Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 33 The remaining anger has subsided

"I don't want to live in this kind of place, I want to go to the city!"

Mo Xun refused without thinking: "No!"


Mo Xun looked up at her and swallowed back what he was about to say.

He knew that it was indeed a bit difficult for such a delicate lady to suddenly accompany him to be a savage in the mountains.

He didn't care, after all, this kind of living in the open air was too common for him in the past.

"How about this, I'll build a bamboo house for you outside, okay?"

Su Yunshang wanted to refute again, but she happened to meet Mo Xun's sharp eyes and snorted again!

But when she thought of the omnipresent poisonous snakes, insects, ants, jackals, tigers and leopards in the deep mountains and old forests, she shuddered unconsciously.

Based on this, the more she looked at the young face in front of her, which was a little dark, the more disgusted she felt!


The two of them ate some game at night. Because the cave was small, Mo Xun meditated at the entrance of the cave all night. At dawn the next day, he started cutting bamboo nearby early.

This kind of work was easy for him.

As for Su Yunshang, Mo Xun sent her down the mountain to buy rice and grain. Of course, he was not afraid that she would run away!

Today is different from the past. Even if he could not kill the other party, he would not serve this old master as a servant as before.

After most of the day, Mo Xun built two bamboo houses on the open space, surrounded the area with a fence, and sprinkled some mosquito repellent powder within a radius of several feet.

At this time, Su Yunshang came back panting with a bundle in her arms.

"I'm so tired!"

Putting the bundle aside, Su Yunshang glanced at Mo Xun's masterpiece of the whole afternoon, curled her lips, and was quite disdainful in her heart. Then she ran to the stream to wash the sweat stains on her face.

Mo Xun opened the bundle and was stunned.

There were a bunch of colorful clothes inside, but where was the rice?

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Where are the things I asked you to buy?"

Yun Shang finally realized it and slapped her forehead.

"Ah! I forgot!"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. He regretted his decision.

But what can he do now? Send it back, then raise the butcher knife and wipe out the Su family?

Not to mention whether he can be so cruel, he can't just go back on his word.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame him for being soft-hearted at that time!

Seeing Yun Shang regaining some of her former agility and happily trying on clothes on her body, Mo Xun sighed in his heart and went down the mountain silently.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no deep hatred between him and the Su family except for the time when he was deceived.

And if there was no Baicaotang, maybe he would still be herding cattle on the mountain at this moment!

In addition, there are the three medicinal herbs. If you want to talk about it, he has finally accepted a little kindness.

So these days, the remaining anger in his heart has almost dissipated.

As for the second young lady, he will observe for a while. If the Su family can really keep their promise, they will let her go.

With these thoughts, he will tolerate Su Yunshang's request as long as it is not too excessive.

And before the herbs are mature, he does not plan to improve his cultivation through meditation and Qi refining.

When there is no Baoxin Pill, perhaps he can accept this inefficient method, but now, there is obviously a better choice.

People, it is always easy to go from simple to luxurious, but it is difficult to go from luxurious to simple!


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