Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 404: Encountering the Thunder Beast Again

In addition, every half an hour, some Tianhuang crystal stones will appear. Many foreign cultivators here come for this thing.

During this process, Mo Xun has been a spectator, and from time to time, he scans the crowd on the field.

Most of them are foundation-building cultivators. I guess this auction should have a cultivation limit.

As for Jindan cultivators, he didn't see any.

Perhaps those old monsters with noble status are all concentrated in the box on the second floor.

Around the venue, there are seven or eight vigilant late-stage masters wandering around. It seems that the strength of this Lansheng Pavilion cannot be underestimated.

"The next auction item, although it is not a rare treasure in Qianguang City, it is rare for friends who come from afar."

After the host said this, he smiled sweetly, and his white palm gently brushed across his waist. In the center of the stage, an object completely covered by black cloth appeared, just floating quietly in the air.

As soon as this object appeared, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Because there was a faint flash of lightning outside the black cloth, as if it was wrapped in a lightning ball.

"This is... the inner elixir of the thunder beast!"

After a moment of silence, someone finally broke the silence and shouted it out first.

Hearing this name, Mo Xun suddenly became interested.

He still clearly remembered that when he was in the Moon Star Palace, the pool of sky blood thunder liquid was mixed with the blood essence of the thunder beast, right?

He didn't expect that after so many years, he would encounter this thing again.

But it's easy to understand. This place is close to the polar thunder sea. That place should be the most suitable for the habitat of this beast?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the effect of the unicorn liquid.

After soaking in it, he did feel the widening of his meridians, and he was able to make rapid progress in his subsequent cultivation. I'm afraid there are some factors in it.

And according to Luo Xi, this thunder beast can help cultivators resist the heavenly tribulation.

Another point is that the Xuantian True Fire in his body had a mutation of thunder attribute because it absorbed the essence of the Qilin Liquid.

And this mutation is obviously an improvement!

So no matter from which angle, this Thunder Beast Inner Pill is a good thing.

The female cultivator who presided over the auction smiled and introduced: "It seems that many Taoist friends have recognized this thing. This is indeed the Thunder Beast Inner Pill, and it is a level 5 Thunder Beast!"

"Level 5?"

There was a slight commotion in the audience, but that was all!

Mo Xun looked around and thought that this kind of thing, as the host said, was not too rare in this Qianguang City.

If this thing was placed in Baisha City, it would cause quite a stir.

I'm afraid it's because of the level 5 that it attracted some people's attention.

"Since everyone knows it, I won't say much. The base price is 2,000 spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 200!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone started to raise a sign.

In just a dozen breaths, the price was pushed up to 6,800 spirit stones.

At this point, the number of people bidding obviously decreased.

"Seven thousand spirit stones!"

A rough, somewhat hoarse voice sounded in the corner.

The one who made the bid was naturally Mo Xun, who had been patient for a long time.

Although he had not yet decided whether to use the item himself or give it to Chi Li, his calm eyes were already full of determination to win.

But soon after his voice fell, the price reached 8,000 spirit stones.

At this time, there were only two or three people holding up placards in the venue.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart and directly shouted out 10,000 spirit stones!

"Boy, what do you want to do again?"

Mo Xun touched his chin with a bit of stubble, stared at the inner pill with burning eyes, and ignored Gong Yang's question.

As soon as this price was announced, the hall immediately became much quieter.

Some people then noticed Mo Xun in the corner, especially Yue Wusi and others, who turned their heads to look at him.

Because the Thunder Star Plate had never appeared, the five people had not bid for it until now.

This price was actually quite high.

Some people wanted to bid for this item, in fact, they wanted to take the inner elixir back to the inland to make a profit.

However, due to regional differences, this thing is at most about ten thousand spirit stones in other places.

In other words, this price has exceeded its value.

However, Mo Xun obviously didn't care much about these things. In his opinion, the value of things depends more on their use.

After the commotion in the venue, no one bid with him anymore.

But just when he thought that this price was already a sure thing, a lazy voice came down from the second floor.

"Eleven thousand spirit stones!"

Everyone's eyes turned to one of the boxes again.

And Mo Xun's brows also frowned slightly.

If he heard correctly, this person was the young man in fancy clothes who had staged a farce not long ago.

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then added another two hundred spirit stones.

But before the host could speak, the person upstairs directly added twelve thousand.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Fifteen thousand spirit stones!"

The whole venue suddenly became lively.

The atmosphere at this moment was even more noisy than when the inner elixir appeared before.

The faces of the people present also had different expressions.

There were those who were curious about the identities of the two people, and there were those who smiled and watched coldly, and so on!

No matter whether they were mortals or cultivators, they always loved to watch the excitement, especially this kind of competition, which was the most entertaining.

"Sixteen thousand spirit stones!"

On the second floor, the voice was still full of laziness and a hint of disdain.

Mo Xun was not annoyed, and added another two thousand without hesitation.

But after the other party shouted out twenty thousand spirit stones, Mo Xun did not raise the card again.

Although he was very interested, he was not an impulsive fool.

After the host announced the result, the young man in gorgeous clothes snorted coldly, but did not say much.

The two had a brief confrontation, and after another auction item appeared, they gradually faded out of the sight of the others.

However, in Mo Xun's heart, he silently remembered the Wenyuan Qian family.

Not long after that, Hu Weizhou bid for a set of six pieces of thunder star plates with six thousand spirit stones, which were of good grade. He could sense the position of his companions within a range of seven or eight miles.

The cost was naturally shared equally by the five people.

About halfway through the auction, the hostess suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"The next item is different from any of the previous ones. It is one of the highlights of this auction. I'm sure some of you have heard about it before and are probably already anxious!"

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