Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 222: Battle between Heavenly Demons

Baiye City is a coastal city, with the Endless Sea to the west.

The Endless Sea is a very special existence. No one knows how big this ocean is and what is on the other side of it.

It is said that a senior once tried to cross it, but never came back.

Some people say that they found the existence of the other side, while others say that they were buried in the belly of the monster in the sea.

In addition, a blood-colored fog sometimes blows up in the ocean. Anyone who enters it will be swallowed by it regardless of their cultivation level.

Fortunately, this fog has never spread to the land, otherwise there would be no city built by the sea.

In the Baiji Pavilion, Mo Xun sat opposite a young woman, each tasting the fragrant tea in their hands.

After cultivating spiritual tea for several years, Mo Xun gradually gained a taste for drinking tea, which added a bit of fun to his boring life.

Baiji Pavilion is a small shop in the city, selling various immortal cultivation resources. Mo Xun has been here for more than a year, and has had a lot of dealings with the owner here.

The last spiritual medicine in the foundation-building pill was also collected by the other party.

Moreover, most of the pills that Mo Xun refined on weekdays, as well as the Huan Gangsha raw stones, were sold to this shop.

"Has your sister's recent cold poison healed?"

Mo Xun heard this and shook his head bitterly.

"If she is cured, I will not ask the fairy for help again."

Since he got the method to save Li Qingying in Lantian City, Mo Xun spent nearly three years to collect various spiritual medicines.

In addition to the resurrection pill, the jade slip given to him by the old woman also recorded the method of resurrection in detail.

Perhaps it was luck that Mo Xun successfully rescued Li Qingying three months ago.

It was originally a very happy thing, but who knew that after Li Qingying was resurrected, she was infected with a strange cold poison, and her whole body was extremely cold. If she did not use spiritual energy to protect her body, her body would be covered with ice in a few breaths. It would not take long for her whole body to be frozen into a block of ice.

Mo Xun didn't know whether this was a sequelae of the resurrection or because he had stored the girl's body in an ice coffin for a year and caused some problems.

Over the past few months, the two had visited many famous doctors and consulted a large number of medical books, but they could not find the root cause.

Mo Xun wanted to find a solution through the resurrection pill, but after asking a lot, he got very little information.

Not to mention that there was no one selling this pill, even if there was no one who had heard of the resurrection method.

He secretly speculated in his heart that the old woman's method might be derived from a long-lost folk remedy, otherwise how could no one know about it?

Seeing that the little girl was tortured by the cold all day long, if he could not get effective relief, he could only go to Blue Sky City again.

Some time ago, it was thanks to the beautiful shopkeeper in front of him that he found several ways to drive away the cold, which temporarily helped Li Qingying relieve some pain.

Otherwise, her spiritual power would only be used to deal with the cold poison every day, and she would not have to practice in this life.

Mo Xun came here today to buy some cold-repelling treasures.

However, these methods are all temporary solutions, which can only alleviate the symptoms but not eradicate them.

"Don't be depressed, fellow Daoist Su. I have recently asked someone to find out two methods. Daoist fellow may try them."

As she spoke, the female shopkeeper took out a jade slip and placed it on the table between the two of them.

Mo Xun hurriedly clasped his fists and thanked her, then took the jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

It mentioned a detoxification pill and a fire jade, both of which have good effects on treating cold diseases.

Mo Xun was quite grateful for the enthusiasm of the female shopkeeper, otherwise, with his cautious character, he would not cooperate with a store for a long time.

On weekdays, whether he sold pills or Huan Gangsha to the other party, he had some intention of returning the favor.

"Xu Xianzi, I wonder what this warm sun jade is?"

Xu Xianzi smiled faintly, and her grace was very pleasing to the eye.

"This item is produced at the bottom of a volcano called Wuji. It is a rare material with fire attribute. It is said that wearing it on the body has some effect on suppressing cold poison."

Mo Xun nodded, and then asked: "Does the fairy have this item here?"

Xu Xianzi shook her head and said: "I am afraid that I will disappoint you. Although this thing is not precious, few cultivators will use it. If I hadn't asked you about the method of detoxification this time, I am afraid I would not know that there is such a material in the world."

Mo Xun's face showed a trace of disappointment again, and then asked: "Then the recipe of the Huoyang Pill and the spiritual herbs required in it, can the fairy gather them for me?"

"That's okay, but you should know that there are more and more conflicts with the demons recently. Although Baiye City is far away, those sect cultivators are purchasing a lot of supplies, and I can't take out much."

There are three main reasons why Mo Xun chose Baiye City to settle down.

First, it is far away from Chechi and Shengguo, so he is not afraid of being found by his enemies.

In addition, this place is famous for refining weapons, which is good for him to get those magic sands. At the same time, he also wants to get in touch with some refining techniques so that he can upgrade his Qiankun Ring.

The last point is the most important. Three years ago, the forces of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path suddenly invaded the five countries in the southern border. The two sides often had conflicts and frictions, and there was a sign of starting a war.

In fact, a few years ago, after the Situ family colluded with the Demonic Path, some of the aristocratic families and small sects under the Tiandao League continued to defect to the Demonic Path, which caused quite a stir in the upper echelons of these large sects.

Mo Xun came here because he didn't want to be involved in these messy things.

He didn't care about the Heavenly Path or the Demonic Path, he just wanted to find a place where he could practice in peace.

Although the war has not started, some of the news that has been sent back has made people panic, and even many cultivation resources have become scarce.

Although the invasion of the Demonic Path happened in recent years, all signs show that it should have been planned for a long time.

In fact, this kind of war in the world of immortal cultivation is not the first time, and it often happens every thousands of years.

The main reason is the competition for cultivation resources.

Whether it is the Tiandao League or the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path, the area they occupy is limited after all. Once the peace lasts for a long time, as more and more immortal cultivators come, cultivation resources will inevitably be in short supply, so launching a war and robbing the other side will become the only way to resolve this contradiction.

Not to mention the conflict between the Heavenly Dao and the Demonic Dao, even within the Heavenly Dao Alliance, there are often various conflicts due to the allocation of cultivation resources.

It’s just that within the five countries of Southern Xinjiang, there is a tight organization like the Heavenly Dao Alliance, so there won’t be a big war!

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