Luo Xi was seen mumbling a spell, and then his figure gradually disappeared in a burst of rosy clouds.

This is a small magic called Huafeng Jue. It is not an escape technique, nor is it a high-level magical power. It is a trick to temporarily deceive the formation here by using the power of the fake five elements.

After the transformation of the wind, according to the direction of the life gate deduced by Luo Xi, simply apply external force to escape the lightning attack here, and thus break the restriction and get out.

Moreover, it is difficult to enter from the outside, but it is extremely easy to go from the inside to the outside.

In fact, this can also be thought of. After all, the function of the magic array is to guard against the outside world, not to block the inside.

However, it is simple to say, but Mo Xun can't do this deduction technique alone.

Of course, Mo Xun now has a copper tripod magic weapon in his hand, which has the same effect as this Huafeng Jue. The only thing to do is to remember the direction of the life gate.

After Luo Xi left, Mo Xun did not delay and entered the treasure door again.

Back in the dim cave, he first walked around the blood pool for a while, then patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and summoned Bai Ze.

"Xiaobai, go down and try to see if you can refine this pool of Qilin liquid!"

Bai Ze stretched his neck and sniffed the blood pool. Instead of being happy, he shook his head in disgust, wagged his tail, and jumped onto his shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin and wondered, did he guess wrong?

It shouldn't be, there is the origin of Qilin in it. Since everyone is a divine beast, how could there be no reaction?

He turned his head and looked at the white ball lying on his shoulder, which was a little too lazy.

Could it be that this thing has mysophobia? Dislike the pool water is too dirty?

It's not impossible!

But in Mo Xun's opinion, this is not a good habit, it's simply a waste of natural resources!

Then, he grabbed Bai Ze's tail and threw him into the pool without saying anything.

Bai Ze whimpered in the air, let out a piercing scream, and his body kept rolling down.

At the moment when a few claws fell into the blood pool, like a frightened kitten, he suddenly took off into the air and jumped back into Mo Xun's arms like lightning.

Mo Xun was so angry that he hated him!

The Qilin is a divine beast, and you are also a divine beast. You are scared like this with just a trace of origin?

Mo Xun stared at the little guy and snorted coldly, grabbed its head, and threw it back into the spirit beast bag.

He had fed this guy the spirit beast pill for so many years, and it felt like it was all in vain.

Ever since he saw the ghost-swallowing ability of this thing last time, he had always had great expectations for the little guy, but who knew that this guy was so timid.

After one plan failed, he began to think of other ways. In his opinion, it was a pity to watch this pool of Qilin fluid go to waste.

A moment later, a sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind, and then he turned his palm over, and a ball of fire suddenly gushed out of his arm, turning into a fiery red phoenix in the air.

"Chi Li, go down and try to see if you can absorb that trace of Qilin origin."

The fire phoenix seemed to understand human nature. After Mo Xun gave the order, it flapped its wings and rushed into the blood pool.

As soon as Chi Li entered, the bright red blood seemed to boil suddenly, mixed with a trace of electric light, rolling continuously, and splashing pieces of sticky water.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a pinch in his heart. He seemed a little rash.

What if this Qilin fluid was not only useless to Chi Li, but also destroyed the Xuantian True Fire, he couldn't even find a place to cry.

As soon as he thought of this, he was about to summon Chi Li back through his mind, but at this moment, he was surprised to find that the water level of the blood in the pool, which was originally half of the pool, had actually dropped a little in these few short breaths.

Could it be...

Mo Xun hurriedly stopped his hand and carefully observed the situation in the pool. He found that not only the blood in it was decreasing, but even the lightning was also attenuating.

He was immediately excited. It seemed to be useful!

Although he could not directly collect the Qilin liquid, it seemed to be absorbed by Chi Li, which seemed to be good.

In this way, after more than two hours, he watched the blood in the pool bit by bit, from deep to shallow, and from shallow to nothing!

Until Chi Li swallowed the last drop, Mo Xun could not help but be stunned. He saw that the originally fiery red Luan bird was not only more colorful, but also had a faint thunder flashing around its body.

Is this... a mutation?

For a moment, Mo Xun was a little unsettled. True fire plus lightning, what kind of combination is this?

He had never seen it in other books!

Of course, no matter how the appearance changes, what he cares most about is Chi Li's current power.

Then, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a low-level magic weapon in the shape of a shield, and threw it into the air.

Chi Li understood and suddenly turned into a flame, engulfing the shield. The scorching heat burned even Mo Xun, who was close to it, and he stepped back several steps.

The flame flashed, and in almost an instant, the shield was melted by the high temperature, and when it fell to the ground, it turned into a black iron block.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. If he was caught off guard and the flames stuck to his body, how could he still survive?

While he was happy, he couldn't help but start thinking about the power of the thunder and lightning, but for a while, he didn't think about how to test it.

But in his opinion, Chi Li, who has such power, has far exceeded his expectations.

Perhaps because he was too excited, when no one was around, Mo Xun suddenly laughed out loud.

This trip to the ruins was really a good choice!

He circled the red lily several times with satisfaction before putting it into his body. He would definitely study it carefully after returning.

When he turned around and prepared to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at the dried-up pond, as if there was something he hadn't done yet.

He saw a flying sword fly out with his hands, whistling towards the pond with the sound of wind.

Suddenly, the cave was filled with noises and smoke.

Half an incense stick later, the pond that had been repaired was already a mess, with only pieces of broken jade slabs and stones scattered on the ground.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and put all the cold jade into the storage bag. Based on the principle that a thief does not leave empty-handed, he left this place.

Returning to the eight treasure gates again, Mo Xun took out another Moon Star Order, and his heart was full of expectations. He didn't know what he could gain from this last treasure gate.

After a long time, thunder roared in the sky, but at the same time, a dazzling golden light flashed, and Mo Xun disappeared again.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to a two-story attic.

Bricks and tiles were scattered around the attic, and the entire building structure seemed to be in disrepair due to years of disrepair.

A broken plaque fell on the ground, and two large characters could be vaguely pieced together.


Finally 500,000...

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