Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 250: Fighting the enemy in the battle formation (two in one) (12)

Chapter 250: Fighting the enemy in the formation (two in one)

At the same time, four attacks came from different directions, with great momentum, bombarding the center of the formation.

Thanks to the formation he had been familiar with for a month, Mo Xun immediately pinched the Dao formula, and eight humanoid puppets appeared out of thin air above the eight formation flags. The movements of his hands at this moment were exactly the same as Mo Xun's.

Then the nine beams of light gathered together, and with a loud "boom", fires broke out within a radius of several feet, and the area around the formation flags was immediately shrouded in smoke and dust.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, a huge deep pit was bombarded in the original place, and the blue flag was floating in the air alone, with a glow on the surface, and it was obviously not affected much.

Outside the protective shield created by the formation flag, a half-human-high weird doll stared at the two people in the formation, with no life in his eyes.

The two failed to hit, but they were not in a hurry to attack again.

"Brother Ji, this formation seems a bit strange, and those dolls look like puppetry!"

Ji Chong nodded solemnly. He participated in the attack and naturally felt the brief change just now.

At the moment they attacked, the might near the center of the formation suddenly increased several times.

"This formation should have the effect of chain attack. This time, you and I, together with two pets, will attack the center of the formation separately."

Although Ji Chong did not have any attainments in formation, he had practiced for so many years after all, and had seen many large and small formations. He immediately recognized the key to this formation.

The man surnamed Bai no longer had the relaxed look on his face.

"Then listen to Brother Ji. Bai always feels that the boy is very weird. You and I should be careful."

The two men and two snakes immediately scattered and attacked the closest formation center again.

In fact, whether it was the joint attack just now or the four points now, the effect was similar.

Once dispersed, the power of the attack will naturally be greatly weakened. Mo Xun simply changed from defending one with nine to defending four with nine.

Of course, Mo Xun outside was not at ease either. Such a large formation fell on him alone.

Fortunately, there were spiritual stones in the bodies of the eight puppets, so he didn't have to consume extra mana.

But this kind of spiritual power maintenance obviously can't last long. Once the spiritual power in the spiritual stone is consumed, this large formation will become an empty frame.

So he must fight quickly!

After the two launched the second attack, except for completely exposing several formation eyes, it didn't cause any damage.

Mo Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's true that you get what you pay for!

A "chuan" has condensed on Ji Chong's forehead, and the man surnamed Bai is obviously a little impatient.

"Brother Ji, it seems that the level of this formation is at least above level 4. I guess that guy coveted something on you and me, so he painstakingly laid this kind of net!"

Both of them knew that this level of formation should not be used just to trap the enemy, and the killer move must be behind.

"Brother Bai, what do you mean, do you still have to compromise with him?"

The man surnamed Bai laughed dryly.

"Brother Ji, what are you talking about? It's just that I have never met this person before. The person he is looking for must not be Bai. If Brother Ji can pretend to be with him first, you and I can find a chance to get away!"

Ji Chong smiled coldly, and the meaning of this sentence couldn't be more obvious.

Probably want to say that the other person must be coming for you, I have suffered an unprovoked disaster, so it's better for you to come forward to solve this matter.

"Brother Bai, you are joking. Ji has never had any intersection with this person."

Just when the two were still shirking each other, Mo Xun had already finished casting the spell.

He suddenly shouted, "Kill!"

Instantly, strong winds blew up around, blowing all the bushes and gravel within a radius of dozens of feet into the air.

In the formation, starting from one of the green formation flags, all the surrounding formation flags were gradually rendered dark green.

The ground under his feet also trembled. In just a breath, countless emerald green vines with sharp barbs, as thick as a baby's arm, sprang out from the ground. They were densely packed and looked like there were tens of thousands of them.

These vines emerged from the ground and almost dyed the entire earth green.

Seeing this scene, the two immediately took off into the air to dodge the attack of these vines.

The man surnamed Bai said coldly, "Brother Ji, what else do you have to say? This person is obviously coming for you!"

Ji Chong did not refute this time, his face was ashen.

