Soon, a dangerous possibility emerged in his mind.

He seemed to understand a little bit why the Zong family did not take action against Liu Jizi. Perhaps the two were originally in the same group!

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Xun's originally surprised face turned a little pale.

If we speculate according to this line of thought, Liu Jizi must have contributed to the disaster of Yuehua Fairy.

But then again, even if he guessed the truth, what benefit would it bring to him now?

"You step back a little, I will try to break this formation!"

Li Qingying nodded solemnly, knowing that now was not the time to ask, and then quickly retreated to the room.

Mo Xun threw the Qiankun Ring in his hand again.

This time, he did not leave any spare strength, but he was really a layman in the formation, and he could not find the weak point at this time, so he could only rely on brute force and smash it randomly.

If it doesn't work once, then twice, and if it doesn't work twice, then three times.

In the courtyard, there were bursts of crashing sounds, and even the ground began to tremble.

Mo Xun would not attack only one place in a heartbeat. After a cup of tea, he did not know how many times he had attacked and how many places he had attacked.

The courtyard had already become a mess, with dust in the air and potholes on the ground. His mana had also been consumed by 30% to 40%.

However, there was no sign of the formation around him being broken. After a series of attacks, a faint yellow light could be seen around him.

No one from the Liu family came out in such a commotion. It was obvious that they had already planned to hide.

"Miss Qingying..."

Li Qingying hurried out of the room and saw the gloomy expression on Mo Xun's face. She understood that the situation seemed to be worse than she had imagined.

"Brother Mo!"

"Take out the golden brick magic weapon and attack that place with me."

Mo Xun pointed to the dim place in the distance. After so many attacks, he was not completely without gain. He found several places that he thought were the core of the formation.

He thought to himself that if he could get out this time, he would definitely study the formation carefully, so as not to be so blind at the critical moment.

Li Qingying responded, and then the storage bag on her waist flashed, and she already had the golden brick magic weapon in her hand.

Next, under Mo Xun's command, the huge golden bricks and silver rings in the air smashed violently into the pale yellow light shield.

In an instant, the whole courtyard was filled with rumbling sounds, like an earthquake, and the momentum was extremely huge.

As time passed, Mo Xun became more and more anxious.

He was completely sure that this formation only had a defensive function and no offensive performance.

In other words, Liu Nanhe just wanted to delay time and temporarily trap them here.

The reason is self-evident. Naturally, they are waiting for the two foundation-building cultivators from Tianyun Sect!

If the two of them delay here for a quarter of an hour longer, the danger will increase.

Although he has reached the peak of Qi Refining now, he has no confidence that he can resist the foundation-building cultivators.

Thinking of this, he was inevitably a little flustered.

After another stick of incense, the two of them had almost consumed most of their mana and were about to raze the entire courtyard to the ground, but they still had no way to destroy this invisible barrier.

Mo Xun took out a bottle of pills and threw it to Li Qingying.

"Recover some mana first!"

Hearing the cold voice in his ears, Li Qingying immediately swallowed the pills and sat down with Mo Xun back to back.

After a long time, Mo Xun took out a talisman, pinched the Dao formula in his hand, and after muttering something, the talisman only flashed a glimmer of light, but there was no response.

He knew in his heart that there was a space restriction in this city, and he could not perform the escape method with his cultivation level.

Then he took out a handful of talismans, which were full of fireball talismans, lightning talismans and the like. Since entering the late stage of Qi Refining, he has rarely used such low-level talismans.

Now, he can only try his best!

After casting the spell quickly, more than a dozen talismans were sacrificed by him at the same time, and a dazzling burst of lightning and fire rushed towards the yellow light shield.

The crackling sound was endless, but these terrifying attacks were like tickling the magic circle, leaving no trace.

In the past few years, he has spent most of his energy on alchemy and cultivation, but has stagnated in the refining of talismans. Even these talismans just now were left over from his previous practice.

Limited by his qualifications, he could not spend too much time on these miscellaneous studies like others, which often led to the lack of some means of saving his life at critical moments.

But then again, with his spiritual roots, if he was too obsessed with spells and talismans, his cultivation would not have increased so quickly.

Half an hour later, Mo Xun took a few heavy breaths. He almost used all the methods he could think of, but still had no way to deal with the formation outside.

"Brother Mo, what should we do?"

Mo Xun stared blankly at the distance, but his mind was quickly thinking about countermeasures.

When he was at a loss, a sudden light flashed in his mind, and he hurriedly took out a set of formation flags from his storage bag.

It was the set of twin exquisite formations that he bought before participating in the assessment of Gu Yue that day!

He placed several formation flags around according to the two-element orientation, and at the same time, he exerted force in his hands, and a small formation plate was knocked into the ground.

"Miss Qingying, do you remember the formation we practiced before?"

After looking at each other, Li Qingying immediately understood his intention.

The two of them then stood in a position, and after Mo Xun's order, they simultaneously activated the formation flags in their hands.

In the small courtyard, in front of them, a small range of light blue light shield immediately appeared.

This set of twin exquisite formations is similar to the formation that trapped them at this time, and its main function is to trap the opponent.

The two of them tacitly injected their magic power into the formation flags, and the light blue light shield became darker and darker.

Just as the magic circle was about to condense, Mo Xun suddenly asked in a voice transmission: "Are you ready?"

Hearing Li Qingying's response, Mo Xun continued: "When I count to one, you will retreat with all your strength, and you must not look back... Also, be careful!"

Li Qingying looked at him and smiled faintly. It seemed that being able to fight side by side with Brother Mo made her forget her timidity for a while.

"Brother Mo, you have to be careful too!"

Mo Xun nodded and began to count down.




Mo Xun shouted loudly: "Explode!"

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