The first thing he offered was the golden bowl.

He raised the golden bowl high, and with a loud bang, a large ball of red flames was released from it, spraying into the sky, blocking the Shangfu, who was more than two feet away from the ground, in mid-air.

In the dark night, it was like a dazzling beam of light, instantly illuminating the surroundings.

Mo Xun nodded secretly. He could clearly feel that the scorching temperature in the flame was no less than that of the Fire Palace Lantern.

But at this moment, it was obviously not the time to appreciate these, because there were four other Shangfu, coming from his left and right wings respectively!

Mo Xun turned his palm, and the Xuantian True Fire surged out. At the same time, the talisman in the other hand was also offered.

On the right, the Fire Luan was like a phoenix reborn from magma, dragging a long fiery red tail, and in the blink of an eye, it engulfed the two Shangfu birds.

On the left, after Mo Xun shouted loudly, it suddenly exploded and turned into a big fireball, hitting the other two Shangfu.

However, it was obvious that the power of the fireball only stopped the two beasts in midair for a moment. Although the feathers on their bodies were scorched, they were not completely blocked.

At the same time, the Shangfu directly above also bypassed the flames of the golden bowl and came from the side.

In the first wave, there were a total of five Shangfu. Except for the two bound by the fire phoenix, the other three all broke through the flames, waving their sharp claws and rushed towards Mo Xun again.

It seems that this fire attack not only failed to stop them, but also encouraged a lot of ferocity!

Just as he was about to turn the direction of the golden bowl and sacrifice the talisman at the same time, he could clearly see in the firelight that another seven or eight Shangfu swooped down.

Mo Xun secretly cried out that it was not good. Although he had the ability to suppress these beasts, there were too many of them!

No wonder Han Qiu wanted to form a team so much. If he was not strong enough, it would be tantamount to death if he walked alone here!

He threw the talisman in his hand again, but this time, there were as many as five or six.

Several huge fireballs burst out around his body in an instant, igniting everything within a radius of two feet.

Then, regardless of whether it was effective or not, he hurriedly recalled the Fire Phoenix and temporarily surrounded his body with a circle of flame protection, and then flew away in one direction without looking back.

However, for the Shangfu birds, flying is their strong point. With Mo Xun's best efforts, the distance between the two was rapidly shortened.

Every once in a while, Mo Xun threw out a fireball talisman, or used the golden bowl flame to delay their pursuit.

To be honest, if it was really a life-and-death fight, with these fire methods, he might not necessarily lose.

But what's the point?

You know, there are more than just these Shangfu here. If he gets injured or his magic power is insufficient, and a few more come, I'm afraid he can only wait to die.

Of course, running away like this is not a long-term solution.

The only thing he could do now was to find a mountain and hide temporarily.

But many times, things went against one's will.

He didn't find the mountain, but attracted more Shangfu birds.

He finally understood why Luoxi and Han Qiu didn't advocate flying in the air.

In the high altitude, without any cover, it was easier to attract nearby Shangfu.

But now, even if he wanted to go down, he was afraid that only Luoxi's windmill could get rid of these damn guys.

Mo Xun had no choice but to cast spells and try to delay while being driven in a certain direction by dozens of Shangfu.

This situation lasted for half an hour, but there was still flat grass under his feet, and even the big trees seemed to be pitifully scarce.

The fireball talisman in his hand had been used up, and the Shangfu birds behind him had gathered into forty or fifty.

If you look up from the ground, you will see such a spectacle.

A red light spot passed by quickly in the sky, with a long tail hanging behind it, like a giant python with a red head!

Just when he was about to repeat the old trick and had to use the self-destructing magic weapon to continue delaying the pursuit, he suddenly discovered that the Shangfu birds had stopped.

Then they flapped their wings, made a sharp and piercing cry, and turned back.

What happened?

Are they tired of chasing?

Mo Xun shook his head, a little confused for a moment.

He immediately stopped, and at the same time withdrew the fire phoenix beside him, looking at the black spots that were going away with a puzzled look.

After thinking for a while, he still had no clue.

But it was good this way, at least he was temporarily out of danger.

Then, he slowly landed on the ground. He didn't dare to fly in the air anymore!

But as soon as he landed on the ground, his heart suddenly jumped for no reason, and he looked around quickly.

On the dark ground, except for the green grass that covered his feet, there was nothing within the visible range of the naked eye.

He didn't dare to light it casually. In this dark night, it was tantamount to lighting a beacon to guide the Shangfu!

But then again, where did the uneasiness in his heart come from at that moment?

He closed his eyes slightly and sensed carefully, but found no trace of formations or prohibitions.

Of course, it is also possible that he was not familiar with formations and was unable to find them.

Then, he thought of the strangeness of the Shangfu just now, and he was a little confused for a while.

Could it be that there is some kind of terrifying existence here, and even those ferocious Shangfu birds dare not enter?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the greater the possibility seemed.

As soon as he thought of this, he quickly used the wind control technique and was about to leave this place.

No matter what kind of place this is, he didn't want to explore it.

Now, he just wanted to leave this weird dojo as soon as possible, and it would be best to leave the entire ancient ruins directly.

But before he took a few steps, there was a "crack" under his feet, as if he had stepped on a dry branch.

However, there was not even a tree in this area of ​​dozens of miles, so where did the dead branches come from?

He looked down and his heart sank immediately, because there was a pile of white bones scattered under his feet.

The reason why it was a pile, not just one, was because there were at least a dozen such bones in front of him, scattered on the ground in a mess.

Some of them had long been weathered and eroded.

In theory, it was no big deal to meet a dead person in such a place.

But he noticed some unusual details at the first time.

Those bones seemed too clean.

The cleanliness here does not mean cleanliness, but there is no sign of breakage on the half-complete skeleton.

What does this mean?

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of foul air.

The lack of breakage means that these people had never had a fierce fight before their death, and it also means that those Shang Fu birds did not damage these bones.

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