Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 36 Accidental Injury

That day, Mo Xun was studying the recipe for the pill by the river.

He recently discovered a problem, that is, he seemed to be unable to make pills!

In desperation, he could only go to a nearby county and buy all the books on pharmacology.

It was also his fault that he left in a hurry and did not ask Su Yunyi for the specific method of making the Heart-Protecting Pill.

The recipe only mentioned the ratio of herbs and the boiling time.

As for what container to use, the temperature control, etc., he had no idea.

This was a bit difficult!

Obviously, he now faced two choices, either to go back to the Su family, or to wait until the herbs matured and slowly explore it himself.

To be honest, he really didn't want to go back to the Su family!

Therefore, he decided to try to figure out the method of making pills by studying the pharmacology of the mortal world.

From his superficial knowledge, there was actually not much difference between immortal pills and ordinary medicines. It was nothing more than the expensive materials and the difference in complexity.

One is seeking immortality, the other is curing illnesses and saving lives. The ultimate goal of both is to live longer.

Of course, he dared to implement such speculation, relying entirely on the miraculous effect of black soil in promoting birth.

As long as there are seeds, he can cultivate enough herbs for him to experiment.

Then the next step is nothing more than a matter of time.

At this moment, a familiar scream suddenly came from nearby, and he hurriedly followed the sound.

Finally, in a pit not far from the bamboo house, he saw Su Yunshang in a mess.

Su Yunshang was lying in the pit at this time, with messy hair and a new set of clothes that had just been changed, which was also scratched and tattered. There were dirt and weeds everywhere on her face and body.

Mo Xun thought that there were wild beasts in the mountains and encountered some danger!

"Are you okay?"

Yunshang was a little dizzy at this moment, and when she saw the blood on her trouser legs, her face turned pale instantly, and then tears flowed down.

Mo Xun jumped down and touched her leg bone. The little girl grimaced in pain and cried even harder.

"It's just a skin injury, no bone hurt!"

After saying that, without asking Su Yunshang's consent, he grabbed her collar from behind, like catching a chicken, and lifted her up without any sense of beauty. He jumped up and frightened Su Yunshang again.

Fortunately, the girl was slender, and coupled with Mo Xun's immortal physique, she was like a piece of clothing in his hand.

After returning to the bamboo house, Mo Xun threw her on the bed and said lightly: "Wait a minute!"

When he came out, he already had a few porcelain bottles and a piece of white cloth in his hands.

Without asking for the other party's consent, Mo Xun directly pulled her calf and tore it hard. The trouser legs under the skirt were easily torn open by him, revealing her fair and smooth skin, but there was a cut of an inch on it, and it was still bleeding.

What he didn't notice was that Su Yunshang's pale face was full of astonishment, and her body seemed to be acupunctured, so stiff that she couldn't move at all.

"I'll pour some medicine on it, you hold it and don't move!"

Su Yunshang's mind was buzzing, how could she hear what Mo Xun was saying?

Even if she heard it, she would have to say that this girl couldn't move even if she wanted to!

Then, Mo Xun grabbed her ankle again to prevent her from struggling suddenly, and then slowly sprinkled white powder on the wound.

During this period, the surroundings were so quiet that it was almost suffocating.

After bandaging, Mo Xun looked at her curiously, thinking that this girl's endurance was good. If it were someone else, even if they didn't shout, they would probably hum twice.

"Don't see water these days, it will be fine after half a month!"

Su Yunshang still didn't speak, but tears were already flowing down.

I have been pure and innocent for more than ten years, and you have tarnished my purity. Woohoo...

Seeing this beautiful woman with tears in her eyes, Mo Xun's heart softened. He comforted her: "Don't worry, this bottle of medicine is a secret recipe, it won't leave scars!"

But the moment he stood up, he added: "Of course... Even if there is a scar, it won't be visible on the leg!"

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