"This bone furnace is an innate magic weapon..."

When Mo Xun heard this, he interrupted casually: "Wait a minute, magic weapons are divided into innate and acquired?"

Hongying said coquettishly: "This is natural. Is it possible that fellow Taoist disciples don't even know this?"

In this regard, Mo Xun was relatively shameless in asking questions.

"Please also ask fellow Taoist for advice."

The shadow in the sky stroked his long beard and smiled: "The so-called innate magical weapons refer to those treasures that are born with the earth and are not refined by human power. Their power is beyond the reach of acquired magical weapons, but we can build them with With basic cultivation, even if you get such a treasure, you still can’t control it.”

This is easy to understand. Since it can be called an innate thing, it naturally has certain requirements for its realm.

Seeing Mo Xun nod, Hongying continued: "In ancient times, this kind of innate magic weapon was also common, but it is almost extinct in the world of immortal cultivation today."

Many classics will mention the ancient times, and the ancient elixir formulas that Mo Xun came into contact with before are also leftover from that time.

It is said that during that period, the world was rich in spiritual energy and talented people emerged in large numbers. It was completely different from today's world of immortality.

"I dare to ask my friend, what is the difference between innate magic weapons and ancient magic weapons?"

Hongying did not answer directly. Instead, she smiled and said, "It seems that fellow Taoist disciples don't know much about this aspect."

Mo Xun is not afraid of being laughed at. He has always had few sources of information, so it is reasonable for him to not know these things.

"The so-called innate and ancient times are actually just two different methods of classification. Whether it is a magical weapon in the past or now, according to the origin of its formation, it is divided into innate and acquired. However, in the ancient times, due to the prosperity of the world of immortality, no matter where it is, All kinds of magical weapons are just more powerful than what they are today."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that this was what happened.

According to this classification, the Scarlet Sky Seal he wants to obtain now can only be classified as an acquired magical weapon from ancient times.

After a moment, Mo Xun raised his hands and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for clarifying my doubts. Please continue!"

The topic returned to the bone furnace just now, and Hongying continued: "It is said that this furnace can accommodate all things, and the material is not among the five elements. Once it is ingested, it will eventually turn into bone powder, and this ash furnace, It can be regarded as an imitation of the bone furnace."

Mo Xun finally understood. The so-called not among the five elements actually means that this thing is not restricted by the five elements.

But having said that, if the ash furnace is just an imitation, it will be greatly weakened in terms of power and material.

"Is there any way to deal with it?"

Obviously, this is what Mo Xun is most concerned about.

"Since this thing is an imitation, it has weaknesses..."

Speaking of this, Hongying asked instead: "Have you ever heard of the Nine Sacred Trees, fellow Taoist?"

"Do you think that I am that ignorant? Since Mo can possess the soul-nurturing lock, he must be aware of such divine objects!"

"Yes, yes, I forgot about that."

Mo Xun seemed to understand something, his face immediately darkened, and he asked displeasedly: "I am afraid that fellow Taoist means that the method to restrain this thing is the nine sacred trees, right?"

Hongying didn't feel any embarrassment at all, her face didn't turn red, and her heart didn't beat.

"Exactly, fellow Taoist, you only need to pretend to let the ashes furnace absorb this soul-nurturing lock at the critical moment. This thing will naturally be broken. At that time, Hong can also take the opportunity to sneak into Ji Chong's body. You and I should cooperate internally and externally, We will definitely capture this person in one fell swoop.”

The sneer at the corner of Mo Xun's mouth got worse and worse.

Is this treating him as a fool?

"Mo Mou understands what your Excellency means, but I'm just wondering in my heart, is it possible to restrain the ash furnace with just this bit of soul-nurturing wood?"

"Fellow Taoist, please rest assured about this. Even though the soul-nurturing tree is the last of the nine sacred trees, it is still the highest existence in this world. Once the ash furnace swallows it, it will be like a cocoon. Ten percent of its power will be removed. Eighty percent of it will be lost." Nine points."

Mo Xun sneered, and then said: "In that case, there is no need for my fellow Taoist to work hard."

As he finished speaking, a red light flashed in Mo Xun's hand, and suddenly a piece of black material appeared, which was the soul-nurturing wood.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Hongying immediately opened her mouth in surprise. Everything she wanted to say was stuck in her throat.

To be honest, Mo Xun was extremely surprised when he was able to come up with a divine item like the Soul-nurturing Lock.

You know, this thing cannot be bought with money. Without a great opportunity, it may be rare to encounter it once in a lifetime.

Who knew that the boy in front of him not only had a soul-nurturing lock, but he also had mature wood!

Could it be said that this person has ever seen a complete soul-nurturing tree?

Thinking of this, Hongying looked at Mo Xun with a bit of surprise and weirdness in her eyes.

He had been dealing with Mo Xun for more than a day or two. Not to mention the treasures in his hands, just being able to gather all the auxiliary materials for the Scarlet Sky Seal in a short period of time was beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

Now he can even take out the nine sacred trees at will. What kind of wealth does this have?

Looking at Hongying's dumb look, Mo Xun smiled faintly. He didn't know what the other person was thinking at this time. If he knew what he was showing, he would be dispensable to him, and he would do anything if he didn't know. What do you think?

Hongying smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so fully prepared. It's just unnecessary for me."

Mo Xun put away the soul-raising wood and asked expressionlessly: "Besides the ashes furnace, what other means does this person have?"

Hongying thought for a while before speaking: "Daoyou also need to pay attention to this person's earth escape technique. If you are not on guard, it is very easy to be attacked."

The so-called escape technique is a five-element escape technique similar to the escape talisman, but it does not require any talisman to assist.

Of course, the effects of the different cultivation levels are also very different.

However, Mo Xun is not worried about this. The Nine-Bend Chain Array he bought at a high price is accompanied by a space restriction, and even the most sophisticated escape technique will not help.

"By the way, what is this person good at?"

Hongying opened his mouth in confusion, and did not understand what Moxun meant for a while. Wasn't what he just said not good at it?

Moxun did not play dumb with him, and asked directly: "Is this person good at formations?"

Hongying pondered and replied: "I haven't heard of this. Could it be that Daoyou is preparing..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Moxun nodded. He was not afraid that Hongying would know the plan.

Hongying laughed, cupped her hands and said, "Seeing that you are so confident, I congratulate you in advance."

In fact, every cultivator knows that formations are the best means to fight against enemies, but how many people can afford formations?

Mo Xun then asked some more questions about the anaconda before putting Hongying back into the soul-nourishing lock.

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