Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 363 Delivery Mission

In fact, this kind of thing is inevitable. If it were him, he would also be on guard against such a person of unknown origin.

Mo Xun looked at the dark-skinned boy and asked, "Your name is Liu Jing?"

"Yes!" Liu Jing knelt down.

"Your name is Qu Ming?" Another boy with a more childish look also answered yes and knelt down.

"You two follow me in first, and then tell me in detail."

After a stick of incense, Mo Xun roughly understood the whole story.

These two people were a group of new outer disciples who were promoted in the past two years. They were mediocre in talent. They had been in the sect before, doing some miscellaneous things, and had not encountered any opportunities. Therefore, although they had been in the sect for a long time, they were still lingering in the early stage of Qi Refining.

"Did the headmaster tell you anything specific?"

Liu Jing was obviously more lively and answered immediately: "No, he just asked the two of us to follow the instructions of Elder Lin."

After Mo Xun pondered for a moment, he said lightly: "In this case, you should settle down temporarily around my cave. I will set up another formation outside. You two should take care of the medicine field for me first! If there is anything, I will summon you!"

The two looked at each other and were about to bow and leave, but when they turned around, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "By the way, do you get the resources for your cultivation from the sect, or am I responsible for it?"

"It is distributed by the sect!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and then smiled slightly: "Okay, I know, as long as you work hard, you will not be treated unfairly!"

The two heard the words, and their faces were happy.

Everyone knows that working with such an elder, even a little bit of the resources exposed between the fingers of others is enough for them to practice.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, Mo Xun's mouth curled up into a cold smile.

Although he didn't mind this kind of surveillance, it didn't mean he could tolerate it!

But for now, it seemed that this was the only way!

"Gong Yang, it seems that the three or two years you said before, you can find what I want, I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Gong Yang's disdainful response came from Mo Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Who knew that the Liangyi Sect was so stingy, isn't it just the Dot Array Dao, and you're still stingy, what points do you need to exchange! Thinking back to the past, although the old Taoist Cang Kuo was not very good, he had nothing to say to his disciples, he gave them the techniques and treasures!"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. Cang Kuo Zhenren was nothing more than a casual cultivator, how could he compare with the authentic sect?

He came to the insect room, settled Ziyou Qingfu and the boundary-breaking insect, and spent another two days to open up a hidden medicinal field outside the cave, planted some spiritual flowers and herbs, expanded the range of the magic circle, and finally refined two entry and exit tokens. After telling Liu Jing and Qu Ming, he returned to the secret room.

At this moment, two figures were sitting cross-legged in the dim stone room. If you observe carefully, you will be surprised and speechless.

Because these two people, whether in clothing or appearance, are almost the same as Mo Xun.

Mo Xun walked over, quickly pinched a few Taoist formulas, and suddenly two rays of light shot out from his head. In the blink of an eye, they sank into the bodies of the two people in front of him.

Then, the two "Mo Xuns" who originally looked lifeless and like corpses suddenly opened their eyes, but their eyes were dull and confused, without a trace of spirit, like puppets controlled by others.

Mo Xun saw this scene and couldn't help but frown and asked, "Gong Yang, what's going on?"

"When the incarnation is just activated, it's like this. When your consciousness completely controls the body, it will be no different from ordinary people."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, looking at the two people in front of him, as if looking in the mirror.

After a long time, he slowly said, "I'll leave it to you for the next period of time!"

The two puppets nodded mechanically and closed their eyes again, but then, a layer of faint yellow and blue fluorescence lingered around their bodies.

Mo Xun now can only practice the other two spiritual root attributes for the time being because he lacks the gold attribute method.

After coming out of the secret room, he hurried into the alchemy room.

Ten days later, in the hall of the cave.

Mo Xun sat in the main seat at the top, and Liu Jing and Qu Ming stood below. The two Qi-refining boys were standing upright.

At this moment, to put it nicely, their identities are those of outer disciples, but to put it bluntly, they are nothing more than slaves!

Mo Xun suddenly waved his long sleeves, and a storage bag and a token flew out of the air, just falling into the hands of the two.

"You two, go to the mission hall now, hand in my last mission, and receive the next mission at the same time. The spirit stones are ready. Just follow the requirements of the on-duty elders."

The two bowed and agreed, and left.

Mo Xun was naturally not afraid that they would run away with the things. With such a large sect, where could two Qi-refining masters run away?

Although he didn't like the intention of the headmaster Sun, he did a good thing after all. At least he didn't have to run errands for some small things.

However, when he waited for a day and a night, but still didn't see the two people, he began to murmur.

Could these two guys really be so bold?

Just as he was about to cast a spell and sense the mark he left behind, there was a sudden fluctuation in the formation barrier, and two figures slowly walked in.

"Elder Lin, the things are back!"

Mo Xun took the storage bag and token with one hand.

"Why did you take so long?"

Although there was no blame in his tone, because of his realm, he was naturally majestic.

Liu Jing's body trembled and he knelt down unconsciously. Even Qu Ming beside him was a little scared.

"Report to Elder Lin, the two of us rushed all the way and never slacked off. We didn't even close our eyes for a day and a night..."

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately realized that it seemed that he was wrong about this matter.

This round trip seemed not far, but that was for him after all!

These two people probably didn't even practice the wind control technique so well. With their speed, they really tried their best to get back so quickly!

Looking at the two people trembling with fear below, Mo Xun suddenly felt compassion in his heart. He thought about how he had faced the high-level cultivators before!

After a long while, Mo Xun said gently: "Let's get up first... Is there a place in our sect that rents or sells spiritual beasts?"

This time it was Qu Ming who answered: "Yes, the Tianlingjian can rent them, and the sect's market also sells them."

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