similar to what he thought before, and now he just wants to confirm it.

"Could you please ask the two seniors to come back? I need to tell them about this matter in person."

When Liu Nanhe heard this, he hesitated for a moment and said with some embarrassment: "Daoyou, can you reveal a few things first? After all, the two uncles are at a critical moment of cultivation at this time. If you disturb them rashly, it may be inappropriate."

Mo Xun pondered for a while and thought that although he had already completed Qi Refining, he was still not important enough in the eyes of a true foundation-building cultivator.

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