Bai Ze on his shoulder, perhaps because he was full, suddenly burped, but it seemed particularly abrupt in this quiet environment.

Ji Chong had already become a frightened bird, and immediately retreated quickly. Seeing that the other party had moved, Mo Xun also quickly took out the Qiankun Ring and made a posture of full body alert.

But what he didn't expect was that a burst of white smoke rose in the distance, and then Ji Chong disappeared from the spot.

When Mo Xun reacted, he found that there was only a faint space fluctuation nearby.

Ji Chong left suddenly, and Mo Xun not only had no intention of chasing, but was relieved.

He quickly recalled the Linglong Ring, put the entire formation into the storage bag, burned the body of the man surnamed Bai with a fire, and after hastily cleaning the battlefield, he quickly flew west on his sword.

After rushing for a day and a night, Mo Xun finally found a cave to hide.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries this time, he was a little exhausted. This recovery took a full three days.

Mo Xun was awakened only when Bai Ze, who was beside him, suddenly roared without warning.

He realized at the first moment that an outsider was approaching.

But he didn't think much about it. After all, the place he chose was not remote. Those who could come here were obviously lucky, or just stayed temporarily like him.

But the restless Bai Ze could not be calmed down for a while, which made Mo Xun's heart jump. Could he encounter some danger again?

Since adopting this divine beast, this is not the first time that the little guy has warned him. Almost every time, something happens.

With this in mind, he hurried out of the cave and looked around, but he didn't find any movement.

After a little thought, he was still ready to leave, but just when he took off, a strong wind suddenly hit his head. Years of life and death experience finally played a role at this moment.

Mo Xun moved his feet lightly, and in the moment a green light shot through his body, the whole person turned into a phantom, and when he reappeared, he was already several feet away.

In anger, when he saw the person behind him clearly, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated several times.

Almost without thinking, he flew away quickly.

"Thief, give me back my brother's life!"

A deafening shout of killing came into his ears, and Mo Xun's whole body almost fell off the flying sword.

Behind him, there were two cultivators chasing closely, one of whom was Ji Chong.

The other person had a strange face, but his face was ferocious, as if he wanted to eat Mo Xun alive.

Although Mo Xun only glanced at him, he was absolutely sure that this person's cultivation had reached the late stage of foundation building.

In an instant, Mo Xun's soul was almost scared out of his body.

Unexpectedly, despite being extremely careful, he was still careless enough to be found by the other party.

With his realm, facing a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, no matter how powerful his magic weapon was, it would be no different from sending himself to death.

The three of them were originally hundreds of feet apart, but in just a few breaths, they were brought closer by more than half.

Mo Xun felt like he was falling into an ice cave at this moment. The difference in strength made him basically foresee his next fate.

Perhaps at the critical moment, the instinct of survival helped him again.

He slapped the storage bag on his waist, grabbed a handful of low-level talismans in his hand and threw them back. At the same time, the flying sword under his feet also turned into a small boat in the flashing green light. It was the Swift Boat he got from Senior Luo.

He hurriedly injected spiritual power into his feet, and the Swift Boat suddenly accelerated, whizzing through the air at a speed several times faster than before, leaving a faint trace in the clouds.

This thing is indeed a rare flying magic weapon. It only took him a moment to distance himself from the two people behind him.

But before he could relax for a moment, he was surprised to find that the figure behind him seemed to speed up in an instant, and the distance between the two began to narrow again.

The only thing to be thankful for was that this time it narrowed very slowly.

Mo Xun made up his mind and injected his spiritual power into the Swift Wind Boat without hesitation. At the critical moment of life and death, how could he dare to hold back.

At the same time, he was thinking quickly in his mind, how did the other party find him?

He thought of the mark problem at the first time, and then controlled the Swift Wind Boat while looking inside himself. If he didn't find this mark, even if he could escape for a while, he would eventually be caught up.

Because of the Swift Wind Boat, the two of them actually formed a tug-of-war for a while, chasing and running, and stalemate in the air.

Mo Xun repeatedly searched his body several times, and checked his clothes and hair, but still found nothing.

Perhaps it was because of the pursuers behind him that he was in a state of confusion and could not calm down, or perhaps the other party had some tracking methods that he did not know. In short, it was unlikely to find this mark in a short time.

After thinking this through, he no longer bothered about it. Now the only plan was to find an opportunity to enter the green gourd and then slowly figure it out.

Time passed in a flash, and it was three days later. Whether it was Mo Xun or Ji Chong behind him, they did not stop for a moment during this period.

Once the mana could not support it, Mo Xun would take a recovery pill. Until today, all the pills had been consumed, and he could only replenish them with spirit stones.

But in this way, it was a bit beyond his ability, and the distance between the two was shortened again.

Mo Xun knew that if it continued like this for a long time, it would not be a solution after all.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind and he took out the eight humanoid puppets.

After replacing each one with a new spiritual stone, he controlled the puppets with his divine consciousness and injected spiritual power into the blast boat with him.

Unexpectedly, this quick wit really worked.

With the help of the puppet, the speed of the gale boat suddenly more than doubled, and within a short time, the two people behind him were out of sight.

Of course, he did not dare to be careless and continued to move forward in the boat. After walking for most of the day, he originally thought of finding a valley to hide, but before he even landed on the ground, he felt that the two people behind him were chasing him again.

And the speed is much faster than before.