First, he used the Nianfu powder to lure his spirit pet to come, then trapped it through the formation, and now completely sealed his connection with the earth. If it wasn't aimed at him, a cultivator of earth attribute, then what?

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, but there's no point in you and I arguing about this now, it's better to concentrate on the enemy!"

The man surnamed Bai snorted coldly, and then he slapped his storage bag, and a strange golden compass appeared in his hand.

"You think you can do anything to Bai with just a little vine?"

After the voice fell, the man twisted the compass, and then the light was shining. The compass rotated and flew to his head, gradually getting bigger in the air, and constantly shooting golden light spots around.

Under the compass, the man pinched the magic formula with both hands, and kept chanting. A layer of golden holy light lingered around his body, looking solemn and dignified.

The light spots hit the vines, and wherever they passed, they cut countless vines in half like molten magma.

However, these vines seemed endless. Once they were broken by the light spots, they would drill out from the ground again.

Under the consumption of both sides, a stalemate was formed for a while.

"Brother Ji, if we don't break the formation now, when will we?"

The voice of the man surnamed Bai fell into Ji Chong's ears and woke him up instantly.

"Brother Bai's golden disc is indeed extraordinary. Please hold on for a while. I will try to break the formation now."

After Ji Chong finished speaking, a ground anaconda in the air flashed black light and was put into his storage bag.

This beast was a spirit beast of earth attribute like him, so naturally it was of no use.

He then took out a small spirit insect from the spirit beast bag. It looked like a silkworm pupa, but it was transparent all over, and the blood vessels and internal organs growing inside could be clearly seen from the surface of the body.

The man surnamed Bai's eyes condensed, and then his face became happy.

"Break the world worm!"

Ji Chong glanced at the man surnamed Bai who was struggling to hold on, and said with a smile: "Brother Bai has good eyesight, this thing is the key to our escape!"

Mo Xun also saw it clearly outside the formation, but with his knowledge, he had never heard of the "Break the world worm".

Compared with other spirit insects, this thing has almost no attack or defense ability, but it is a natural nemesis that is prohibited by all formations!

Ji Chong slowly came to the center of the formation where Mo Xun was, and the two looked at each other for a moment, their eyes were full of coldness.

Then he threw the Break the World worm to the edge of the formation, looked at Mo Xun jokingly, and took out a simple incense burner in his hand.

It was the ash incinerator!

Mo Xun's face immediately became solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the Break the World worm, wanting to see what kind of magical ability this thing had.

A moment later, he heard a rustling sound, and Mo Xun was surprised to find that the boundary-breaking insect was actually gnawing at the confinement shield around the formation.

Realizing this, he hurriedly urged the formation to repair it, but strangely, the formation that had been bitten could not be repaired.

With no other options, he could only stare at the little insect in amazement, biting a narrow passage at the edge of the formation.

Mo Xun was secretly shocked. The world is so big that there are so many wonders.

He didn't expect that the Demonic Path actually had such a magical thing.

In addition to the ice beetles raised by the gourd-holding man Doxi he met not long ago, this was the second time he was shocked.

To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to this kind of little insect before. After all, there were not many cultivators who raised spiritual insects on the Tiandao League side, so naturally he had no way of knowing.

Just imagine, if you can raise hundreds or thousands of boundary-breaking insects, then you don't have to fear any formation?

Of course, this idea is a bit naive. On the one hand, he has no idea of ​​the preciousness of spiritual insects. On the other hand, he doesn't know that spiritual insects are also divided into advanced levels. Not just any boundary-breaking insect can shake all formations.

In this brief stalemate, the boundary-breaking insect finally bit through the last layer of the formation, and a narrow gap formed inside and outside the formation.

Ji Chong seized this brief opportunity and turned the ash furnace in his hand into a wisp of green smoke, passing through the gap.

In his opinion, as long as he can take down the person in the main formation, this formation will inevitably fall apart. Even if he can't kill Mo Xun directly, as long as he can have a certain interference effect, he can also cast a spell to break the formation.

The green smoke floated outside the formation and restored the furnace to its original state.

The ash furnace suspended in the air, as if it had spirituality, turned its mouth towards Mo Xun, and released a ray of light from it.

