Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 407 The Yellow Bird is Behind

In the next few days, the five people searched around carefully in fear.

Mo Xun was more and more curious.

How did Hu Weizhou find such a place?

I'm afraid that at this moment, Mo Xun was not the only one who had this question.

At the same time, another group of people appeared in the sea of ​​thunder.

The reason why they were called people was because they came by car.

The treasure car they were riding was two feet in size, and in front, it was pulled by three level four thunder beasts in the shape of a "PIN" character.

Each of these thunder beasts was the size of a yak.

There were strange runes carved on the outside of the treasure car, and a lightning flag was inserted on each corner, and a layer of faint light was flowing around it.

After the lightning hit it, it was blocked by the light and disappeared.

The inside of the treasure car was luxuriously decorated, with couches in separate rooms and seats in the hall, just like a small walking palace.

At this moment, in a fairly spacious bedroom, a ridiculous scene of spring is being staged.

A man with his upper body naked and two women who are also scantily dressed are smiling and drinking, and they are so gorgeous.

The man's two palms wandered on the white skin of the women on the left and right from time to time, teasing the two beauties to be shy and intoxicated.

But it was strange that there was a rumble outside the treasure car, but inside, there were obscene sounds and erotic words.

Presumably, there was a magic circle outside the frame of this luxurious car to isolate the sound.

But turning his eyes to a corner of the room, it was a little weird.

In the corner, there was a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and skin as white as cream sitting upright.

But at this moment, this woman seemed to be cast a spell of immobilization and could not move.

A pair of beautiful eyes were tightly closed, as if she was avoiding something.

A touch of pink extends from her fair cheeks to her slender neck. Her frowning brows show not only pain, but also a bit of shy anger.

"Although I am lustful, I never use force. Otherwise, do you think you can still live until now?"

The beautiful woman was not moved at all when she heard this, but smiled coldly.

"Are you afraid that I will cut off my meridians and ruin your good fortune?"

The young man was not annoyed. His two restless hands were still groping up and down on both sides, which immediately made the woman next to him cry softly and lie on his legs.

"You don't have to anger me. After this matter is over, I will take you back to the mansion to taste the ecstasy of love. By then, you will be begging me, hahaha..."

Amidst a burst of laughter, the treasure car still drove calmly in the vast sea of ​​thunder.

Even though the outside world was like the end of the world, it was extremely stable under the guidance of the three thunder beasts.

In this sea of ​​thunder, there was no grass growing, and the terrain was not flat. Hills and valleys could be seen everywhere, and there were many towering mountains.

However, no one had set foot on these mountains for many years. After all, the higher the place, the greater the probability of being struck by lightning.

But these mountains often hide some unknown secrets.

At this moment, Mo Xun and his party, led by Hu Weizhou, crossed the mountains and ridges.

What they didn't realize was that there were two people quietly following them dozens of miles behind them.

"Nan Ran, can you be sure that this person is the one who escaped from your hands that year?"

The man called Nan Ran had half of his face covered by a golden mask.

And the person who spoke was wearing a red mask.

"No mistake. Although this person has concealed his appearance, I will never forget his aura even after a hundred years."

The red-faced man looked into the distance and said, "If that's the case, it means that this kid really got some inheritance in the Cangkuo Dojo, otherwise his advancement speed would not be so fast."

Speaking of this, the red-faced man pondered for a moment.

"In forty years, from just building the foundation to the peak of the foundation, there are such geniuses, but they are still a minority."

Nan Ran on the side gritted his teeth in hatred, his eyes full of resentment.

Since he was seriously injured by Mo Xun forty years ago, it took him ten years to recover.

But perhaps because of that injury, his cultivation stagnated, and until now, he is still trapped in the late stage. Not to mention the formation of the elixir, he has never even touched the threshold of the peak of the foundation.

Sometimes, it is fate that plays tricks on people.

If it weren't for that kid at the time, his face would probably not be the golden color it is now.

After a moment, Nan Ran said hesitantly, "It's just that the people around him are probably not easy to deal with."

The red-faced man smiled lightly.

"Just a few ants with slightly longer tentacles, what big waves can they make?"

Nan Ran looked at the other party with envy, and asked tentatively, "Then according to Mei Protector, should we start now?"

Mei Protector waved his hand and let the lightning fall on him.

"No hurry, this group of people must have other purposes here, why not wait a little longer, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

After saying this, the two of them continued to follow without a sound.

Just when they had just walked a short distance, another group of three people appeared at the position where the two had just stood.

Two of these three people were in the late stage of foundation building, and one was in the middle stage.

One of the middle-aged men with sword eyebrows and star eyes frowned and looked around in confusion.

"What's wrong, Brother Wen?"

The man surnamed Wen closed his eyes, sensed for a while, and then said solemnly: "At least two groups of people passed by here just now."

The fat man next to him also showed a bit of solemnity on his face, but after a moment, he relaxed again.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. Although this place is desolate, there are still some adventurous guys who come here to look for opportunities."

The man surnamed Wen nodded and said, "It should be so, but it doesn't hurt to be careful."

The short and fat man smiled and played with the two iron galls in his hand.

The iron galls were the size of a baby's fist and smooth as a mirror.

"Brother Wen has sacrificed his daughter this time. If we fail, it will be unfair."

"Humph! For revenge, what does my daughter matter? As I said before, I only want Qian Tongtian's head. As for the rest, you two can take it. So I hope you can help me!"

"Brother Wen, don't worry. My two brothers have taken your benefits, so we won't be lazy."


After half a day, Hu Weizhou suddenly stopped on a flat place and happily sent a message to everyone: "We found the first array eye!"

The other four people hurried over and surrounded him.

Yue Wusi looked around and spoke first: "Yes, there are indeed some array fluctuations in this place."

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