Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 351 Hidden Disease

This sturdy bearded guest was naturally Mo Xun who came here in disguise.

He walked into a large shop, and behind the counter stood a graceful woman.

This person looked to be in his early twenties, but his cultivation was genuinely in the middle stage of foundation building.

This shop mainly deals in some marine products, especially the inner elixir of monsters and deep-sea spiritual medicines, which are both bought and sold.

Of course, it also deals in various things necessary for going out to sea.

The woman smiled and nodded at Mo Xun, and there was no need to explain, and a young Qi-refining person beside her hurried up to greet him.

At this time, there were five or six guests in the shop, whispering something with the waiters beside them.

"Hello, senior!"

The person who received Mo Xun was a young man at the fifth level of Qi-refining.

In this kind of place, there is no need to hide your cultivation, and sometimes showing some strength appropriately may deter the villains.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with a rosy glow, and he took out a jade slip and handed it to the visitor.

"Do you think you can get all the things here?"

The clerk took it with both hands respectfully, only looked at it on his forehead for a moment, then his face changed slightly, apologized, and hurriedly handed the jade slip to the woman behind the counter.

After reading it, the woman also looked at Mo Xun in surprise, and immediately showed a charming smile, walked out from behind the counter, and bowed to Mo Xun.

"I am sorry to have such a distinguished guest. Why don't you follow me to the second floor to discuss in detail?"

Following the woman's finger, there was a wooden staircase next to it, leading to the second-floor attic.

Mo Xun bowed his hands in return and nodded slightly.

The reason why he chose this kind of big store was that on the one hand, the things inside were complete, and on the other hand, he didn't have to worry too much about the other party having any bad intentions.

On the second floor, unlike the first floor, there were not all kinds of shelves and items, but it looked like a reception room, decorated in a simple and clean manner, with a table and chairs in the middle against the wall.

After the host and the guest sat down, a little maid came up and placed a cup of tea for each of them.

"I see that you are unfamiliar with me, what is your name?"


"So it is Su Daoyou, I am honored to be the manager of this pavilion, and those who are familiar with me should call me Sanniang!"

As Sanniang spoke, she picked up the teacup and invited Mo Xun.

However, Mo Xun never drank such unknown things when he was outside, so he just glanced at it and did not respond.

Sanniang smiled with her hands covering her mouth, and while talking, her eyes were always hooked to the opposite side intentionally or unintentionally, and her every frown and smile was full of charm.

But what she didn't know was that the person sitting opposite her at this time, although he had never driven a car, often touched the steering wheel.

Moreover, Mo Xun knew that such women usually practiced the art of seduction, so naturally, from the beginning, he kept his mind tight and would not give the other party any chance to take advantage of him.

"Well, since fellow Daoist doesn't like tea, let's just talk about business!"

This seemingly casual sentence, spoken by Sanniang, gave people a feeling of coquetry and a bit of resentment.

Sanniang took out the jade slip and placed it between the two of them.

"Those things of fellow Daoist Su are not rare, but their value is not low."

In this regard, Mo Xun was mentally prepared. After all, he had roughly inquired about it before coming in.

"Fairy, just quote directly!"

Sanniang quietly glared at the opposite side, pouting her little mouth, as if complaining about Mo Xun's lack of understanding of romance.

To be honest, it's not that she has never met such a cultivator, but the habit she has developed over the years makes her unconsciously have this little woman's attitude at any time!

It seems that she feels that only in this way can she please men more.

Don't you know that there are always a few exceptions among men in the world.

Sometimes, too much is as bad as too little, and it will only make people hate you.

Seeing that Mo Xun still had no reaction, Sanniang had to say angrily: "Since this is your first visit, I'll make friends with you. How about this, 18,000 spirit stones, I wonder if you can accept it?"

Although he had already prepared himself mentally, Mo Xun still frowned after hearing this number.

"Gong Yang, are you sure this method works?"

In his mind, Gong Yang smiled.

"There is no such thing as absolute certainty in the world. I just made a suggestion. As for whether to do it or not, it's up to you..."

Speaking of this, Gong Yang suddenly changed the subject.

"But your determination is really good. You can be so calm in front of such a charming beauty. If it were me, I would have been ecstatic. Sometimes I even have doubts. Do you have any hidden illness..."

Mo Xun snorted in his heart and ignored this unruly old thing.

Every time Gong Yang entered his body, he had no way to deal with this old guy.

Seeing the change in Mo Xun's expression, Sanniang thought that her price was too high, so she hurriedly said: "Let's not talk about other materials first. Just the two level 5 demon beast inner pills that Daoyou mentioned are not ordinary things. Each one is almost obtained by the lives of seafaring cultivators, so I spent a lot of money to collect them."

Mo Xun can understand this reason. After all, a level 5 demon beast is equivalent to the strength of the late foundation building.

Although demon beasts are not very intelligent, it is not so easy to hunt them.

After a while, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "Fairy, can you collect magic weapons here?"

Sanniang immediately understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Of course I will buy it, but our store is not an auction house, so I'm afraid you will suffer a loss in terms of price."

Mo Xun nodded, took out a storage bag and threw it over.

Sanniang's originally careless face opened her mouth in surprise when she saw more than 30 magic weapons in the bag, which filled half a bag.

She was able to cultivate to the middle stage of foundation building and run such a large store. She still has some vision.

There are only two reasons for being able to take out so many magic weapons at one time.

Either this person is a weapon refiner, or the other party is a killing god!

It is obvious that these magic weapons are of all styles, and the quality is uneven. How can they be from the same person?

Shocked in her heart, Sanniang secretly raised her head and glanced at Mo Xun quietly.

She confirmed again and again that the rough man in front of her was indeed only at the initial stage of foundation building.

So there are two explanations!

Either this person has hidden his cultivation, or this person's strength is far beyond the same level!

Facing this cultivator who is one level lower than herself, Sanniang's heart is trembling at this moment.

How many people must he have killed to have so many magic weapons?

She secretly thanked herself for not rashly offending the other party just now, otherwise, she would have made an invisible enemy.

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