As the rays of light passed by, everything around was drawn into the furnace.

However, Mo Xun was obviously prepared. The figure standing in the original place suddenly became ethereal and re-condensed a few feet behind him. At the original place, a piece of black wood fell, which was the soul-nourishing wood.

After the rays of light absorbed the soul-nourishing wood, the furnace stagnated immediately, all the light disappeared, and the entire ash furnace suddenly trembled violently.

When Ji Chong in the formation saw this scene, the smile on his lips froze on his face.

Then he made hand gestures and kept controlling the furnace outside with his spiritual sense.

Although this formation did not completely isolate the spiritual sense, he was surprised to find that he seemed to have lost control of the ash furnace.

An incredible thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is this the nine sacred trees?"

Mo Xun did not answer him, but took advantage of this opportunity to wave his robe sleeves and directly put the out-of-control ash furnace into the storage bag.

Unexpectedly, what Hongying said was true. This thing was indeed defeated by the nine sacred trees.

Fortunately, Ji Chong was trapped in the formation at this time and could not effectively control the magic weapon, so he was able to take it so easily.

Seeing this scene, Ji Chong's eyes were full of fire. If his eyes could kill, he would have wanted to kill the boy in front of him thousands of times.

Watching the magic weapon being taken away, his heart was almost bleeding.

Now, no one needs to say, he can completely conclude that this person's target must be him!

Otherwise, why would he be so well prepared and target him everywhere.

Of course, the man surnamed Bai was also paying attention to the movements here all the time. Seeing Mo Xun so easily take the magic weapon that Ji Chong relied on to become famous, how could he remain calm?

"Brother Ji, what's going on?"

"This man has many treasures, and they are all incompatible with me. Brother Bai, hold on for a while. Ji has other ways."

At this time, Mo Xun was also anxious. If one of the puppets could not hold on, the whole plan would fail.

But the current situation is a bit tricky. He originally wanted to attack with wood attributes to block Ji Chong's means first, but who knew that the man surnamed Bai actually had such a sharp compass, which completely disrupted his plan.

On the other hand, although this formation has many changes and is good for trapping the enemy, the attack method is still a bit single.

After recovering from the emotion of losing the magic weapon, Ji Chong snorted coldly. This time he was not going to hold back. He directly took out a handful of talismans from the storage bag and sprinkled them around like a fairy scattering flowers.

Among these talismans, there are both low-level and high-level ones. He also knows that talismans of this level are useless for this kind of formation, but as long as they can consume a little of the opponent's strength, it will be considered to have achieved the effect.

Hundreds of fire and lightning, mixed with a lot of ice crystals and metallic luster that could not be seen, violently hit the surrounding array shield.

For a while, crackling and rumbling sounds were heard continuously. Within a range of dozens of feet, smoke and dust rose up, and in the blink of an eye, the array was covered.

These movements were naturally to cover up Ji Chong's true purpose.

He put his hands together, closed his eyes slightly, and gradually condensed a black whirlwind with his body as the center. Above his head, a strange long banner was suspended, and countless black phantoms continued to emerge from this long banner, like evil spirits.

Although Mo Xun could not see what was happening inside, he was the main array, and any movement in it could not escape his consciousness.

"What is that?"

While he was surprised, he also began to urge the array to attack for the second time. Judging from the consumption of spirit stones in the puppet, if he could not take down the two this time, he might have to consider abandoning the array and escaping.

As more and more black shadows appeared in the formation, even the air around them became chilly and creepy. Ji Chong, who was in the center of the whirlwind, looked carefully and found that a black spot gradually appeared on his face.

The man surnamed Bai looked at Ji Chong in surprise, his lips trembling slightly. He recognized the long banner the moment Ji Chong cast the spell.

"Brother Ji, I didn't expect you to refine the ghost banner!"

"Ghost Banner" may be quite unfamiliar in the Tiandao League, but it is well-known in the Demonic Path.

Because it requires the souls of tens of thousands of heroes to refine, it has always been banned by many sects. It is really against the law of nature and too vicious!

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