"Brother Lin's Liuhe formation seems to have some merits!"

The man in front of him, who was at the initial stage of foundation building, looked very young and handsome.

As for the fact that the other party could see the formation outside at a glance, Mo Xun was not surprised after seeing Dong Qianxue's previous experience.

This Liangyi Sect does have some skills in formation.

But when it comes to merits, Mo Xun felt that the other party was scolding him!

A random foundation building cultivator could come in and out as if he was in an empty space, so his little thing seemed to have become a decoration.

It's hard to say, after a while, I have to find another high-level formation!

"Brother Li, you are too polite, I am just showing off my skills in front of an expert!"

The two chatted casually like this, and if the other party didn't say what he was here for, Mo Xun wouldn't bother asking.

"I heard that Senior Sister Dong has come to see Senior Brother?"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then he realized that the Senior Sister the other party was talking about must be Dong Qianxue!

"In that case, Senior Brother must have guessed the purpose of my trip?"

Mo Xun forced a smile. When did he become a hot commodity!

"So, Senior Brother agreed to join Yuding Hall?"

Mo Xun thought about it and said carefully: "It's not an agreement. It can only be said that a deal was reached with Fairy Dong!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan's face did not show disappointment. Instead, he picked up the tea bowl slowly and blew away the mist on it.

"Brother, this spiritual tea is good!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows in confusion. He didn't know what the other party was trying to say, so he could only agree: "If you like it, you can take some with you when you leave later."

Li Xuan took a sip and said: "Brother, you seem to need points recently!"

Listening to the other party's words, Mo Xun became even more confused.

Which disciple in the sect doesn't need points?

Points are directly linked to cultivation resources. Isn't it for everyone to join the sect to get more resources?

Li Xuan continued: "I'm afraid that brother doesn't know that the Mission Hall is actually under the jurisdiction of my Sanqing Hall."

Hearing this, the smile on Mo Xun's face suddenly froze on his face.

The threat in the other party's mouth couldn't be more obvious!

"Junior brother, what do you mean? I'm sorry I'm not very clear."

Li Xuan put down the teacup, paused and said, "Let's put it this way, the Jindan elders of this hall hope that you can change your mind. Even if you don't join our Sanqing Hall, you can't fight for other families at the Fengyi Conference."

Mo Xun raised his head and met Li Xuan's unquestionable eyes. He suddenly laughed twice.

"What if I don't agree?"

Li Xuan smiled coldly.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to get points in the future!"

Mo Xun also sneered in his heart. When has he ever compromised with such a threat in his life?

Not to mention that he has already agreed to Dong Qianxue, even if there was no Yuding Hall before, he couldn't accept this person's attitude.

After a moment, Mo Xun said coldly: "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, brother. I've always kept my word, but I've never regretted my promise."

Instantly, the two looked at each other. If eyes could kill, the frozen air must have experienced several rounds of fighting.

"In that case, I hope you can take care of yourself, brother!"

Without even saying goodbye, Li Xuan stood up and left.

Looking at the other person's back, Mo Xun clenched his fists in hatred. If he hadn't been in this sect, he would have killed a lot of people long ago!

A mere foundation-building initial stage dared to be so presumptuous in front of him!

"Hehe, kid, your previous plan seems to be ruined!"

After being angry, Mo Xun naturally knew the trouble of the matter, and couldn't help but sigh.

He really didn't expect that a dignified cultivator would actually use such a shameless method.

"There is no way. From the information collected by Liu Jing, the Mission Hall temporarily belongs to Sanqing Hall, the Martial Arts Hall belongs to Ziguang Hall, and the Formation Pavilion belongs to Yuding Hall. No matter which one I choose, I will always be troubled." Gong Yang pondered and said, "That's true. Do you have any countermeasures?" Mo Xun shook his head and wandered around in the cave. "Now, I can only go to the Martial Arts Hall and exchange the Martial Arts before Ziguang Hall comes to me, so as to avoid changes later!" After saying this, he hurried out. Originally, he planned to do more tasks and accumulate more points so that he could exchange for a higher-level Martial Arts. Who knew that this dignified Seven Star Sect was so dirty! Fortunately, he had been refining pills for several days in the past few months and had hardly rested. So far, he has accumulated nearly 10,000 points. ... In the Martial Arts Hall, there was still the old man who was drunk and drinking alone. This time, without the other party saying anything, Mo Xun handed over the token on his own initiative, and then a lazy voice came.

"What do you want to exchange?"

"Gold-attributed skills!"

The old man took a sip of wine, raised his eyelids, and said indifferently: "It's you, you have accumulated enough points so quickly?"

Mo Xun was about to reply, but the other party held the token in his hand, and a green light flashed. The old man frowned and looked at him in surprise.

"Nine thousand three hundred and eighty points?"

The other party's eyes clearly said: "You are so bold that you even dare to fake the points!"

Then, the old man solemnly put down the wine cup and carefully checked it again.

"Strange... Strange..."

"Fellow Daoist, can I exchange the skills now?" Seeing that the old man frowned and just muttered to himself, Mo Xun urged him.

The old man pondered for a while, then asked doubtfully: "What earth-shattering things did fellow Daoist do that the sect rewarded so many points at once?"

Mo Xun smiled dumbly: "I saved the daughter of the headmaster, is it okay?"

"Just you?"

The old man blurted out immediately, with a look of disbelief, and then stroked his beard and muttered to himself again.

"Why don't I remember that the headmaster has a daughter?"

Mo Xun knocked on the table impatiently, secretly complaining that this old man was drunk and stupid!

Liangyi Sect is such a big sect, but they actually found a drunkard to look after such an important place!

"Fellow Daoist, my time is limited, please hurry up."

The old man looked at the token in his hand and asked hesitantly: "What level of skills do you need?"

"I wonder if there is a list for me to choose from?"

The old man then threw out a jade slip, which happened to fall into Mo Xun's hands.


Thank you all fellow Daoists for your support, Sanchi would like to thank you here!

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