"It's almost there. With a few more days of refinement, it should be fine!"

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. In this regard, his knowledge was limited, so naturally he couldn't help the other party. Moreover, now his focus was all on forming pills, and he couldn't be distracted by this.

There was a hint of exhaustion in Gongyang's tone.

In fact, it is understandable. After all, it is not easy to modify the technique, let alone such a mysterious technique?

I'm afraid the other party has also racked his brains in the past few years.

In Mo Xun's heart, he secretly admired it and wondered if he would have such understanding when he reached such a state.

"In that case, you should rest for a while first. Next, I will go on a long journey. You can choose to continue the retreat, or enter my body and come with me to see it."

Afterwards, Mo Xun gave a brief summary of what he had just discussed with Hu Weizhou.

To be honest, he really needed this person's advice.

"...the polar sea of ​​thunder?"

"Exactly, have you heard of this place?"

The figure in the scroll is slightly frowning. If you are not familiar with it, you may be frightened by this strange scene.

"This is a dangerous place, and it is said that there seems to be nothing useful in it."

Mo Xun had heard Hu Weizhou say these words before.

The so-called Polar Thunder Sea is a very strange place in the Eastern Region. As for the time when it took shape, there is no way to verify it.

The inside is covered in thunder and lightning all year round, just like an ocean of light and electricity.

So far, no one can tell clearly what the source of those thunder and lightning is, and it has been verified by countless people that the place is not a secret realm, but a lifeless dead land.

Generally speaking, except for monks with the Leilinggen attribute, who will conduct some special training there, normal people will not go to that kind of place if they are fine.

But it’s important to note that just because normal people won’t go there, it doesn’t mean there’s no one there.

Some extremely vicious people who have nowhere to go will often try their best to hide in them when they are being hunted.

As a result, two results will occur.

Either he will be buried in the sea of ​​thunder, or he will be lucky enough to escape.

But this point is in line with the style of the old demon.

After this person became famous, he killed many monks of the same level due to his arrogance and arrogance. Naturally, he had many enemies. In order to survive when he was seriously injured, it was really possible to go to such a place.

In other words, generally those who can appear in the sea of ​​thunder are probably these two types of people.

One is a thunder attribute monk, and the other is a violent and violent person.

If it's the former, it's fine. Once you encounter the latter, you may have to sleep here without any reason.

In addition, the thunder and lightning are dangerous!

No matter which angle you look at it, this trip is obviously not going to be easy.

"What do you mean?"

Gongyang pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "I guess even if I don't agree with you going, it will be useless, right?"

Mo Xunqian laughed twice, what he said was true.

With his character, once he makes a decision, he will probably not change it unless something changes.

Just listen to Gongyang continue to say: "Forget it, I will accompany you this time. I have been in seclusion for so long, so it's time to relax."

Next, Gongyang told all the memories about the polar thunder sea in his mind, and at the same time made some simple response plans for Mo Xun.

The two of them are now one, and if something happens to Mo Xun, he will naturally not be much better.

In the following period, Mo Xun made several moves, generously purchasing hundreds of thousands of points and redeeming all the formations he needed.

He originally thought that this abnormality would arouse Yue Wusi's reverie, but unexpectedly, every transaction with the other party seemed to be the same as before, and he never asked out of curiosity once.

It was so weird that he didn't understand the reason until three months later.

Fortunately, such a big fanfare did not arouse the sect's suspicion.

In other words, someone was already investigating him privately, but he just didn't know it.

He dared to take such a risk out of sheer desperation. The worst he could do was never return to Liang Yi Sect after this trip.

In addition to this incident, he also frequently went to Baisha City, on the one hand to inquire about all the information related to the Polar Thunder Sea, and on the other hand, to participate in various auctions and exchange meetings.

Gongyang made him a list, which included many magic weapons to resist thunder and lightning, as well as some amulets.

On these foundations, Mo Xun added some more in a prepared manner.

He purchased more than a hundred kinds of elixirs, including defensive ones, offensive ones, long-distance escape ones, and detoxifying ones, just to quickly restore mana and heal wounds.

For a time, the news that the mysterious monk spent a lot of money spread quickly in Baisha City.

However, it was only after he left that these things gradually aroused heated discussion among some people within a certain range.

After several previous adventures, he became more and more optimistic about preparing for a rainy day.

Not to mention how much these things can be used, but he knows that if they can be put to some use, it is likely to save his life.

Moreover, over the years, he has been refining elixirs for the sect. Based on his elixir-making rate, he would withhold more or less elixirs from each batch. Over time, he has accumulated a lot.

Keeping it on your body is obviously useless!

In addition, in the green gourd, although there were not many thousand-year-old spiritual grasses, there were still quite a few that were hundreds of years old, and he had all replaced them with spiritual stones.

As for the medicines that are over two or three thousand years old, he dared not use them at all. This kind of thing has already exceeded the scope of ordinary spiritual medicine. I am afraid that if he takes it out at noon, someone will come to find it before night.

His current realm is still too low.

A child holding a jade wall is a kind of original sin!

In addition, the income from refining pills for others in the past few years is also a considerable reward. With the previous accumulation, although he bought a lot of things, it is still nothing to his wealth.

In addition, after the last time in Yuexing Palace, he naturally learned his lesson this time.

Not only did he buy a complete set of materials, but he also spent a lot of money to purchase many categories of refining books and experiences. It is always better to be prepared!

After doing all this, he was still not at ease, and he also bought a lot of unconventional things at the exchange meeting.

There were some that could sense the demonic energy, locate the direction, and break the mark, as well as the strange talisman that Dong Qianxue used to search for the formation restriction last time. He also spent some time to inquire about it.

In short, for this trip, he did everything he could think of and did his best.

Gong Yang was secretly shocked.

"Where did this kid come from? He actually has such a rich fortune. Could it be that while he was in seclusion, the other party secretly did something and robbed the treasure house of Liangyi Sect, or dug up their spiritual mines?"

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