Luo Xi's graceful figure was looming under the purple gauze skirt, with straight long legs, flat belly, and high, slightly bulging chest.

Her fair skin set off her beautiful face.

This is a very seductive woman!

It seemed that this was the first time that Mo Xun admired her delicate body so quietly.

No, it should be the second time!

Unconsciously, he suddenly remembered the bold and somewhat shy figure beside the blood pool in Yuexing Palace.

After a long time, he slowly shook his head and discarded these inappropriate thoughts.

The restlessness of the mana in his body had gradually calmed down. Mo Xun raised his right hand and the fire phoenix flew out.

"Chi Lu, what happened just now?"

Mo Xun stared at the fire bird floating in the air, frowning more and more.

He could faintly hear that the fire phoenix probably wanted to express that there was an invisible force that wanted to peel it off.

Invisible force?

Magic array?

Mo Xun, with his hands behind his back, kept wandering in the green world, recounting every detail that had happened since he entered here.

He was about to take something out of his storage bag, but suddenly stopped, looked around, and then casually used his spiritual energy to cast a vague hemispherical ban around him, sealing off the area where he was.

Then, a ray of light flashed in his hand, and a scroll appeared.

"Gong Yang, I have a few questions to ask you!"

The portrait on the scroll seemed to have emotions, and said with some displeasure: "Call me senior!"

Mo Xun was in a terrible mood at this time, so he didn't have the time to argue with him.

"I'm trapped in a very strange formation now. Do you know what's going on?"

Gong Yang curled his lips, but it looked a little weird on the portrait with a bit of ethereal aura.

If Cang Kuo Zhenren was still alive, I wonder what he would think when he saw himself being abused like this.

Gong Yang scanned the area within his sight.

"Is this kind of restriction around you?"

Mo Xun shook his head and roughly told him about the formation arrangement outside, the abnormality in his body, and what he saw.

Gong Yang frowned after hearing this.

"Although I don't know what formation this is, I can be sure that there was no such formation that specifically harmed people before Cang Kuo sealed me."

Mo Xun was silent for a while. From this point of view, this formation was most likely set up by Cang Kuo after he reached the Nascent Soul stage, or even...

Even after he ascended to heaven, someone deliberately did it!

It seems that this Cang Kuo Taoist temple is really complicated.

At this moment, Gong Yang asked with some doubts: "Since this place is so evil, how come you are still safe and sound now?"

Mo Xun smiled: "As for this, there is no need for you to worry about it, senior!"

Gong Yang glanced at the vague restrictions around him again, his eyes turned, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment, Mo Xun had a flash of inspiration, and then asked: "Do you know the Shangfu bird outside?"

"Shangfu bird?"

Hearing this confused tone, Mo Xun hurriedly asked: "What about the Cangkuo monument?"

Obviously, Gong Yang was even more puzzled.

"What Cangkuo monument?"

Mo Xun was stunned in place, and in an instant, he seemed to have grasped some key points.

"Hey, kid, are you stupid?"

After a long time, Mo Xun said nothing, and slowly rolled up the scroll amid Gong Yang's dissatisfied roar.

According to his speculation, this dojo is probably not the trial place left by Cangkuo Zhenren for his disciples.

Or, maybe it was before, but it was changed later.

As for the purpose of the change, it is very likely the formation here!


Mo Xun whispered a few words, and he suddenly remembered the demon formation he had discovered with Luo Xi and Han Qiu before.

"Spiritual Blood Seizing Formation!"

This name, which sounds extremely sinister, is obviously not a good thing.

The "spirit" here is probably not some spiritual energy, but it is very likely to be...

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "It's a spiritual root or a spiritual object!"

Yes, yes, yes, if you think about it this way, it seems that everything makes sense!

He seemed to finally understand why the essence and blood had to be integrated into the inscription during the previous assessment.

As previously speculated, the role of the Cangkuo Tablet is not to test any cultivation, but a kind of selection, to select qualified spiritual root owners!

This also explains what Luo Xi and Han Qiu said.

Why is the easier the first round of challenges, the smaller the chance of survival in the dojo?

According to the level of spiritual roots, the Cangkuo Tablet divides the challengers into three, six, nine levels. The better the spiritual roots, the more they are selected, and naturally they cannot be allowed to die in the first round.

Those selected high-quality spiritual roots will be caught by the Shangfu Bird and thrown here for the formation to absorb.

As for those with weaker spiritual roots, they were the safest after they did not die tragically in the first round and luckily entered the dojo.

Now think about it, those Shangfu birds did not follow in here because they were not afraid of any terrifying existence, but they had already completed their mission.

In fact, he was forced into the formation by those damned Shangfu with premeditation.

Mo Xun exhaled a long breath of foul air.

In the first round of assessment, with his spiritual root qualifications, he should have been eliminated, and judging from the assessment objects at that time, it seems to indirectly confirm this point.

But why did the big stone man suddenly stop attacking in the end?

Mo Xun raised his head and looked at Huo Luan, who was playing like a child not far away.

He had thought of this reason before.

During the fight, it was because of the Xuantian True Fire that the stone man suddenly gave up resistance and dissipated on his own.

That is to say, the Cangkuo Monument not only selects high-quality spiritual roots, but also selects people with spiritual objects.

No wonder Huo Luan told him that when he was outside, it seemed as if there was an invisible force tearing it out of his body.

But... thinking about it this way is a bit too bizarre.

Whether it is the lifeless stone monument or the Shangfu bird without independent consciousness, do they have such high intelligence?

Mo Xun pondered again!

It seems that behind all this, there is a pair of invisible big hands controlling it.

Could the owner of this pair of hands be a demon?

But according to Luo Xi, didn't the demons disappear in this world a long time ago?

Or, this place was set up by the demons a long time ago, and it was abandoned until this tribe disappeared. However, due to the original setting, this place was in a state of ownerlessness.

After a moment, Mo Xun shook his head again. He clearly remembered that Luo Xi said that the demons disappeared much earlier than the time of Cang Kuo Zhenren.

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