Mo Xun cursed secretly and had to start walking again. He really couldn't figure out why every time he speeded up, the other party also speeded up too.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the speed of the person behind him had reached the end of his strength, and the reason why he could catch up was entirely at the expense of burning blood and essence.

As for Ji Chong, he was also left behind early.

Just like that, the speed of the two people has reached their limit, and the distance between them is widening and shortening.

This situation lasted for half a month again. At this time, Mo Xun was already as thin as firewood and his face was pale.

Every time he thought he had shaken off the person behind him and was about to rest for a while, he would be caught up again. He did not know how many times he had experienced this.

Fortunately, he had enough spiritual stones. During these days, he only consumed two to three hundred puppets every day.

As if the spiritual stones were free of charge, one after another they turned into powder in his hands.

To be honest, the man behind him is not much better than him. He has burned an unknown amount of essence and blood during these days.

He was even more depressed. Didn't he say that the thief only had the early stage of foundation building? How could he still run so fast?

Even if this person has a flying magic weapon, hasn't the elixir on him been exhausted after more than ten days of stalemate?

Between chasing and escaping, another month passed.

The speed of the two of them had also slowed down at the same time more than half a month ago, which shows how much their bodies have reached their limits.

Mo Xun's skinny face was covered with beard, and his travel-stained cheeks were full of exhaustion.

He gradually stopped hesitating about the tail behind him. Now, I am afraid that what he is competing for is this last bit of perseverance.

Inadvertently lowering his head and glancing down, he realized that he had unknowingly arrived at Baiye City under the jurisdiction of Jiuli Palace.

In his mind, that taciturn figure who often carried a hint of resentment suddenly appeared.

Counting on my fingers, it has been almost four or five years since I separated from the little girl. I don't know if the cold poison in her body has been cured.

When he left that day, he said in the transmission notes that he would be able to return in two years at most. Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman broke her promise again.

After a moment of silence, Mo Xun patted the spirit beast bag on his waist. A burst of white light flashed, and something appeared on his shoulder.

"Xiao Bai, I'm afraid I'm going to be in trouble this time. Why don't you just leave and go find her!"

Bai Ze seemed to understand his thoughts, shook his head spiritually, and gently rubbed his neck with the horns on his head.

Mo Xun sighed.

"Forget it! If you can live, please help me send her a message. Mo Mou has only had few close friends for half his life except for practicing. If you die quietly... "

Having said this, familiar faces began to appear in Mo Xun's eyes.

Parents, brothers, little sister, and that Su Yunshang who doesn’t know life or death...

He is ruthless, but he only adds so much emotion in this world!

I thought that the last time I went home, I had cut off all worries in the world, but looking at it now, I was deceiving myself!

Flying over Baiye City, there was the boundless sea. Mo Xun once again thought of the various legends about this boundless sea.

According to the information he knew, there were no monsters or beasts in the periphery of this sea area. In fact, there were not many lives.

As for what the inland sea is like, some people have explored it, but they either never returned or found nothing.

It is unknown whether the person behind him is familiar with this sea area.

It's just that after chasing him for so long, I doubt this person will give up.

Just like that, two rays of light flashed across the sky quickly. Those below saw this scene and couldn't help but be secretly curious, guessing which two seniors were going to settle their grievances at sea.

After all, who would be a normal monk willing to go to that place?

The two people in the air flew by like flying giants, and the calm sea below did not have a single wave.

After looking at the spirit stones in the storage bag, I am afraid that when they are used up, it will be the moment of decisive battle between him and the visitor.

He took stock of what he had in his mind. He definitely didn't have time to set up the magic circle. The talismans had been used up in these days, but there were still some healing elixirs.

As for the magic weapon, only the Qiankun Ring can be used. By the way, there is also the newly obtained Xuanbing Gourd, which may also have unexpected effects at critical moments.

And the Linglong Huan and Xuantian Fire that he pressed at the bottom of the box were the key to victory in the end.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, no matter which one of these methods he uses, he can have an advantage over monks of the same level. However, he will inevitably feel a little uneasy when facing the late-stage Foundation Establishment.

The two flew again for more than ten days, until the last bit of spiritual stone was used up. Just when Mo Xun was about to fight to the death, he suddenly discovered that a piece of blood-red in the distance was approaching at an extremely fast speed.

At the end of the field of vision, the red sky and the sea merged into one, like a vast red cloth falling from the sky.

At this time, not only Mo Xun, but also the people who were chasing him, stopped in mid-air.

Mo Xun's heart tightened, and he seemed to remember what this thing was, and he couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Bloody fog!"

The shock in front of them made the two forget their hatred for each other for a short time, and they were even more stunned.

When they reacted, the fog had already drifted over. Mo Xun said in his heart that it was not good, and he was about to turn around and leave, but he was suddenly shocked to find that his body seemed to be attracted by something and slowly drifted towards the fog.

Another person not far away naturally discovered this terrible situation and immediately cast a spell to escape, but no matter how he urged the spell, the escape method he originally controlled lost its effectiveness.

There is a space restriction in this fog!

This person thought of this possibility at the first time.

But before they could think of a way to escape, the two figures were completely swallowed by blood.

As soon as he entered the fog, Mo Xun felt that his mana was stagnant, and he could not mobilize any spiritual power at all. Then, along with the Swift Wind Boat under his feet, he quickly fell into the sea.

At the same time, an invisible force invaded his brain, causing him to have a splitting headache. Not long after, he completely lost consciousness.

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