Thinking of this, Li Qingying actually smiled without any bitterness.

She couldn't help but look back at Mo Xun, they should never be separated!

Liu Yu suddenly sneered, and when he raised his hand, there was a sword light, flying towards Li Qingying quickly.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Seeing this, Li Qingying quickly ran her skills and injected spiritual power into the shield in her hand. In an instant, the sword light swept over her.

With a "bang" sound, the sword light hit the shield, and she took two steps back. The light blue shield in her hand shattered and disappeared.

Although this counter-shock force did not hurt her, it made her arm hurt and almost fall apart.

Mo Xun looked at everything in front of him, but because his whole body was numb, he couldn't move for a while. Even though he was anxious, he couldn't help at all.

Before Li Qingying could react, Liu Yu struck out with a palm, which was exactly the same as the one he used against Mo Xun just now.

The strong palm wind came to Li Qingying at the same time as the shield shattered.

After letting out a charming cry of pain, Li Qingying spurted out a mouthful of blood, her body flew out, and she lost consciousness in mid-air.

"Miss Qingying..." Mo Xun used all his strength to make an inarticulate cry.

Li Qingying fell next to him. Mo Xun wanted to reach out and pull her, but he couldn't exert any strength.

He seemed to be able to feel that the vitality in the little girl's body was rapidly draining after this palm.

His breathing was so weak that he almost stopped breathing!

After all, a woman's body is weaker than a man's, and her level is lower than that of Mo Xun. With the same palm, the little girl's injuries will be much heavier than that of Mo Xun!

The makeup on Li Qingying's face also revealed its true face under this palm wind. A look that turned everyone upside down suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but under this look, her face looked abnormally pale.

Liu Yu's eyes couldn't help but light up, a smile appeared on his lips, and he suddenly said: "Nan He, take this woman down first, don't let her die!"

Liu Nanhe immediately accepted the offer and walked towards Li Qingying.

Mo Xun knew that the two of them would not be able to escape today's disaster. Once they fell into the hands of the other party, both he and Li Qingying would probably experience a life worse than death!

Glancing at the little girl at hand, Mo Xun smiled miserably. After experiencing so many lives and deaths, he was much more calm now than before.

Every life and death unknowingly changed his state of mind.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, even if he didn't come to the Liu family this time, with his character, he would definitely be in other dangers for the sake of immortality.

From the moment he embarked on this path, he should have been prepared to fall at any time.

Immortality is not that cheap!

As of now, he has nothing to regret, only regret in his heart!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun slowly closed his eyes, resisting the pain, and ran the Fiery Fire Art for the last time in his body, redirecting all the spiritual power in his meridians and quickly flowing into his Dantian.

For a moment, his hands and feet seemed to be able to move slightly. He reached out forcefully and grabbed Li Qingying's arm. He wanted to blow up his Dantian and do the last thing for himself and the little girl!

Mo Xun's abnormality caught Liu Yu's attention, and he hurriedly shouted: "Nan He, come back!"

Liu Nanhe was startled and stopped.

Mo Xun's dantian seemed to be filled with a burning fire, like a volcano about to erupt.

In an instant, magma spewed out from the volcano, and the area centered on Mo Xun was plunged into a huge sea of ​​fire, surrounding Liu Nanhe.

(If the protagonist dies at this point, this book can actually be finished, but I guess some people will scold me! The results of this book are so bad that I’m embarrassed to say it’s bad. Tomato Most of the readers in it are very young students, so few people read this kind of subject matter, and the platform does not support traffic. In addition, there is no full attendance subsidy this month, I am afraid that I will not even be able to keep my cigarette money, but for three I still plan to write it down. Although there are fewer people reading it, the world view has finally unfolded, and I really can’t bear to throw it away like this! Most of the readers on Tomato and Toutiao like Son-in-law, King of War, God of War, or game ideas. The genre, traditional fairy tales and fantasy has become a thing of the past. This genre cannot support the authors. Those who still like to read traditional fantasy are very picky, which has led to more and more authors no longer touching this genre. It’s not a thankless effort. After spending a long time to build a world view, it’s better to write some pretense and slap in the face. Therefore, this may be Sanchi’s last fairy tale theme.)

In the sea of ​​fire, Mo Xun's dantian did not explode as expected. Instead, a fire luan about the size of a foot suddenly flew out from his body.

Huoluan flapped its wings and let out a long cry, and the temperature of the entire courtyard suddenly reached a terrifying level.

Liu Yu's expression changed immediately, and he shouted: "Xuan is really angry!"

As the words fell, a pair of fiery red eyes looked in the direction of Liu Yu.

Liu Yu was shocked and was about to step back, but at this time, Huo Luan also moved, carrying the raging fire that burned everything in the world, overwhelming the surroundings of the small courtyard.

In just a short breath, everything within five to six feet was submerged in a sea of ​​red fire.

The surrounding ruins, houses and trees were swept away by the heat wave in an instant.

Liu Nanhe and Liu Yao, father and son, were buried in the sky fire before they even had time to shout.

When the flames dissipated, there was only a piece of scorched earth in the courtyard, and a faint bell-shaped light shield in the corner.

In the light shield, a man with tattered clothes, black blood stains on his face, and messy hair was sitting cross-legged. He was making a seal in his hands and looked quite embarrassed.

And far away from the Liu family, a man with tattered clothes was carrying an unconscious woman on his back and quickly heading out of the city.

This man was Mo Xun, who had escaped in a hurry with the Xuantian True Fire.

At the moment when he blew up his Dantian, he was inexplicably able to open up the True Fire Art that he practiced last time. It really is a blessing and a curse!

While no one was chasing him, he ran towards the city gate desperately. Amid the pointing and talking eyes of passers-by who didn't know what was going on, he finally left the city after an incense stick of time.

Not far from the city, he hurriedly activated the escape talisman and used three talismans in succession. After running for more than half an hour, he came to an unnamed valley, found a cave, and hid in the green gourd with Li Qingying again.

In the gourd, Mo Xun put Li Qingying aside, took out a few healing pills and swallowed them, and then prepared to check the girl's injuries.

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